spec/lib/flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/entity_methods_spec.rb in flapjack-0.8.10 vs spec/lib/flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/entity_methods_spec.rb in flapjack-0.8.11
- old
+ new
@@ -1,760 +1,290 @@
require 'spec_helper'
require 'flapjack/gateways/jsonapi'
describe 'Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityMethods', :sinatra => true, :logger => true do
- def app
- Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI
- end
+ include_context "jsonapi"
let(:entity) { double(Flapjack::Data::Entity) }
let(:entity_check) { double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck) }
+ let(:entity_id) { '457' }
let(:entity_name) { 'www.example.net'}
let(:entity_name_esc) { URI.escape(entity_name) }
let(:check) { 'ping' }
- let(:entity_presenter) { double(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter) }
- let(:entity_check_presenter) { double(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter) }
+ let(:check_presenter) { double(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::CheckPresenter) }
- let(:redis) { double(::Redis) }
+ it "retrieves all entities" do
+ entity_core = {'id' => '1234',
+ 'name' => 'www.example.com'}
+ expect(entity).to receive(:id).twice.and_return('1234')
- before(:all) do
- Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI.class_eval {
- set :raise_errors, true
- }
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:contact_ids_for).
+ with(['1234'], :redis => redis).and_return({})
+ expect(entity).to receive(:to_jsonapi).and_return(entity_core.to_json)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:all).with(:redis => redis).
+ and_return([entity])
- before(:each) do
- expect(Flapjack::RedisPool).to receive(:new).and_return(redis)
- Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI.instance_variable_set('@config', {})
- Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI.instance_variable_set('@logger', @logger)
- Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI.start
+ aget '/entities'
+ expect(last_response).to be_ok
+ expect(last_response.body).to eq({:entities => [entity_core]}.to_json)
- it "returns a list of checks for an entity"
+ it "retrieves one entity" do
+ entity_core = {'id' => '1234',
+ 'name' => 'www.example.com'}
+ expect(entity).to receive(:id).twice.and_return('1234')
- context 'non-bulk API calls' do
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:contact_ids_for).
+ with(['1234'], :redis => redis).and_return({})
+ expect(entity).to receive(:to_jsonapi).and_return(entity_core.to_json)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('1234', :logger => @logger, :redis => redis).
+ and_return(entity)
- it "returns the status for all checks on an entity" do
- status = double('status', :to_json => 'status!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :status => status}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:status).and_return(result)
+ aget '/entities/1234'
+ expect(last_response).to be_ok
+ expect(last_response.body).to eq({:entities => [entity_core]}.to_json)
+ end
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
+ it "retrieves several entities" do
+ entity_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::Entity)
+ entity_core = {'id' => '1234',
+ 'name' => 'www.example.com'}
+ entity_core_2 = {'id' => '5678',
+ 'name' => 'www.example2.com'}
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:contact_ids_for).
+ with(['1234', '5678'], :redis => redis).and_return({})
- aget "/status/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(['status!'].to_json)
- end
+ expect(entity).to receive(:id).twice.and_return('1234')
+ expect(entity_2).to receive(:id).twice.and_return('5678')
- it "should not show the status for an entity that's not found" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ expect(entity).to receive(:to_jsonapi).and_return(entity_core.to_json)
+ expect(entity_2).to receive(:to_jsonapi).and_return(entity_core_2.to_json)
- aget "/status/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('1234', :logger => @logger, :redis => redis).
+ and_return(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('5678', :logger => @logger, :redis => redis).
+ and_return(entity_2)
- it "returns the status for a check on an entity" do
- status = double('status', :to_json => 'status!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:status).and_return(status)
+ aget '/entities/1234,5678'
+ expect(last_response).to be_ok
+ expect(last_response.body).to eq({:entities => [entity_core, entity_core_2]}.to_json)
+ end
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
+ it "creates entities from a submitted list" do
+ entities = {'entities' =>
+ [
+ {"id" => "10001",
+ "name" => "clientx-app-01",
+ "contacts" => ["0362","0363","0364"]
+ },
+ {"id" => "10002",
+ "name" => "clientx-app-02",
+ "contacts" => ["0362"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:add).twice
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ apost "/entities", entities.to_json, jsonapi_post_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(201)
+ expect(last_response.headers['Location']).to eq("http://example.org/entities/10001,10002")
+ expect(last_response.body).to eq('["10001","10002"]')
+ end
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ it "does not create entities if the data is improperly formatted" do
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).not_to receive(:add)
- aget "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('status!'.to_json)
- end
+ apost "/entities", {'entities' => ["Hello", "there"]}.to_json, jsonapi_post_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
+ end
- it "should not show the status for a check on an entity that's not found" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ it "does not create entities if they don't contain an id" do
+ entities = {'entities' =>
+ [
+ {"id" => "10001",
+ "name" => "clientx-app-01",
+ "contacts" => ["0362","0363","0364"]
+ },
+ {"name" => "clientx-app-02",
+ "contacts" => ["0362"]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).not_to receive(:add)
- aget "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
+ apost "/entities", entities.to_json, jsonapi_post_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
+ end
- it "should not show the status for a check that's not found on an entity" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ it "updates an entity" do
+ contact = double(Flapjack::Data::Contact)
+ expect(contact).to receive(:add_entity).with(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Contact).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('32', :redis => redis).and_return(contact)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('1234', :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
+ apatch "/entities/1234",
+ [{:op => 'add', :path => '/entities/0/links/contacts/-', :value => '32'}].to_json,
+ jsonapi_patch_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
+ end
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods for an entity" do
- sched = double('sched', :to_json => 'sched!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :scheduled_maintenances => sched}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ it "creates acknowledgements for all checks on an entity" do
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq([{:check => check, :scheduled_maintenance => sched}].to_json)
- end
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods within a time window for an entity" do
- start = Time.parse('1 Jan 2012')
- finish = Time.parse('6 Jan 2012')
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:create_acknowledgement).
+ with(entity_name, check, :duration => (4 * 60 * 60), :redis => redis)
- sched = double('sched', :to_json => 'sched!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :scheduled_maintenances => sched}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(start.to_i, finish.to_i).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ apost "/unscheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}"
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
+ end
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}?" +
- "start_time=#{CGI.escape(start.iso8601)}&end_time=#{CGI.escape(finish.iso8601)}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq([{:check => check, :scheduled_maintenance => sched}].to_json)
- end
+ it "ends unscheduled maintenance periods for all checks on an entity" do
+ end_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_unscheduled_maintenance).with(end_time.to_i)
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods for a check on an entity" do
- sched = double('sched', :to_json => 'sched!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(sched)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('sched!'.to_json)
- end
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- it "creates an acknowledgement for an entity check" do
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
+ apatch "/unscheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}",
+ [{:op => 'replace', :path => '/unscheduled_maintenances/0/end_time', :value => end_time.iso8601}].to_json,
+ jsonapi_patch_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
+ end
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:create_acknowledgement).
- with(entity_name, check, :summary => nil, :duration => (4 * 60 * 60), :redis => redis)
+ it "creates scheduled maintenance periods for all checks on an entity" do
+ start = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
+ duration = (2 * 60 * 60) # two hours
- apost "/acknowledgements/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:create_scheduled_maintenance).
+ with(start.getutc.to_i, duration, :summary => 'test')
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods for an entity" do
- unsched = double('unsched', :to_json => 'unsched!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :unscheduled_maintenances => unsched}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ apost "/scheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}",
+ {:scheduled_maintenances => [{:start_time => start.iso8601, :summary => 'test', :duration => duration}]}.to_json,
+ jsonapi_post_env
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq([{:check => check, :unscheduled_maintenance => unsched}].to_json)
- end
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
+ end
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods for a check on an entity" do
- unsched = double('unsched', :to_json => 'unsched!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(unsched)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ it "doesn't create scheduled maintenance periods if the start time isn't passed" do
+ duration = (2 * 60 * 60) # two hours
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('unsched!'.to_json)
- end
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(entity_check).not_to receive(:create_scheduled_maintenance)
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods within a time window for a check an entity" do
- start = Time.parse('1 Jan 2012')
- finish = Time.parse('6 Jan 2012')
+ apost "/scheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}",
+ {:scheduled_maintenances => [{:summary => 'test', :duration => duration}]}.to_json, jsonapi_post_env
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
+ end
- unsched = double('unsched', :to_json => 'unsched!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(start.to_i, finish.to_i).and_return(unsched)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ it "deletes scheduled maintenance periods for all checks on an entity" do
+ start_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}" +
- "?start_time=#{CGI.escape(start.iso8601)}&end_time=#{CGI.escape(finish.iso8601)}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('unsched!'.to_json)
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- it "returns a list of outages for an entity" do
- out = double('out', :to_json => 'out!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :outages => out}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/outages/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq([{:check => check, :outages => out}].to_json)
- end
+ adelete "/scheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}",
+ :start_time => start_time.iso8601
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
+ end
- it "returns a list of outages for a check on an entity" do
- out = double('out', :to_json => 'out!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(out)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ it "doesn't delete scheduled maintenance periods if the start time isn't passed" do
+ expect(entity_check).not_to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance)
- aget "/outages/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('out!'.to_json)
- end
+ adelete "/scheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id}"
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
+ end
- it "returns a list of downtimes for an entity" do
- down = double('down', :to_json => 'down!'.to_json)
- result = {:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :downtime => down}
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:downtime).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ it "deletes scheduled maintenance periods for all checks on a multiple entities" do
+ start_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
- aget "/downtime/#{entity_name_esc}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq([{:check => check, :downtime => down}].to_json)
- end
+ check_2 = 'HOST'
+ entity_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::Entity)
+ entity_check_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
- it "returns a list of downtimes for a check on an entity" do
- down = double('down', :to_json => 'down!'.to_json)
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:downtime).with(nil, nil).and_return(down)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
+ expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
- aget "/downtime/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq('down!'.to_json)
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity_2, check_2, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check_2)
- it "creates a test notification event for check on an entity" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity).to receive(:name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return('foo')
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, 'foo', :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
- with(entity_name, 'foo', hash_including(:redis => redis))
+ expect(entity_2).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check_2])
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with('873', :redis => redis).and_return(entity_2)
- apost "/test_notifications/#{entity_name_esc}/foo"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
+ adelete "/scheduled_maintenances/entities/#{entity_id},873",
+ :start_time => start_time.iso8601
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- context 'bulk API calls' do
+ it "creates test notification events for all checks on an entity" do
+ expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check, 'foo'])
+ expect(entity).to receive(:name).twice.and_return(entity_name)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_id).
+ with(entity_id, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- it "returns the status for all checks on an entity" do
- status = double('status')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :status => status}]
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:status).and_return(result)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
+ expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ entity_check_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
+ expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
+ expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
+ expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:check).and_return('foo')
- aget "/status", :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, 'foo', :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check_2)
- it "should not show the status for an entity that's not found" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
+ with(entity_name, check, hash_including(:redis => redis))
- aget "/status", :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
+ expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
+ with(entity_name, 'foo', hash_including(:redis => redis))
- it "returns the status for a check on an entity" do
- status = double('status')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :status => status}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:status).and_return(status)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/status", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "should not show the status for a check on an entity that's not found" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
- aget "/status", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
- it "should not show the status for a check that's not found on an entity" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
- aget "/status", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(404)
- end
- it "creates an acknowledgement for an entity check" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:create_acknowledgement).
- with(entity_name, check, :summary => nil, :duration => (4 * 60 * 60), :redis => redis)
- apost '/acknowledgements',:check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "deletes an unscheduled maintenance period for an entity check" do
- end_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_unscheduled_maintenance).with(end_time.to_i)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- adelete "/unscheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check}, :end_time => end_time.iso8601
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "creates a scheduled maintenance period for an entity check" do
- start = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
- duration = (2 * 60 * 60) # two hours
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:create_scheduled_maintenance).
- with(start.getutc.to_i, duration, :summary => 'test')
- apost "/scheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}?" +
- "start_time=#{CGI.escape(start.iso8601)}&summary=test&duration=#{duration}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "doesn't create a scheduled maintenance period if the start time isn't passed" do
- duration = (2 * 60 * 60) # two hours
- apost "/scheduled_maintenances/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}?" +
- "summary=test&duration=#{duration}"
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
- end
- it "deletes a scheduled maintenance period for an entity check" do
- start_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- adelete "/scheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check}, :start_time => start_time.iso8601
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "doesn't delete a scheduled maintenance period if the start time isn't passed" do
- expect(entity_check).not_to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance)
- adelete "/scheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
- end
- it "deletes scheduled maintenance periods for multiple entity checks" do
- start_time = Time.now + (60 * 60) # an hour from now
- entity_check_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
- expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:end_scheduled_maintenance).with(start_time.to_i)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, 'foo', :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check_2)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- adelete "/scheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => [check, 'foo']}, :start_time => start_time.iso8601
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods for an entity" do
- sm = double('sched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :scheduled_maintenances => sm}]
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances", :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods within a time window for an entity" do
- start = Time.parse('1 Jan 2012')
- finish = Time.parse('6 Jan 2012')
- sm = double('sched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :scheduled_maintenances => sm}]
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(start.to_i, finish.to_i).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances", :entity => entity_name,
- :start_time => start.iso8601, :end_time => finish.iso8601
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods for a check on an entity" do
- sm = double('sched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :scheduled_maintenances => sm}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:scheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(sm)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/scheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods for an entity" do
- um = double('unsched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :unscheduled_maintenances => um}]
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances", :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods for a check on an entity" do
- um = double('unsched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :unscheduled_maintenances => um}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(nil, nil).and_return(um)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of unscheduled maintenance periods within a time window for a check an entity" do
- start = Time.parse('1 Jan 2012')
- finish = Time.parse('6 Jan 2012')
- um = double('unsched_maint')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :unscheduled_maintenances => um}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:unscheduled_maintenances).with(start.to_i, finish.to_i).and_return(um)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/unscheduled_maintenances", :check => {entity_name => check},
- :start_time => start.iso8601, :end_time => finish.iso8601
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of outages, for one whole entity and two checks on another entity" do
- outages_1 = double('outages_1')
- outages_2 = double('outages_2')
- outages_3 = double('outages_3')
- entity_2_name = 'entity_2'
- entity_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::Entity)
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :outages => outages_1},
- {:entity => entity_2_name, :check => 'foo', :outages => outages_2},
- {:entity => entity_2_name, :check => 'bar', :outages => outages_3}]
- foo_check = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
- bar_check = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
- foo_check_presenter = double(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter)
- bar_check_presenter = double(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter)
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(result[0])
- expect(foo_check_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(outages_2)
- expect(bar_check_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(outages_3)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(foo_check).and_return(foo_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(bar_check).and_return(bar_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_2_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_2)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity_2, 'foo', :redis => redis).and_return(foo_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity_2, 'bar', :redis => redis).and_return(bar_check)
- aget "/outages", :entity => entity_name, :check => {entity_2_name => ['foo', 'bar']}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of outages for a check on an entity" do
- outages = double('outages')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :outages => outages}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:outages).with(nil, nil).and_return(outages)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/outages", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of downtimes for an entity" do
- downtime = double('downtime')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :downtime => downtime}]
- expect(entity_presenter).to receive(:downtime).with(nil, nil).and_return(result)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/downtime", :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "returns a list of downtimes for a check on an entity" do
- downtime = double('downtime')
- result = [{:entity => entity_name, :check => check, :downtime => downtime}]
- expect(entity_check_presenter).to receive(:downtime).with(nil, nil).and_return(downtime)
- expect(Flapjack::Gateways::JSONAPI::EntityCheckPresenter).to receive(:new).
- with(entity_check).and_return(entity_check_presenter)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- aget "/downtime", :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response).to be_ok
- expect(last_response.body).to eq(result.to_json)
- end
- it "creates test notification events for all checks on an entity" do
- expect(entity).to receive(:check_list).and_return([check, 'foo'])
- expect(entity).to receive(:name).twice.and_return(entity_name)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- entity_check_2 = double(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck)
- expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check_2).to receive(:check).and_return('foo')
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, 'foo', :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check_2)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
- with(entity_name, check, hash_including(:redis => redis))
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
- with(entity_name, 'foo', hash_including(:redis => redis))
- apost '/test_notifications', :entity => entity_name
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "creates a test notification event for check on an entity" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:find_by_name).
- with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity).to receive(:name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity).and_return(entity)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:entity_name).and_return(entity_name)
- expect(entity_check).to receive(:check).and_return(check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck).to receive(:for_entity).
- with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Event).to receive(:test_notifications).
- with(entity_name, check, hash_including(:redis => redis))
- apost '/test_notifications', :check => {entity_name => check}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "creates entities from a submitted list" do
- entities = {'entities' =>
- [
- {"id" => "10001",
- "name" => "clientx-app-01",
- "contacts" => ["0362","0363","0364"]
- },
- {"id" => "10002",
- "name" => "clientx-app-02",
- "contacts" => ["0362"]
- }
- ]
- }
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:add).twice
- apost "/entities", entities.to_json, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)
- end
- it "does not create entities if the data is improperly formatted" do
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).not_to receive(:add)
- apost "/entities", {'entities' => ["Hello", "there"]}.to_json,
- {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
- end
- it "does not create entities if they don't contain an id" do
- entities = {'entities' =>
- [
- {"id" => "10001",
- "name" => "clientx-app-01",
- "contacts" => ["0362","0363","0364"]
- },
- {"name" => "clientx-app-02",
- "contacts" => ["0362"]
- }
- ]
- }
- expect(Flapjack::Data::Entity).to receive(:add)
- apost "/entities", entities.to_json, {'CONTENT_TYPE' => 'application/json'}
- expect(last_response.status).to eq(403)
- end
+ apost "/test_notifications/entities/#{entity_id}"
+ expect(last_response.status).to eq(204)