daemonset/nonrbac/fluentd.yaml in fluent-plugin-kubernetes_sumologic-2.3.2 vs daemonset/nonrbac/fluentd.yaml in fluent-plugin-kubernetes_sumologic-2.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -14,38 +14,1511 @@
- name: pos-files
path: /var/run/fluentd-pos
type: ""
+ # User data 1 mount point for Kubernetes running in OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)
+ - name: "u01"
+ hostPath:
+ path: /u01
- name: host-logs
path: /var/log/
- name: docker-logs
path: /var/lib/docker
+ - name: fluentd-sumologic-config
+ configMap:
+ name: fluentd-sumologic-config
- - image: sumologic/fluentd-kubernetes-sumologic:v2.3.2
+ - image: sumologic/fluentd-kubernetes-sumologic:latest
name: fluentd
imagePullPolicy: Always
+ - name: fluentd-sumologic-config
+ mountPath: /fluentd/etc
- name: host-logs
mountPath: /mnt/log/
readOnly: true
- name: host-logs
mountPath: /var/log/
readOnly: true
- name: docker-logs
mountPath: /var/lib/docker/
readOnly: true
+ - name: "u01"
+ mountPath: /u01
+ readOnly: true
- name: pos-files
mountPath: /mnt/pos/
name: sumologic
key: collector-url
+ # Improve GC for memory limited envs like docker.
+ value: "0.9"
- operator: "Exists"
- effect: "NoSchedule"
key: "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ConfigMap
+ name: fluentd-sumologic-config
+ labels:
+ app: fluentd-sumologic
+ out.sumo.conf: |-
+ <match **>
+ @type sumologic
+ log_key log
+ endpoint "#{ENV['COLLECTOR_URL']}"
+ verify_ssl "#{ENV['VERIFY_SSL']}"
+ log_format "#{ENV['LOG_FORMAT']}"
+ flush_interval "#{ENV['FLUSH_INTERVAL']}"
+ num_threads "#{ENV['NUM_THREADS']}"
+ open_timeout 60
+ add_timestamp "#{ENV['ADD_TIMESTAMP']}"
+ timestamp_key "#{ENV['TIMESTAMP_KEY']}"
+ proxy_uri "#{ENV['PROXY_URI']}"
+ </match>
+ fluent.file.conf: |-
+ <match fluent.**>
+ @type null
+ </match>
+ <source>
+ @type monitor_agent
+ bind
+ port 24220
+ </source>
+ @include /fluentd/etc/file.source.*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/user/*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/out.sumo.conf
+ fluent.forward.conf: |-
+ ## built-in TCP input
+ ## $ echo <json> | fluent-cat <tag>
+ <source>
+ @type forward
+ @id forward_input
+ </source>
+ <source>
+ @type monitor_agent
+ bind
+ port 24220
+ </source>
+ @include /fluentd/etc/forward.source.*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/user/*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/out.sumo.conf
+ fluent.systemd.conf: |-
+ <match fluent.**>
+ @type null
+ </match>
+ <source>
+ @type monitor_agent
+ bind
+ port 24220
+ </source>
+ @include /fluentd/etc/systemd.source.*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/user/*.conf
+ @include /fluentd/etc/out.sumo.conf
+ file.source.containers.conf: |-
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format json
+ time_key "#{ENV['TIME_KEY']}"
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-containers.log.pos
+ time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
+ tag containers.*
+ read_from_head "#{ENV['READ_FROM_HEAD']}"
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter containers.**>
+ @type concat
+ key log
+ multiline_start_regexp "#{ENV['MULTILINE_START_REGEXP']}"
+ separator "#{ENV['CONCAT_SEPARATOR']}"
+ timeout_label @NORMAL
+ </filter>
+ <match containers.**>
+ @type relabel
+ @label @NORMAL
+ </match>
+ <label @NORMAL>
+ <filter containers.**>
+ @type kubernetes_metadata
+ @log_level warn
+ annotation_match ["sumologic\.com.*"]
+ de_dot false
+ bearer_token_file "#{ENV['K8S_METADATA_FILTER_BEARER_TOKEN_FILE']}"
+ tag_to_kubernetes_name_regexp '.+?\.containers\.(?<pod_name>[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$'
+ merge_json_log false
+ </filter>
+ <filter containers.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_name "#{ENV['SOURCE_NAME']}"
+ source_host "#{ENV['SOURCE_HOST']}"
+ log_format "#{ENV['LOG_FORMAT']}"
+ kubernetes_meta "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_META']}"
+ kubernetes_meta_reduce "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_META_REDUCE']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ source_category "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY']}"
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ source_category_replace_dash "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_REPLACE_DASH']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_pod_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_POD_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_container_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ @include /fluentd/etc/out.sumo.conf
+ </label>
+ file.source.docker.conf: |-
+ # Examples:
+ # time="2016-02-04T06:51:03.053580605Z" level=info msg="GET /containers/json"
+ # time="2016-02-04T07:53:57.505612354Z" level=error msg="HTTP Error" err="No such image: -f" statusCode=404
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format /^time="(?<time>[^)]*)" level=(?<severity>[^ ]*) msg="(?<message>[^"]*)"( err="(?<error>[^"]*)")?( statusCode=($<status_code>\d+))?/
+ time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
+ path /var/lib/docker.log
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-docker.log.pos
+ tag docker
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter docker.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category docker
+ source_name k8s_docker
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ </filter>
+ file.source.kubernetes.conf: |-
+ # Example:
+ # 2015-12-21 23:17:22,066 [salt.state ][INFO ] Completed state [net.ipv4.ip_forward] at time 23:17:22.066081
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format /^(?<time>[^ ]* [^ ,]*)[^\[]*\[[^\]]*\]\[(?<severity>[^ \]]*) *\] (?<message>.*)$/
+ time_format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
+ path /mnt/log/salt/minion
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-salt.pos
+ tag salt
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter salt.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category salt
+ source_name k8s_salt
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Example:
+ # Dec 21 23:17:22 gke-foo-1-1-4b5cbd14-node-4eoj startupscript: Finished running startup script /var/run/google.startup.script
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format syslog
+ path /mnt/log/startupscript.log
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-startupscript.log.pos
+ tag startupscript
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter startupscript.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category startupscript
+ source_name k8s_startupscript
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Multi-line parsing is required for all the kube logs because very large log
+ # statements, such as those that include entire object bodies, get split into
+ # multiple lines by glog.
+ # Example:
+ # I0204 07:32:30.020537 3368 server.go:1048] POST /stats/container/: (13.972191ms) 200 [[Go-http-client/1.1]]
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format multiline
+ multiline_flush_interval 5s
+ format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
+ format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
+ time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
+ path /mnt/log/kubelet.log
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-kubelet.log.pos
+ tag kubelet
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter kubelet.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category kubelet
+ source_name k8s_kubelet
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Example
+ # 2017-11-06T18:53:49.774520188Z AUDIT: id="6a8sdffd918-0b6a-4aee-a3a1-f1sdf61596" ip="" method="GET" user="kubelet" groups="\"system:nodes\",\"system:authenticated\"" as="<self>" asgroups="<lookup>" namespace="monty" uri="/api/v1/namespaces/monty/secrets/default-token-fntvb?resourceVersion=0"
+ # 2017-02-09T00:15:57.993528822Z AUDIT: id="6a8sdffd918-0b6a-4aee-a3a1-f1sdf61596" response="200"
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format json
+ time_key timestamp
+ time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
+ path "#{ENV['AUDIT_LOG_PATH']}"
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-kube-audit.log.pos
+ tag kube-audit
+ read_from_head "#{ENV['READ_FROM_HEAD']}"
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter kube-audit.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category kube-audit
+ source_name k8s_kube-audit
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Example:
+ # I0603 15:31:05.793605 6 cluster_manager.go:230] Reading config from path /etc/gce.conf
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format multiline
+ multiline_flush_interval 5s
+ format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
+ format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
+ time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
+ path /mnt/log/glbc.log
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-glbc.log.pos
+ tag glbc
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter glbc.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category glbc
+ source_name k8s_glbc
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Example:
+ # I0603 15:31:05.793605 6 cluster_manager.go:230] Reading config from path /etc/gce.conf
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format multiline
+ multiline_flush_interval 5s
+ format_firstline /^\w\d{4}/
+ format1 /^(?<severity>\w)(?<time>\d{4} [^\s]*)\s+(?<pid>\d+)\s+(?<source>[^ \]]+)\] (?<message>.*)/
+ time_format %m%d %H:%M:%S.%N
+ path /mnt/log/cluster-autoscaler.log
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-cluster-autoscaler.log.pos
+ tag cluster-autoscaler
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter cluster-autoscaler.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category cluster-autoscaler
+ source_name k8s_cluster-autoscaler
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ systemd.source.containers.conf: |-
+ <source>
+ @type tail
+ format json
+ time_key "#{ENV['TIME_KEY']}"
+ exclude_path "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PATH']}"
+ pos_file /mnt/pos/ggcp-containers.log.pos
+ time_format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%NZ
+ tag containers.*
+ read_from_head "#{ENV['READ_FROM_HEAD']}"
+ enable_stat_watcher "#{ENV['ENABLE_STAT_WATCHER']}"
+ </source>
+ <filter containers.**>
+ @type kubernetes_metadata
+ @log_level warn
+ annotation_match ["sumologic\.com.*"]
+ de_dot false
+ bearer_token_file "#{ENV['K8S_METADATA_FILTER_BEARER_TOKEN_FILE']}"
+ tag_to_kubernetes_name_regexp '.+?\.containers\.(?<pod_name>[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*)_(?<namespace>[^_]+)_(?<container_name>.+)-(?<docker_id>[a-z0-9]{64})\.log$'
+ merge_json_log false
+ </filter>
+ <filter containers.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_name "#{ENV['SOURCE_NAME']}"
+ source_host "#{ENV['SOURCE_HOST']}"
+ log_format "#{ENV['LOG_FORMAT']}"
+ kubernetes_meta "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_META']}"
+ kubernetes_meta_reduce "#{ENV['KUBERNETES_META_REDUCE']}"
+ add_stream "#{ENV['ADD_STREAM']}"
+ add_time "#{ENV['ADD_TIME']}"
+ source_category "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY']}"
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ source_category_replace_dash "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_REPLACE_DASH']}"
+ exclude_namespace_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_NAMESPACE_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_pod_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_POD_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_container_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_CONTAINER_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ systemd.source.systemd.conf: |-
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "addon-config.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/addon-config.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag addon-config
+ </source>
+ <filter addon-config.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name addon-config
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "addon-run.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/addon-run.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag addon-run
+ </source>
+ <filter addon-run.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name addon-run
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "cfn-etcd-environment.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/cfn-etcd-environment.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag cfn-etcd-environment
+ </source>
+ <filter cfn-etcd-environment.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name cfn-etcd-environment
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "cfn-signal.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/cfn-signal.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag cfn-signal
+ </source>
+ <filter cfn-signal.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name cfn-signal
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "clean-ca-certificates.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/clean-ca-certificates.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag clean-ca-certificates
+ </source>
+ <filter clean-ca-certificates.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name clean-ca-certificates
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "containerd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/containerd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag containerd
+ </source>
+ <filter containerd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name containerd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "coreos-metadata.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/coreos-metadata.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag coreos-metadata
+ </source>
+ <filter coreos-metadata.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name coreos-metadata
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "coreos-setup-environment.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/coreos-setup-environment.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag coreos-setup-environment
+ </source>
+ <filter coreos-setup-environment.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name coreos-setup-environment
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "coreos-tmpfiles.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/coreos-tmpfiles.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag coreos-tmpfiles
+ </source>
+ <filter coreos-tmpfiles.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name coreos-tmpfiles
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "dbus.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/dbus.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag dbus
+ </source>
+ <filter dbus.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name dbus
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "docker.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/docker.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag docker
+ </source>
+ <filter docker.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name docker
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "efs.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/efs.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag efs
+ </source>
+ <filter efs.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name efs
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcd-member.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcd-member.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcd-member
+ </source>
+ <filter etcd-member.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcd-member
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcd
+ </source>
+ <filter etcd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcd2.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcd2.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcd2
+ </source>
+ <filter etcd2.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcd2
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcd3.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcd3.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcd3
+ </source>
+ <filter etcd3.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcd3
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcdadm-check.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcdadm-check.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcdadm-check
+ </source>
+ <filter etcdadm-check.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcdadm-check
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcdadm-reconfigure.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcdadm-reconfigure.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcdadm-reconfigure
+ </source>
+ <filter etcdadm-reconfigure.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcdadm-reconfigure
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcdadm-save.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcdadm-save.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcdadm-save
+ </source>
+ <filter etcdadm-save.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcdadm-save
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "etcdadm-update-status.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/etcdadm-update-status.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag etcdadm-update-status
+ </source>
+ <filter etcdadm-update-status.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name etcdadm-update-status
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "flanneld.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/flanneld.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag flanneld
+ </source>
+ <filter flanneld.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name flanneld
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "format-etcd2-volume.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/format-etcd2-volume.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag format-etcd2-volume
+ </source>
+ <filter format-etcd2-volume.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name format-etcd2-volume
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kube-node-taint-and-uncordon.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/kube-node-taint-and-uncordon.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag kube-node-taint-and-uncordon
+ </source>
+ <filter kube-node-taint-and-uncordon.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name kube-node-taint-and-uncordon
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ # Multi-line parsing is required for all the kube logs because very large log
+ # statements, such as those that include entire object bodies, get split into
+ # multiple lines by glog.
+ # Example:
+ # I0204 07:32:30.020537 3368 server.go:1048] POST /stats/container/: (13.972191ms) 200 [[Go-http-client/1.1]]
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "kubelet.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/kubelet.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag kubelet
+ </source>
+ <filter kubelet.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category kubelet
+ source_name k8s_kubelet
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "ldconfig.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/ldconfig.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag ldconfig
+ </source>
+ <filter ldconfig.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name ldconfig
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "locksmithd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/locksmithd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag locksmithd
+ </source>
+ <filter locksmithd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name locksmithd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "logrotate.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/logrotate.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag logrotate
+ </source>
+ <filter logrotate.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name logrotate
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "lvm2-monitor.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/lvm2-monitor.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag lvm2-monitor
+ </source>
+ <filter lvm2-monitor.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name lvm2-monitor
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "mdmon.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/mdmon.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag mdmon
+ </source>
+ <filter mdmon.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name mdmon
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "nfs-idmapd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/nfs-idmapd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag nfs-idmapd
+ </source>
+ <filter nfs-idmapd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name nfs-idmapd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "nfs-mountd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/nfs-mountd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag nfs-mountd
+ </source>
+ <filter nfs-mountd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name nfs-mountd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "nfs-server.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/nfs-server.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag nfs-server
+ </source>
+ <filter nfs-server.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name nfs-server
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "nfs-utils.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/nfs-utils.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag nfs-utils
+ </source>
+ <filter nfs-utils.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name nfs-utils
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "oem-cloudinit.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/oem-cloudinit.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag oem-cloudinit
+ </source>
+ <filter oem-cloudinit.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name oem-cloudinit
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rkt-gc.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rkt-gc.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rkt-gc
+ </source>
+ <filter rkt-gc.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rkt-gc
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rkt-metadata.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rkt-metadata.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rkt-metadata
+ </source>
+ <filter rkt-metadata.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rkt-metadata
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rpc-idmapd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rpc-idmapd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rpc-idmapd
+ </source>
+ <filter rpc-idmapd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rpc-idmapd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rpc-mountd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rpc-mountd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rpc-mountd
+ </source>
+ <filter rpc-mountd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rpc-mountd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rpc-statd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rpc-statd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rpc-statd
+ </source>
+ <filter rpc-statd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rpc-statd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "rpcbind.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/rpcbind.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag rpcbind
+ </source>
+ <filter rpcbind.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name rpcbind
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "set-aws-environment.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/set-aws-environment.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag set-aws-environment
+ </source>
+ <filter set-aws-environment.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name set-aws-environment
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "system-cloudinit.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/system-cloudinit.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag system-cloudinit
+ </source>
+ <filter system-cloudinit.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name system-cloudinit
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "update-ca-certificates.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/update-ca-certificates.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag update-ca-certificates
+ </source>
+ <filter update-ca-certificates.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name update-ca-certificates
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "user-cloudinit.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/user-cloudinit.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag user-cloudinit
+ </source>
+ <filter user-cloudinit.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name user-cloudinit
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "var-lib-etcd2.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/var-lib-etcd2.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag var-lib-etcd2
+ </source>
+ <filter var-lib-etcd2.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name var-lib-etcd2
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "ntp.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/ntp.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag ntp
+ </source>
+ <filter ntp.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name ntp
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
+ <source>
+ @type systemd
+ path /mnt/log/journal
+ filters [{"_SYSTEMD_UNIT": "systemd-timesyncd.service"}]
+ <storage>
+ @type local
+ persistent true
+ path /mnt/pos/systemd-timesyncd.log.pos
+ </storage>
+ tag systemd-timesyncd
+ </source>
+ <filter systemd-timesyncd.**>
+ @type kubernetes_sumologic
+ source_category system
+ source_name systemd-timesyncd
+ source_category_prefix "#{ENV['SOURCE_CATEGORY_PREFIX']}"
+ exclude_facility_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_FACILITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_host_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_HOST_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_priority_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_PRIORITY_REGEX']}"
+ exclude_unit_regex "#{ENV['EXCLUDE_UNIT_REGEX']}"
+ </filter>
\ No newline at end of file