lib/flt/support.rb in flt-1.3.4 vs lib/flt/support.rb in flt-1.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -2,346 +2,11 @@
module Support
class InfiniteLoopError < StandardError
- # This class assigns bit-values to a set of symbols
- # so they can be used as flags and stored as an integer.
- # fv =, :flag2, :flag3)
- # puts fv[:flag3]
- # fv.each{|f,v| puts "#{f} -> #{v}"}
- class FlagValues
- #include Enumerator
- class InvalidFlagError < StandardError
- end
- class InvalidFlagTypeError < StandardError
- end
- # The flag symbols must be passed; values are assign in increasing order.
- # fv =, :flag2, :flag3)
- # puts fv[:flag3]
- def initialize(*flags)
- @flags = {}
- value = 1
- flags.each do |flag|
- raise InvalidFlagType,"Flags must be defined as symbols or classes; invalid flag: #{flag.inspect}" unless flag.kind_of?(Symbol) || flag.instance_of?(Class)
- @flags[flag] = value
- value <<= 1
- end
- end
- # Get the bit-value of a flag
- def [](flag)
- v = @flags[flag]
- raise InvalidFlagError, "Invalid flag: #{flag}" unless v
- v
- end
- # Return each flag and its bit-value
- def each(&blk)
- if blk.arity==2
- @flags.to_a.sort_by{|f,v|v}.each(&blk)
- else
- @flags.to_a.sort_by{|f,v|v}.map{|f,v|f}.each(&blk)
- end
- end
- def size
- @flags.size
- end
- def all_flags_value
- (1 << size) - 1
- end
- end
- # This class stores a set of flags. It can be assign a FlagValues
- # object (using values= or passing to the constructor) so that
- # the flags can be store in an integer (bits).
- class Flags
- class Error < StandardError
- end
- class InvalidFlagError < Error
- end
- class InvalidFlagValueError < Error
- end
- class InvalidFlagTypeError < Error
- end
- # When a Flag object is created, the initial flags to be set can be passed,
- # and also a FlagValues. If a FlagValues is passed an integer can be used
- # to define the flags.
- #, :flag3,,:flag2,:flag3))
- #,,:flag2,:flag3))
- def initialize(*flags)
- @values = nil
- @flags = {}
- v = 0
- flags.flatten!
- flags.each do |flag|
- case flag
- when FlagValues
- @values = flag
- when Symbol, Class
- @flags[flag] = true
- when Integer
- v |= flag
- when Flags
- @values = flag.values
- @flags = flag.to_h.dup
- else
- raise InvalidFlagTypeError, "Invalid flag type for: #{flag.inspect}"
- end
- end
- if v!=0
- raise InvalidFlagTypeError, "Integer flag values need flag bit values to be defined" if @values.nil?
- self.bits = v
- end
- if @values
- # check flags
- @flags.each_key{|flag| check flag}
- end
- end
- def dup
- end
- # Clears all flags
- def clear!
- @flags = {}
- end
- # Sets all flags
- def set!
- if @values
- self.bits = @values.all_flags_value
- else
- raise Error,"No flag values defined"
- end
- end
- # Assign the flag bit values
- def values=(fv)
- @values = fv
- end
- # Retrieves the flag bit values
- def values
- @values
- end
- # Retrieves the flags as a bit-vector integer. Values must have been assigned.
- def bits
- if @values
- i = 0
- @flags.each do |f,v|
- bit_val = @values[f]
- i |= bit_val if v && bit_val
- end
- i
- else
- raise Error,"No flag values defined"
- end
- end
- # Sets the flags as a bit-vector integer. Values must have been assigned.
- def bits=(i)
- if @values
- raise Error, "Invalid bits value #{i}" if i<0 || i>@values.all_flags_value
- clear!
- @values.each do |f,v|
- @flags[f]=true if (i & v)!=0
- end
- else
- raise Error,"No flag values defined"
- end
- end
- # Retrieves the flags as a hash.
- def to_h
- @flags
- end
- # Same as bits
- def to_i
- bits
- end
- # Retrieve the setting (true/false) of a flag
- def [](flag)
- check flag
- @flags[flag]
- end
- # Modifies the setting (true/false) of a flag.
- def []=(flag,value)
- check flag
- case value
- when true,1
- value = true
- when false,0,nil
- value = false
- else
- raise InvalidFlagValueError, "Invalid value: #{value.inspect}"
- end
- @flags[flag] = value
- value
- end
- # Sets (makes true) one or more flags
- def set(*flags)
- flags = flags.first if flags.size==1 && flags.first.instance_of?(Array)
- flags.each do |flag|
- if flag.kind_of?(Flags)
- #if @values && other.values && compatible_values(other_values)
- # self.bits |= other.bits
- #else
- flags.concat other.to_a
- #end
- else
- check flag
- @flags[flag] = true
- end
- end
- end
- # Clears (makes false) one or more flags
- def clear(*flags)
- flags = flags.first if flags.size==1 && flags.first.instance_of?(Array)
- flags.each do |flag|
- if flag.kind_of?(Flags)
- #if @values && other.values && compatible_values(other_values)
- # self.bits &= ~other.bits
- #else
- flags.concat other.to_a
- #end
- else
- check flag
- @flags[flag] = false
- end
- end
- end
- # Sets (makes true) one or more flags (passes as an array)
- def << (flags)
- if flags.kind_of?(Array)
- set(*flags)
- else
- set(flags)
- end
- end
- # Iterate on each flag/setting pair.
- def each(&blk)
- if @values
- @values.each do |f,v|
- end
- else
- @flags.each(&blk)
- end
- end
- # Iterate on each set flag
- def each_set
- each do |f,v|
- yield f if v
- end
- end
- # Iterate on each cleared flag
- def each_clear
- each do |f,v|
- yield f if !v
- end
- end
- # returns true if any flag is set
- def any?
- if @values
- bits != 0
- else
- to_a.size>0
- end
- end
- # Returns the true flags as an array
- def to_a
- a = []
- each_set{|f| a << f}
- a
- end
- def to_s
- "[#{{|f| f.to_s.split('::').last}.join(', ')}]"
- end
- def inspect
- txt = "#{self.class.to_s}#{to_s}"
- txt << " (0x#{bits.to_s(16)})" if @values
- txt
- end
- def ==(other)
- if @values && other.values && compatible_values?(other.values)
- bits == other.bits
- else
-{|s| s.to_s}.sort =={|s| s.to_s}.sort
- end
- end
- private
- def check(flag)
- raise InvalidFlagType,"Flags must be defined as symbols or classes; invalid flag: #{flag.inspect}" unless flag.kind_of?(Symbol) || flag.instance_of?(Class)
- @values[flag] if @values # raises an invalid flag error if flag is invalid
- true
- end
- def compatible_values?(v)
- #@values.object_id==v.object_id
- @values == v
- end
- end
- # Constructor for FlagValues
- def FlagValues(*params)
- if params.size==1 && params.first.kind_of?(FlagValues)
- params.first
- else
- end
- end
- # Constructor for Flags
- def Flags(*params)
- if params.size==1 && params.first.kind_of?(Flags)
- params.first
- else
- end
- end
- module_function
# replace :ceiling and :floor rounding modes by :up/:down (depending on sign of the number to be rounded)
def simplified_round_mode(round_mode, negative)
if negative
if round_mode == :ceiling
round_mode = :floor
@@ -400,939 +65,10 @@
[dec_pos, digits]
- # Floating-point reading and printing (from/to text literals).
- #
- # Here are methods for floating-point reading, using algorithms by William D. Clinger, and
- # printing, using algorithms by Robert G. Burger and R. Kent Dybvig.
- #
- # Reading and printing can also viewed as floating-point conversion between a fixed-precision
- # floating-point format (the floating-point numbers) and and a free floating-point format (text),
- # which may use different numerical bases.
- #
- # The Reader class, in the default :free mode, converts a free-form numeric value
- # (as a text literal, i.e. a free floating-point format, usually in base 10) which is taken
- # as an exact value, to a correctly-rounded floating-point of specified precision and with a
- # specified rounding mode. It also has a :fixed mode that uses the Formatter class indirectly.
- #
- # The Formatter class implements the Burger-Dybvig printing algorithm which converts a
- # fixed-precision floating point value and produces a text literal in some base, usually 10,
- # (equivalently, it produces a floating-point free-format value) so that it rounds back to
- # the original value (with some specified rounding-mode or any round-to-nearest mode) and with
- # the same original precision (e.g. using the Clinger algorithm)
- # Clinger algorithms to read floating point numbers from text literals with correct rounding.
- # from his paper: "How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately"
- # (William D. Clinger)
- class Reader
- # There are two different reading approaches, selected by the :mode parameter:
- # * :fixed (the destination context defines the resulting precision) input is rounded as specified
- # by the context; if the context precision is 'exact', the exact input value will be represented
- # in the destination base, which can lead to a Inexact exception (or a NaN result and an Inexact flag)
- # * :free The input precision is preserved, and the destination context precision is ignored;
- # in this case the result can be converted back to the original number (with the same precision)
- # a rounding mode for the back conversion may be passed; otherwise any round-to-nearest is assumed.
- # (to increase the precision of the result the input precision must be increased --adding trailing zeros)
- # * :short is like :free, but the minumum number of digits that preserve the original value
- # are generated (with :free, all significant digits are generated)
- #
- # For the fixed mode there are three conversion algorithms available that can be selected with the
- # :algorithm parameter:
- # * :A Arithmetic algorithm, using correctly rounded Flt::Num arithmetic.
- # * :M The Clinger Algorithm M is the slowest method, but it was the first implemented and testes and
- # is kept as a reference for testing.
- # * :R The Clinger Algorithm R, which requires an initial approximation is currently only implemented
- # for Float and is the fastest by far.
- def initialize(options={})
- @exact = nil
- @algorithm = options[:algorithm]
- @mode = options[:mode] || :fixed
- end
- def exact?
- @exact
- end
- # Given exact integers f and e, with f nonnegative, returns the floating-point number
- # closest to f * eb**e
- # (eb is the input radix)
- #
- # If the context precision is exact an Inexact exception may occur (an NaN be returned)
- # if an exact conversion is not possible.
- #
- # round_mode: in :fixed mode it specifies how to round the result (to the context precision); it
- # is passed separate from context for flexibility.
- # in :free mode it specifies what rounding would be used to convert back the output to the
- # input base eb (using the same precision that f has).
- def read(context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb=10)
- @exact = true
- case @mode
- when :free, :short
- all_digits = (@mode == :free)
- # for free mode, (any) :nearest rounding is used by default
- Num.convert(Num[eb].Num(sign, f, e), context.num_class, :rounding=>round_mode||:nearest, :all_digits=>all_digits)
- when :fixed
- if exact_mode = context.exact?
- a,b = [eb, context.radix].sort
- m = (Math.log(b)/Math.log(a)).round
- if b == a**m
- # conmensurable bases
- if eb > context.radix
- n = AuxiliarFunctions._ndigits(f, eb)*m
- else
- n = (AuxiliarFunctions._ndigits(f, eb)+m-1)/m
- end
- else
- # inconmesurable bases; exact result may not be possible
- x = Num[eb].Num(sign, f, e)
- x = Num.convert_exact(x, context.num_class, context)
- @exact = !x.nan?
- return x
- end
- else
- n = context.precision
- end
- if round_mode == :nearest
- # :nearest is not meaningful here in :fixed mode; replace it
- if [:half_even, :half_up, :half_down].include?(context.rounding)
- round_mode = context.rounding
- else
- round_mode = :half_even
- end
- end
- # for fixed mode, use the context rounding by default
- round_mode ||= context.rounding
- alg = @algorithm
- if (context.radix == 2 && alg.nil?) || alg==:R
- z0 = _alg_r_approx(context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n)
- alg = z0 && :R
- end
- alg ||= :A
- case alg
- when :M, :R
- round_mode = Support.simplified_round_mode(round_mode, sign == -1)
- case alg
- when :M
- _alg_m(context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n)
- when :R
- _alg_r(z0, context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n)
- end
- else # :A
- # direct arithmetic conversion
- if round_mode == context.rounding
- x = Num.convert_exact(Num[eb].Num(sign, f, e), context.num_class, context)
- x = context.normalize(x) unless !context.respond_to?(:normalize) || context.exact?
- x
- else
- if context.num_class == Float
- float = true
- context = BinNum::FloatContext
- end
- x = context.num_class.context(context) do |local_context|
- local_context.rounding = round_mode
- Num.convert_exact(Num[eb].Num(sign, f, e), local_context.num_class, local_context)
- end
- if float
- x = x.to_f
- else
- x = context.normalize(x) unless context.exact?
- end
- x
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def _alg_r_approx(context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n)
- return nil if context.radix != Float::RADIX || context.exact? || context.precision > Float::MANT_DIG
- # Compute initial approximation; if Float uses IEEE-754 binary arithmetic, the approximation
- # is good enough to be adjusted in just one step.
- @good_approx = true
- ndigits = Support::AuxiliarFunctions._ndigits(f, eb)
- adj_exp = e + ndigits - 1
- min_exp, max_exp = Reader.float_min_max_adj_exp(eb)
- if adj_exp >= min_exp && adj_exp <= max_exp
- if eb==2
- z0 = Math.ldexp(f,e)
- elsif eb==10
- unless Flt.float_correctly_rounded?
- min_exp_norm, max_exp_norm = Reader.float_min_max_adj_exp(eb, true)
- @good_approx = false
- return nil if e <= min_exp_norm
- end
- z0 = Float("#{f}E#{e}")
- else
- ff = f
- ee = e
- min_exp_norm, max_exp_norm = Reader.float_min_max_adj_exp(eb, true)
- if e <= min_exp_norm
- # avoid loss of precision due to gradual underflow
- return nil if e <= min_exp
- @good_approx = false
- ff = Float(f)*Float(eb)**(e-min_exp_norm-1)
- ee = min_exp_norm + 1
- end
- # if ee < 0
- # z0 = Float(ff)/Float(eb**(-ee))
- # else
- # z0 = Float(ff)*Float(eb**ee)
- # end
- z0 = Float(ff)*Float(eb)**ee
- end
- if z0 && context.num_class != Float
- @good_approx = false
- z0 = context.Num(z0).plus(context) # ?
- else
- z0 = context.Num(z0)
- end
- end
- end
- def _alg_r(z0, context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n) # Fast for Float
- #raise InvalidArgument, "Reader Algorithm R only supports base 2" if context.radix != 2
- @z = z0
- @r = context.radix
- @rp_n_1 = context.int_radix_power(n-1)
- @round_mode = round_mode
- ret = nil
- loop do
- m, k = context.to_int_scale(@z)
- # TODO: replace call to compare by setting the parameters in local variables,
- # then insert the body of compare here;
- # then eliminate innecesary instance variables
- if e >= 0 && k >= 0
- ret = compare m, f*eb**e, m*@r**k, context
- elsif e >= 0 && k < 0
- ret = compare m, f*eb**e*@r**(-k), m, context
- elsif e < 0 && k >= 0
- ret = compare m, f, m*@r**k*eb**(-e), context
- else # e < 0 && k < 0
- ret = compare m, f*@r**(-k), m*eb**(-e), context
- end
- break if ret
- end
- ret && context.copy_sign(ret, sign) # TODO: normalize?
- end
- @float_min_max_exp_values = {
- 10 => [Float::MIN_10_EXP, Float::MAX_10_EXP],
- Float::RADIX => [Float::MIN_EXP, Float::MAX_EXP],
- -Float::RADIX => [Float::MIN_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG, Float::MAX_EXP-Float::MANT_DIG]
- }
- class <<self
- # Minimum & maximum adjusted exponent for numbers in base to be in the range of Floats
- def float_min_max_adj_exp(base, normalized=false)
- k = normalized ? base : -base
- unless min_max = @float_min_max_exp_values[k]
- max_exp = (Math.log(Float::MAX)/Math.log(base)).floor
- e = Float::MIN_EXP
- e -= Float::MANT_DIG unless normalized
- min_exp = (e*Math.log(Float::RADIX)/Math.log(base)).ceil
- @float_min_max_exp_values[k] = min_max = [min_exp, max_exp]
- end
-{|exp| exp - 1} # adjust
- end
- end
- def compare(m, x, y, context)
- ret = nil
- d = x-y
- d2 = 2*m*d.abs
- # v = f*eb**e is the number to be approximated
- # z = m*@r**k is the current aproximation
- # the error of @z is eps = abs(v-z) = 1/2 * d2 / y
- # we have x, y integers such that x/y = v/z
- # so eps < 1/2 <=> d2 < y
- # d < 0 <=> x < y <=> v < z
- directed_rounding = [:up, :down].include?(@round_mode)
- if directed_rounding
- if @round_mode==:up ? (d <= 0) : (d < 0)
- # v <(=) z
- chk = (m == @rp_n_1) ? d2*@r : d2
- if (@round_mode == :up) && (chk < 2*y)
- # eps < 1
- ret = @z
- else
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- end
- else # @round_mode==:up ? (d > 0) : (d >= 0)
- # v >(=) z
- if (@round_mode == :down) && (d2 < 2*y)
- # eps < 1
- ret = @z
- else
- @z = context.next_plus(@z)
- end
- end
- else
- if d2 < y # eps < 1/2
- if (m == @rp_n_1) && (d < 0) && (y < @r*d2)
- # z has the minimum normalized significand, i.e. is a power of @r
- # and v < z
- # and @r*eps > 1/2
- # On the left of z the ulp is 1/@r than the ulp on the right; if v < z we
- # must require an error @r times smaller.
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- else
- # unambiguous nearest
- ret = @z
- end
- elsif d2 == y # eps == 1/2
- # round-to-nearest tie
- if @round_mode == :half_even
- if (m%2) == 0
- # m is even
- if (m == @rp_n_1) && (d < 0)
- # z is power of @r and v < z; this wasn't really a tie because
- # there are closer values on the left
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- else
- # m is even => round tie to z
- ret = @z
- end
- elsif d < 0
- # m is odd, v < z => round tie to prev
- ret = context.next_minus(@z)
- elsif d > 0
- # m is odd, v > z => round tie to next
- ret = context.next_plus(@z)
- end
- elsif @round_mode == :half_up
- if d < 0
- # v < z
- if (m == @rp_n_1)
- # this was not really a tie
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- else
- ret = @z
- end
- else # d > 0
- # v >= z
- ret = context.next_plus(@z)
- end
- else # @round_mode == :half_down
- if d < 0
- # v < z
- if (m == @rp_n_1)
- # this was not really a tie
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- else
- ret = context.next_minus(@z)
- end
- else # d < 0
- # v > z
- ret = @z
- end
- end
- elsif d < 0 # eps > 1/2 and v < z
- @z = context.next_minus(@z)
- elsif d > 0 # eps > 1/2 and v > z
- @z = context.next_plus(@z)
- end
- end
- # Assume the initial approx is good enough (uses IEEE-754 arithmetic with round-to-nearest),
- # so we can avoid further iteration, except for directed rounding
- ret ||= @z unless directed_rounding || !@good_approx
- return ret
- end
- # Algorithm M to read floating point numbers from text literals with correct rounding
- # from his paper: "How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately" (William D. Clinger)
- def _alg_m(context, round_mode, sign, f, e, eb, n)
- if e<0
- u,v,k = f,eb**(-e),0
- else
- u,v,k = f*(eb**e),1,0
- end
- min_e = context.etiny
- max_e = context.etop
- rp_n = context.int_radix_power(n)
- rp_n_1 = context.int_radix_power(n-1)
- r = context.radix
- loop do
- x = u.div(v) # bottleneck
- if (x>=rp_n_1 && x<rp_n) || k==min_e || k==max_e
- z, exact = Reader.ratio_float(context,u,v,k,round_mode)
- @exact = exact
- if context.respond_to?(:exception)
- if k==min_e
- context.exception(Num::Subnormal) if z.subnormal?
- context.exception(Num::Underflow,"Input literal out of range") if && f!=0
- elsif k==max_e
- if !context.exact? && z.coefficient > context.maximum_coefficient
- context.exception(Num::Overflow,"Input literal out of range")
- end
- end
- context.exception Num::Inexact if !exact
- end
- return z.copy_sign(sign)
- elsif x<rp_n_1
- u *= r
- k -= 1
- elsif x>=rp_n
- v *= r
- k += 1
- end
- end
- end
- # Given exact positive integers u and v with beta**(n-1) <= u/v < beta**n
- # and exact integer k, returns the floating point number closest to u/v * beta**n
- # (beta is the floating-point radix)
- def self.ratio_float(context, u, v, k, round_mode)
- # since this handles only positive numbers and ceiling and floor
- # are not symmetrical, they should have been swapped before calling this.
- q = u.div v
- r = u-q*v
- v_r = v-r
- z = context.Num(+1,q,k)
- exact = (r==0)
- if round_mode == :down
- # z = z
- elsif (round_mode == :up) && r>0
- z = context.next_plus(z)
- elsif r<v_r
- # z = z
- elsif r>v_r
- z = context.next_plus(z)
- else
- # tie
- if (round_mode == :half_down) || (round_mode == :half_even && ((q%2)==0)) || (round_mode == :down)
- # z = z
- else
- z = context.next_plus(z)
- end
- end
- return z, exact
- end
- end # Reader
- # Burger and Dybvig free formatting algorithm,
- # from their paper: "Printing Floating-Point Numbers Quickly and Accurately"
- # (Robert G. Burger, R. Kent Dybvig)
- #
- # This algorithm formats arbitrary base floating point numbers as decimal
- # text literals. The floating-point (with fixed precision) is interpreted as an approximated
- # value, representing any value in its 'rounding-range' (the interval where all values round
- # to the floating-point value, with the given precision and rounding mode).
- # An alternative approach which is not taken here would be to represent the exact floating-point
- # value with some given precision and rounding mode requirements; that can be achieved with
- # Clinger algorithm (which may fail for exact precision).
- #
- # The variables used by the algorithm are stored in instance variables:
- # @v - The number to be formatted = @f*@b**@e
- # @b - The numberic base of the input floating-point representation of @v
- # @f - The significand or characteristic (fraction)
- # @e - The exponent
- #
- # Quotients of integers will be used to hold the magnitudes:
- # @s is the denominator of all fractions
- # @r numerator of @v: @v = @r/@s
- # @m_m numerator of the distance from the rounding-range lower limit, l, to @v: @m_m/@s = (@v - l)
- # @m_p numerator of the distance from @v to the rounding-range upper limit, u: @m_p/@s = (u - @v)
- # All numbers in the randound-range are rounded to @v (with the given precision p)
- # @k scale factor that is applied to the quotients @r/@s, @m_m/@s and @m_p/@s to put the first
- # significant digit right after the radix point. @b**@k is the first power of @b >= u
- #
- # The rounding range of @v is the interval of values that round to @v under the runding-mode.
- # If the rounding mode is one of the round-to-nearest variants (even, up, down), then
- # it is ((v+v-)/2 = (@v-@m_m)/@s, (v+v+)/2 = (@v+@m_)/2) whith the boundaries open or closed as explained below.
- # In this case:
- # @m_m/@s = (@v - (v + v-)/2) where v- = @v.next_minus is the lower adjacent to v floating point value
- # @m_p/@s = ((v + v+)/2 - @v) where v+ = @v.next_plus is the upper adjacent to v floating point value
- # If the rounding is directed, then the rounding interval is either (v-, @v] or [@v, v+]
- # @roundl is true if the lower limit of the rounding range is closed (i.e., if l rounds to @v)
- # @roundh is true if the upper limit of the rounding range is closed (i.e., if u rounds to @v)
- # if @roundh, then @k is the minimum @k with (@r+@m_p)/@s <= @output_b**@k
- # @k = ceil(logB((@r+@m_p)/2)) with lobB the @output_b base logarithm
- # if @roundh, then @k is the minimum @k with (@r+@m_p)/@s < @output_b**@k
- # @k = 1+floor(logB((@r+@m_p)/2))
- #
- # @output_b is the output base
- # @output_min_e is the output minimum exponent
- # p is the input floating point precision
- class Formatter
- # This Object-oriented implementation is slower than the original functional one for two reasons:
- # * The overhead of object creation
- # * The use of instance variables instead of local variables
- # But if scale is optimized or local variables are used in the inner loops, then this implementation
- # is on par with the functional one for Float and it is more efficient for Flt types, where the variables
- # passed as parameters hold larger objects.
- # A Formatted object is created to format floating point numbers given:
- # * The input base in which numbers to be formatted are defined
- # * The input minimum expeonent
- # * The output base to which the input is converted.
- # * The :raise_on_repeat option, true by default specifies that when
- # an infinite sequence of repeating significant digits is found on the output
- # (which may occur when using the all-digits options and using directed-rounding)
- # an InfiniteLoopError exception is raised. If this option is false, then
- # no exception occurs, and instead of generating an infinite sequence of digits,
- # the formatter object will have a 'repeat' property which designs the first digit
- # to be repeated (it is an index into digits). If this equals the size of digits,
- # it is assumend, that the digit to be repeated is a zero which follows the last
- # digit present in digits.
- def initialize(input_b, input_min_e, output_b, options={})
- @b = input_b
- @min_e = input_min_e
- @output_b = output_b
- # result of last operation
- @adjusted_digits = @digits = nil
- # for "all-digits" mode results (which are truncated, rather than rounded),
- # round_up contains information to round the result:
- # * it is nil if the rest of digits are zero (the result is exact)
- # * it is :lo if there exist non-zero digits beyond the significant ones (those returned), but
- # the value is below the tie (the value must be rounded up only for :up rounding mode)
- # * it is :tie if there exists exactly one nonzero digit after the significant and it is radix/2,
- # for round-to-nearest it is atie.
- # * it is :hi otherwise (the value should be rounded-up except for the :down mode)
- @round_up = nil
- options = { raise_on_repeat: true }.merge(options)
- # when significant repeating digits occur (+all+ parameter and directed rounding)
- # @repeat is set to the index of the first repeating digit in @digits;
- # (if equal to @digits.size, that would indicate an infinite sequence of significant zeros)
- @repeat = nil
- # the :raise_on_repeat options (by default true) causes exceptions when repeating is found
- @raise_on_repeat = options[:raise_on_repeat]
- end
- # This method converts v = f*b**e into a sequence of +output_b+-base digits,
- # so that if the digits are converted back to a floating-point value
- # of precision p (correctly rounded), the result is exactly v.
- #
- # If +round_mode+ is not nil, then just enough digits to produce v using
- # that rounding is used; otherwise enough digits to produce v with
- # any rounding are delivered.
- #
- # If the +all+ parameter is true, all significant digits are generated without rounding,
- # Significant digits here are all digits that, if used on input, cannot arbitrarily change
- # while preserving the parsed value of the floating point number. Since the digits are not rounded
- # more digits may be needed to assure round-trip value preservation.
- #
- # This is useful to reflect the precision of the floating point value in the output; in particular
- # trailing significant zeros are shown. But note that, for directed rounding and base conversion
- # this may need to produce an infinite number of digits, in which case an exception will be raised
- # unless the :raise_on_repeat option has been set to false in the Formatter object. In that case
- # the formatter objetct will have a +repeat+ property that specifies the point in the digit
- # sequence where irepetition starts. The digits from that point to the end to the digits sequence
- # repeat indefinitely.
- #
- # This digit-repetition is specially frequent for the :up rounding mode, in which any number
- # with a finite numberof nonzero digits equal to or less than the precision will haver and infinite
- # sequence of zero significant digits.
- #
- # The:down rounding (truncation) could be used to show the exact value of the floating
- # point but beware: if the value has not an exact representation in the output base this will
- # lead to an infinite loop or repeating squence.
- #
- # When the +all+ parameters is used the result is not rounded (is truncated), and the round_up flag
- # is set to indicate that nonzero digits exists beyond the returned digits; the possible values
- # of the round_up flag are:
- # * nil : the rest of digits are zero or repeat (the result is exact)
- # * :lo : there exist non-zero digits beyond the significant ones (those returned), but
- # the value is below the tie (the value must be rounded up only for :up rounding mode)
- # * :tie : there exists exactly one nonzero digit after the significant and it is radix/2,
- # for round-to-nearest it is atie.
- # * :hi : the value is closer to the rounded-up value (incrementing the last significative digit.)
- #
- # Note that the round_mode here is not the rounding mode applied to the output;
- # it is the rounding mode that applied to *input* preserves the original floating-point
- # value (with the same precision as input).
- # should be rounded-up.
- #
- def format(v, f, e, round_mode, p=nil, all=false)
- context = v.class.context
- # TODO: consider removing parameters f,e and using v.split instead
- @minus = (context.sign(v)==-1)
- @v = context.copy_sign(v, +1) # don't use context.abs(v) because it rounds (and may overflow also)
- @f = f.abs
- @e = e
- @round_mode = round_mode
- @all_digits = all
- p ||= context.precision
- # adjust the rounding mode to work only with positive numbers
- @round_mode = Support.simplified_round_mode(@round_mode, @minus)
- # determine the high,low inclusion flags of the rounding limits
- case @round_mode
- when :half_even
- # rounding rage is (v-m-,v+m+) if v is odd and [v+m-,v+m+] if even
- @round_l = @round_h = ((@f%2)==0)
- when :up
- # rounding rage is (v-,v]
- # ceiling is treated here assuming f>0
- @round_l, @round_h = false, true
- when :down
- # rounding rage is [v,v+)
- # floor is treated here assuming f>0
- @round_l, @round_h = true, false
- when :half_up
- # rounding rage is [v+m-,v+m+)
- @round_l, @round_h = true, false
- when :half_down
- # rounding rage is (v+m-,v+m+]
- @round_l, @round_h = false, true
- else # :nearest
- # Here assume only that round-to-nearest will be used, but not which variant of it
- # The result is valid for any rounding (to nearest) but may produce more digits
- # than stricly necessary for specific rounding modes.
- # That is, enough digits are generated so that when the result is
- # converted to floating point with the specified precision and
- # correct rounding (to nearest), the result is the original number.
- # rounding range is (v+m-,v+m+)
- @round_l = @round_h = false
- end
- # TODO: use context.next_minus, next_plus instead of direct computing, don't require min_e & ps
- # Now compute the working quotients @r/@s, @m_p/@s = (v+ - @v), @m_m/@s = (@v - v-) and scale them.
- if @e >= 0
- if @f != b_power(p-1)
- be = b_power(@e)
- @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m = @f*be*2, 2, be, be
- else
- be = b_power(@e)
- be1 = be*@b
- @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m = @f*be1*2, @b*2, be1, be
- end
- else
- if @e==@min_e or @f != b_power(p-1)
- @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m = @f*2, b_power(-@e)*2, 1, 1
- else
- @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m = @f*@b*2, b_power(1-@e)*2, @b, 1
- end
- end
- @k = 0
- @context = context
- scale_optimized!
- # The value to be formatted is @v=@r/@s; m- = @m_m/@s = (@v - v-)/@s; m+ = @m_p/@s = (v+ - @v)/@s
- # Now adjust @m_m, @m_p so that they define the rounding range
- case @round_mode
- when :up
- # ceiling is treated here assuming @f>0
- # rounding range is -v,@v
- @m_m, @m_p = @m_m*2, 0
- when :down
- # floor is treated here assuming #f>0
- # rounding range is @v,v+
- @m_m, @m_p = 0, @m_p*2
- else
- # rounding range is v-,v+
- # @m_m, @m_p = @m_m, @m_p
- end
- # Now m_m, m_p define the rounding range
- all ? generate_max : generate
- end
- # Access result of format operation: scaling (position of radix point) and digits
- def digits
- return @k, @digits
- end
- attr_reader :round_up, :repeat
- # Access rounded result of format operation: scaling (position of radix point) and digits
- def adjusted_digits(round_mode)
- if @adjusted_digits.nil? && !@digits.nil?
- @adjusted_k, @adjusted_digits = Support.adjust_digits(@k, @digits,
- :round_mode => round_mode,
- :negative => @minus,
- :round_up => @round_up,
- :base => @output_b)
- end
- return @adjusted_k, @adjusted_digits
- end
- # Given r/s = v (number to convert to text), m_m/s = (v - v-)/s, m_p/s = (v+ - v)/s
- # Scale the fractions so that the first significant digit is right after the radix point, i.e.
- # find k = ceil(logB((r+m_p)/s)), the smallest integer such that (r+m_p)/s <= B^k
- # if k>=0 return:
- # r=r, s=s*B^k, m_p=m_p, m_m=m_m
- # if k<0 return:
- # r=r*B^k, s=s, m_p=m_p*B^k, m_m=m_m*B^k
- #
- # scale! is a general iterative method using only (multiprecision) integer arithmetic.
- def scale_original!(really=false)
- loop do
- if (@round_h ? (@r+@m_p >= @s) : (@r+@m_p > @s)) # k is too low
- @s *= @output_b
- @k += 1
- elsif (@round_h ? ((@r+@m_p)*@output_b<@s) : ((@r+@m_p)*@output_b<=@s)) # k is too high
- @r *= @output_b
- @m_p *= @output_b
- @m_m *= @output_b
- @k -= 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- # using local vars instead of instance vars: it makes a difference in performance
- def scale!
- r, s, m_p, m_m, k,output_b = @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m, @k,@output_b
- loop do
- if (@round_h ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)) # k is too low
- s *= output_b
- k += 1
- elsif (@round_h ? ((r+m_p)*output_b<s) : ((r+m_p)*output_b<=s)) # k is too high
- r *= output_b
- m_p *= output_b
- m_m *= output_b
- k -= 1
- else
- @s = s
- @r = r
- @m_p = m_p
- @m_m = m_m
- @k = k
- break
- end
- end
- end
- def b_power(n)
- @b**n
- end
- def output_b_power(n)
- @output_b**n
- end
- def start_repetition_dectection
- @may_repeat = (@m_p == 0 || @m_m == 0)
- @n_iters = 0
- @rs = []
- end
- # Detect indefinite repetitions in generate_max
- # returns the number of digits that are being repeated
- # (0 indicates the next digit would repeat and it would be a zero)
- def detect_repetitions(r)
- return nil unless @may_repeat
- @n_iters += 1
- if r == 0 && @m_p == 0
- repeat_count = 0
- if @rs.include?(r)
- repeat_count = @rs.index(r) - @rs.size
- else
- @rs << r
- end
- end
- if repeat_count
- raise InfiniteLoopError, "Infinite digit sequence." if @raise_on_repeat
- repeat_count
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def remove_redundant_repetitions
- if @repeat < @digits.size
- repeating_digits = @digits[@repeat..-1]
- l = repeating_digits.size
- pos = @repeat - l
- while pos >= 0 && @digits[pos, l] == repeating_digits
- pos -= l
- end
- first_repeat = pos + l
- if first_repeat < @repeat
- @repeat = first_repeat
- @digits = @digits[0, @repeat+l]
- end
- end
- end
- @digits
- end
- def generate_max
- @round_up = false
- list = []
- r, s, m_p, m_m, = @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m
- start_repetition_dectection
- loop do
- if repeat_count = detect_repetitions(r)
- @repeat = list.size + repeat_count
- break
- end
- d,r = (r*@output_b).divmod(s)
- m_p *= @output_b
- m_m *= @output_b
- list << d
- tc1 = @round_l ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
- tc2 = @round_h ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
- if tc1 && tc2
- if r != 0
- r *= 2
- if r > s
- @round_up = :hi
- elsif r == s
- @round_up = :tie
- else
- @rund_up = :lo
- end
- end
- break
- end
- end
- @digits = list
- remove_redundant_repetitions
- end
- def generate
- list = []
- r, s, m_p, m_m, = @r, @s, @m_p, @m_m
- loop do
- d,r = (r*@output_b).divmod(s)
- m_p *= @output_b
- m_m *= @output_b
- tc1 = @round_l ? (r<=m_m) : (r<m_m)
- tc2 = @round_h ? (r+m_p >= s) : (r+m_p > s)
- if not tc1
- if not tc2
- list << d
- else
- list << d+1
- break
- end
- else
- if not tc2
- list << d
- break
- else
- if r*2 < s
- list << d
- break
- else
- list << d+1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- @digits = list
- end
- ESTIMATE_FLOAT_LOG_B = {2=>1/Math.log(2), 10=>1/Math.log(10), 16=>1/Math.log(16)}
- # scale_o1! is an optimized version of scale!; it requires an additional parameters with the
- # floating-point number v=r/s
- #
- # It uses a Float estimate of ceil(logB(v)) that may need to adjusted one unit up
- # TODO: find easy to use estimate; determine max distance to correct value and use it for fixing,
- # or use the general scale! for fixing (but remembar to multiply by exptt(...))
- # (determine when Math.log is aplicable, etc.)
- def scale_optimized!
- context = @context # @v.class.context
- return scale! if
- # 1. compute estimated_scale
- # 1.1. try to use Float logarithms (Math.log)
- v = @v
- v_abs = context.copy_sign(v, +1) # don't use v.abs because it rounds (and may overflow also)
- v_flt = v_abs.to_f
- b = @output_b
- log_b = ESTIMATE_FLOAT_LOG_B[b] = 1.0/Math.log(b) if log_b.nil?
- estimated_scale = nil
- fixup = false
- begin
- l = ((b==10) ? Math.log10(v_flt) : Math.log(v_flt)*log_b)
- estimated_scale =(l - 1E-10).ceil
- fixup = true
- rescue
- # rescuing errors is more efficient than checking (v_abs < Float::MAX.to_i) && (v_flt > Float::MIN) when v is a Flt
- else
- # estimated_scale = nil
- end
- # 1.2. Use Flt::DecNum logarithm
- if estimated_scale.nil?
- v.to_decimal_exact(:precision=>12) if v.is_a?(BinNum)
- if v.is_a?(DecNum)
- l = nil
- DecNum.context(:precision=>12) do
- case b
- when 10
- l = v_abs.log10
- else
- l = v_abs.ln/Flt.DecNum(b).ln
- end
- end
- l -= Flt.DecNum(+1,1,-10)
- estimated_scale = l.ceil
- fixup = true
- end
- end
- # 1.3 more rough Float aproximation
- # TODO: optimize denominator, correct numerator for more precision with first digit or part
- # of the coefficient (like _log_10_lb)
- estimated_scale ||= (v.adjusted_exponent.to_f * Math.log(v.class.context.radix) * log_b).ceil
- if estimated_scale >= 0
- @k = estimated_scale
- @s *= output_b_power(estimated_scale)
- else
- sc = output_b_power(-estimated_scale)
- @k = estimated_scale
- @r *= sc
- @m_p *= sc
- @m_m *= sc
- end
- fixup ? scale_fixup! : scale!
- end
- # fix up scaling (final step): specialized version of scale!
- # This performs a single up scaling step, i.e. behaves like scale2, but
- # the input must be at most one step down from the final result
- def scale_fixup!
- if (@round_h ? (@r+@m_p >= @s) : (@r+@m_p > @s)) # too low?
- @s *= @output_b
- @k += 1
- end
- end
- end
module AuxiliarFunctions
# Number of bits in binary representation of the positive integer n, or 0 if n == 0.
@@ -1414,11 +150,10 @@
else # x + b == y
- end # Formatter
+ end
end # AuxiliarFunctions
end # Support