in flexdot-3.1.0 vs in flexdot-3.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -46,10 +46,15 @@
# (optional)
# The dotfile directory path.
# Default '.'.
dotfiles_dir: '.'
+ # (optional)
+ # Whether or not to colorize the output
+ # Default: true
+ output_colorize: true
It is recommended that you add the Rakefile to `gitignore`:
@@ -222,20 +227,20 @@
$ rake install:macOS
The following is the output result:
-[already_linked] bin/git-delete-other-branches
-[already_linked] bin/git-reset-and-clean
-[already_linked] .config/git/ignore
-[already_linked] .gemrc
-[already_linked] .vimrc
-[link_created] .bash_profile (backup)
-[link_created] .bashrc (backup)
-[link_created] .gitconfig (backup)
-[link_created] .config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications/tab-emulation.json (backup)
-[link_created] Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json (backup)
-[link_created] Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json (backup)
+already linked: bin/git-delete-other-branches
+already linked: bin/git-reset-and-clean
+already linked: .config/git/ignore
+already linked: .gemrc
+already linked: .vimrc
+link created: .bash_profile (backup)
+link created: .bashrc (backup)
+link created: .gitconfig (backup)
+link created: .config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications/tab-emulation.json (backup)
+link created: Library/Application Support/Code/User/keybindings.json (backup)
+link created: Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json (backup)
`already_linked` means skipped because `bin/git-delete-other-branches` is already linked. `link_created` means the link was created.
Also, `(backup)` means that a file exists in the link path and that file was backed up to `$HOME/dotfiles/backup/YYYYMMDDHHIISS/filename`.