in flexparser-1.0.2 vs in flexparser-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
# Flexparser
-`Flexparser` provides an easy to use DSL for flexible, robust xml parsers. The goal of eflexparser is to be able to write **One Parser to parse them all**.
+ [](
+Provides an easy to use DSL for flexible, robust xml parsers. The goal of flexparser is to be able to write **One Parser to parse them all**.
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
-gem 'flexparser', path: 'vendor/gems/' # Or whereever you have eflexparser stored
+gem 'flexparser'
-Since this gem is private, it can only be vendored into a project right now.
+Or simply
+gem install flexparser
-**BEWARE:** Since i started working on this gem, another gem by the name of `flexparser` has been published to rubygems. So calling `gem install flexparser` will in fact install the wrong gem.
## Usage
#### Basics:
Including the `Flexparser` module in any Class turns it into a parser.
Lets start simple:
@@ -56,11 +61,11 @@
work = LovecraftParser.parse books
work.story #=> ['The Call of Cthulhu', 'Dagon', 'The Nameless City']
#### Nested Parsers
-Sometimes you want more than to just xtract a String. This way you can make your parser return complex Objects and nest parsers as deep as you like.
+Sometimes you want more than to just extract a String. This way you can make your parser return complex Objects and nest parsers as deep as you like.
library = "
<author>J. R. R. Tolkien</author>
<title>The Hobbit</title>
@@ -117,21 +122,39 @@
# A little bit of everything
property %w[image picture @img media:image], name: 'visual', type: URI, collection: true
+#### Defining a parser with a block
+When defining nested parsers, you would use a block. Like this:
+class ParserClass
+ include Flexparser
+ property 'story', collection: true do
+ property 'author'
+ property 'title'
+ end
+When passing a block to a parser definition, a new class is created that basically looks like this:
+```ruby { include Flexparser }
+The block is then `class_eval`ed on this anonymous class. Thats gives you a lot of flexibility in definen your parsers.
### Configuration
You can configure Flexparser by using a block (for example in an initializer) like so:
Flexparser.configure do |config|
config.option = value
At time of writing there are two Options:
#### `explicit_property_naming`
-**Default: ** `true`
+**Default:** `true`
If this is `true` you need to specify a `:name` for your `property` everytime there is more than one tag in your tag-list.
# Bad!
property %w[url link website]
@@ -151,21 +174,21 @@
Flexparser.configure { |c| c.retry_without_namespaces = false }
class SomeParser
property 'inventory'
-xml = "<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>"
+xml = '<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>'
# The inventory can't be found because it is namespaced.
SomeParser.parse(xml).inventory #=> nil :(
Flexparser.configure { |c| c.retry_without_namespaces = true }
class SomeBetterParser
property 'inventory'
-xml = "<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>"
+xml = '<inventory xmlns="">james</inventory>'
# The inventory can be found because we don't care.
SomeParser.parse(xml).inventory #=> 'james'
The Xpath used here adheres to xpath version 1.X.X and uses the name property `.//[name()='inventory']`
@@ -179,22 +202,5 @@
`property` takes a `String` or an array of strings as well as some options. The `property` method instantiates a `TagParser` and adds it to the `@tags` property of the class that is including `Flexparser` (we'll call it MainClass from here on out), which holds an array of all the `TagParser`s and `CollectionParser`s . It also defines accessors for the *name* of the property the `property` parser should extract.
The Parsers use an instance of `Flexparser::XPaths` to handle the array of tags that they are passed.
When everything is setup (i.e. the class is loaded), you can call `::parse` on your MainClass and pass it an XML string. At this point the MainClass instantiates itself and the `TagParser`s and `CollectionParser`s extract a value from the xml, that is then assigned to the newly created MainClass instance.
-#### Defining a parser with a block
-When defining nested parsers, you would use a block. Like this:
-class ParserClass
- include Flexparser
- property 'story', collection: true do
- property 'author'
- property 'title'
- end
-When passing a block to a parser definition, a new class is created that basically looks like this:
-```ruby { include Flexparser }
-The block is then `class_eval`ed on this anonymous class. Thats gives you a lot of flexibility in definen your parsers.