lib/fluent/plugin/xray.rb in fluent-plugin-jfrog-siem-2.0.6 vs lib/fluent/plugin/xray.rb in fluent-plugin-jfrog-siem-2.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1,195 +1,199 @@
-require 'concurrent'
-require 'concurrent-edge'
-require 'json'
-require "fluent/plugin/position_file"
-class Xray
- def initialize(jpd_url, username, api_key, token, wait_interval, batch_size, pos_file_path, router, tag)
- @jpd_url = jpd_url
- @username = username
- @api_key = api_key
- @token = token
- @wait_interval = wait_interval
- @batch_size = batch_size
- @pos_file_path = pos_file_path
- @router = router
- @tag = tag
- end
- def violations(date_since)
- violations_channel = @batch_size)
- page_number = 1
- timer_task = @wait_interval, timeout_interval: 30) do
- xray_json = {"filters": { "created_from": date_since }, "pagination": {"order_by": "created","limit": @batch_size ,"offset": page_number } }
- puts "Fetching Xray Violations with #{xray_json} parameters"
- resp = get_violations(xray_json)
- page_violation_count = resp['violations'].length
- puts "Total violations count is #{resp['total_violations']}"
- if resp['total_violations'] > 0
- puts "Number of Violations in page #{page_number} are #{page_violation_count}"
- resp['violations'].each {|v| violations_channel = process(v, violations_channel) }
- page_number += 1 if next_page?(page_violation_count)
- end
- end
- timer_task.execute
- violations_channel
- end
- def violation_details(violations_channel)
- violations_channel.each do |v|
- Concurrent::Promises.future(v) do |v|
- process_violation_details(v['violation_details_url'])
- pos_file =
- puts "Adding issue #{v['issue_id']} to position file at #{@pos_file_path}"
- pos_file.write(v)
- end
- end
- end
- def process_violation_details(xray_violation_detail_url)
- begin
- detailResp_json = data_normalization(get_violations_detail(xray_violation_detail_url))
- time =
- puts "Emitting normalized Xray Violation #{detailResp_json['issue_id']}"
- @router.emit(@tag, time, detailResp_json)
- rescue => e
- puts "Process Violation details error: #{e}"
- raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Process Violation details error: #{e}"
- end
- end
- def get_violations_detail(xray_violation_detail_url)
- if !@token.nil? && @token != ''
- response =
- :method => :get,
- :url => @jpd_url + xray_violation_detail_url[xray_violation_detail_url.index('/xray/'),xray_violation_detail_url.length],
- :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json, Authorization:'Bearer ' + @token }
- )
- elsif !@api_key.nil? && @api_key != ''
- response =
- :method => :get,
- :url => @jpd_url + xray_violation_detail_url[xray_violation_detail_url.index('/xray/'),xray_violation_detail_url.length],
- :user => @username,
- :password => @api_key
- )
- end
- response.execute do |response, request, result|
- case response.code
- when 200
- return JSON.parse(response.to_s)
- else
- puts "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violation details): #{response.to_json}"
- raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violation details): #{response.to_json}"
- end
- end
- end
- def data_normalization(detailResp_json)
- cve = []
- cvss_v2_list = []
- cvss_v3_list = []
- policy_list = []
- rule_list = []
- impacted_artifact_url_list = []
- if detailResp_json.key?('properties')
- properties = detailResp_json['properties']
- for index in do
- if properties[index].key?('cve')
- cve.push(properties[index]['cve'])
- end
- if properties[index].key?('cvss_v2')
- cvss_v2_list.push(properties[index]['cvss_v2'])
- end
- if properties[index].key?('cvss_v3')
- cvss_v3_list.push(properties[index]['cvss_v3'])
- end
- end
- detailResp_json["cve"] = cve.sort.reverse[0]
- cvss_v2 = cvss_v2_list.sort.reverse[0]
- cvss_v3 = cvss_v3_list.sort.reverse[0]
- if !cvss_v3.nil?
- cvss = cvss_v3
- elsif !cvss_v2.nil?
- cvss = cvss_v2
- end
- cvss_score = cvss[0..2]
- cvss_version = cvss.split(':')[1][0..2]
- detailResp_json["cvss_score"] = cvss_score
- detailResp_json["cvss_version"] = cvss_version
- end
- if detailResp_json.key?('matched_policies')
- matched_policies = detailResp_json['matched_policies']
- for index in 0..matched_policies.length-1 do
- if matched_policies[index].key?('policy')
- policy_list.push(matched_policies[index]['policy'])
- end
- if matched_policies[index].key?('rule')
- rule_list.push(matched_policies[index]['rule'])
- end
- end
- detailResp_json['policies'] = policy_list
- detailResp_json['rules'] = rule_list
- end
- detailResp_json['impacted_artifacts'].each do |impacted_artifact|
- matchdata = impacted_artifact.match /default\/(?<repo_name>[^\/]*)\/(?<path>.*)/
- impacted_artifact_url = matchdata['repo_name'] + ":" + matchdata['path'] + " "
- impacted_artifact_url_list.append(impacted_artifact_url)
- end
- detailResp_json['impacted_artifacts_url'] = impacted_artifact_url_list
- return detailResp_json
- end
- def process(violation, violations_channel)
- pos_file =
- unless pos_file.processed?(violation)
- violations_channel << violation
- else
- puts "Violation #{violation['issue_id']} is already processed"
- end
- #violations_channel << violation unless pos_file.processed?(violation)
- violations_channel
- end
- private
- def get_violations(xray_json)
- if !@token.nil? && @token != ''
- puts "Validating JPD access token and fetching violations"
- response =
- :method => :post,
- :url => @jpd_url + "/xray/api/v1/violations",
- :payload => xray_json.to_json,
- :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json, Authorization:'Bearer ' + @token }
- )
- elsif !@api_key.nil? && @api_key != ''
- puts "Validating JPD API Key and fetching violations"
- response =
- :method => :post,
- :url => @jpd_url + "/xray/api/v1/violations",
- :payload => xray_json.to_json,
- :user => @username,
- :password => @api_key,
- :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json }
- )
- end
- response.execute do |response, request, result|
- case response.code
- when 200
- return JSON.parse(response.to_str)
- else
- puts "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violations): #{response.to_json}"
- raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violations): #{response.to_json}"
- end
- end
- end
- def next_page?(count)
- count == @batch_size
- end
+require 'concurrent'
+require 'concurrent-edge'
+require 'json'
+require "fluent/plugin/position_file"
+class Xray
+ def initialize(jpd_url, username, api_key, token, wait_interval, batch_size, pos_file_path, router, tag)
+ @jpd_url = jpd_url
+ @username = username
+ @api_key = api_key
+ @token = token
+ @wait_interval = wait_interval
+ @batch_size = batch_size
+ @pos_file_path = pos_file_path
+ @router = router
+ @tag = tag
+ end
+ def violations(date_since)
+ violations_channel = @batch_size)
+ page_number = 1
+ timer_task = @wait_interval, timeout_interval: 30) do
+ xray_json = {"filters": { "created_from": date_since }, "pagination": {"order_by": "created","limit": @batch_size ,"offset": page_number } }
+ puts "Fetching Xray Violations with #{xray_json} parameters"
+ resp = get_violations(xray_json)
+ page_violation_count = resp['violations'].length
+ puts "Total violations count is #{resp['total_violations']}"
+ if resp['total_violations'] > 0
+ puts "Number of Violations in page #{page_number} are #{page_violation_count}"
+ resp['violations'].each {|v| violations_channel = process(v, violations_channel) }
+ page_number += 1 if next_page?(page_violation_count)
+ end
+ end
+ timer_task.execute
+ violations_channel
+ end
+ def violation_details(violations_channel)
+ violations_channel.each do |v|
+ Concurrent::Promises.future(v) do |v|
+ process_violation_details(v['violation_details_url'])
+ pos_file =
+ puts "Adding issue #{v['issue_id']} to position file at #{@pos_file_path}"
+ pos_file.write(v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def process_violation_details(xray_violation_detail_url)
+ begin
+ detailResp_json = data_normalization(get_violations_detail(xray_violation_detail_url))
+ time =
+ puts "Emitting normalized Xray Violation #{detailResp_json['issue_id']}"
+ @router.emit(@tag, time, detailResp_json)
+ rescue => e
+ puts "Process Violation details error: #{e}"
+ raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Process Violation details error: #{e}"
+ end
+ end
+ def get_violations_detail(xray_violation_detail_url)
+ if !@token.nil? && @token != ''
+ response =
+ :method => :get,
+ :url => @jpd_url + xray_violation_detail_url[xray_violation_detail_url.index('/xray/'),xray_violation_detail_url.length],
+ :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json, Authorization:'Bearer ' + @token }
+ )
+ elsif !@api_key.nil? && @api_key != ''
+ response =
+ :method => :get,
+ :url => @jpd_url + xray_violation_detail_url[xray_violation_detail_url.index('/xray/'),xray_violation_detail_url.length],
+ :user => @username,
+ :password => @api_key
+ )
+ end
+ response.execute do |response, request, result|
+ case response.code
+ when 200
+ return JSON.parse(response.to_s)
+ else
+ puts "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violation details): #{response.to_json}"
+ raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violation details): #{response.to_json}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def data_normalization(detailResp_json)
+ cve = []
+ cvss_v2_list = []
+ cvss_v3_list = []
+ policy_list = []
+ rule_list = []
+ impacted_artifact_url_list = []
+ if detailResp_json.key?('properties')
+ properties = detailResp_json['properties']
+ for index in do
+ if properties[index].key?('cve')
+ cve.push(properties[index]['cve'])
+ end
+ if properties[index].key?('cvss_v2')
+ cvss_v2_list.push(properties[index]['cvss_v2'])
+ end
+ if properties[index].key?('cvss_v3')
+ cvss_v3_list.push(properties[index]['cvss_v3'])
+ end
+ end
+ detailResp_json["cve"] = cve.sort.reverse[0]
+ cvss_v2 = cvss_v2_list.sort.reverse[0]
+ cvss_v3 = cvss_v3_list.sort.reverse[0]
+ if !cvss_v3.nil?
+ cvss = cvss_v3
+ elsif !cvss_v2.nil?
+ cvss = cvss_v2
+ end
+ cvss_score = cvss[0..2]
+ cvss_version = cvss.split(':')[1][0..2]
+ detailResp_json["cvss_score"] = cvss_score
+ detailResp_json["cvss_version"] = cvss_version
+ end
+ if detailResp_json.key?('matched_policies')
+ matched_policies = detailResp_json['matched_policies']
+ for index in 0..matched_policies.length-1 do
+ if matched_policies[index].key?('policy')
+ policy_list.push(matched_policies[index]['policy'])
+ end
+ if matched_policies[index].key?('rule')
+ rule_list.push(matched_policies[index]['rule'])
+ end
+ end
+ detailResp_json['policies'] = policy_list
+ detailResp_json['rules'] = rule_list
+ end
+ detailResp_json['impacted_artifacts'].each do |impacted_artifact|
+ matchdata = impacted_artifact.match /default\/(?<repo_name>[^\/]*)\/(?<path>.*)/
+ if matchdata
+ impacted_artifact_url = matchdata['repo_name'] + ":" + matchdata['path'] + " "
+ impacted_artifact_url_list.append(impacted_artifact_url)
+ else
+ impacted_artifact_url_list.append(impacted_artifact)
+ end
+ end
+ detailResp_json['impacted_artifacts_url'] = impacted_artifact_url_list
+ return detailResp_json
+ end
+ def process(violation, violations_channel)
+ pos_file =
+ unless pos_file.processed?(violation)
+ violations_channel << violation
+ else
+ puts "Violation #{violation['issue_id']} is already processed"
+ end
+ #violations_channel << violation unless pos_file.processed?(violation)
+ violations_channel
+ end
+ private
+ def get_violations(xray_json)
+ if !@token.nil? && @token != ''
+ puts "Validating JPD access token and fetching violations"
+ response =
+ :method => :post,
+ :url => @jpd_url + "/xray/api/v1/violations",
+ :payload => xray_json.to_json,
+ :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json, Authorization:'Bearer ' + @token }
+ )
+ elsif !@api_key.nil? && @api_key != ''
+ puts "Validating JPD API Key and fetching violations"
+ response =
+ :method => :post,
+ :url => @jpd_url + "/xray/api/v1/violations",
+ :payload => xray_json.to_json,
+ :user => @username,
+ :password => @api_key,
+ :headers => { :accept => :json, :content_type => :json }
+ )
+ end
+ response.execute do |response, request, result|
+ case response.code
+ when 200
+ return JSON.parse(response.to_str)
+ else
+ puts "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violations): #{response.to_json}"
+ raise Fluent::ConfigError, "Validation failed error (cannot reach Artifactory to pull Xray Violations): #{response.to_json}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def next_page?(count)
+ count == @batch_size
+ end