spec/lib/flapjack/gateways/api_spec.rb in flapjack-0.7.0 vs spec/lib/flapjack/gateways/api_spec.rb in flapjack-0.7.1
- old
+ new
@@ -72,17 +72,103 @@
Flapjack::Gateways::API.instance_variable_set('@logger', @logger)
it "returns a list of checks for an entity" do
- check_list = ['ping']
- entity.should_receive(:check_list).and_return(check_list)
+ entity.should_receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
get "/checks/#{entity_name_esc}"
last_response.should be_ok
- last_response.body.should == check_list.to_json
+ last_response.body.should == [check].to_json
+ end
+ it "returns the status for all checks on an entity" do
+ entity.should_receive(:check_list).and_return([check])
+ Flapjack::Data::Entity.should_receive(:find_by_name).
+ with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ now = Time.now.to_i
+ entity_check.should_receive(:state).and_return('OK')
+ entity_check.should_receive(:in_unscheduled_maintenance?).and_return(false)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:in_scheduled_maintenance?).and_return(false)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_update).and_return(now - 30)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_problem_notification).and_return(now - 60)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_recovery_notification).and_return(now - 30)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_acknowledgement_notification).and_return(now - 45)
+ Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.should_receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ get "/status/#{entity_name_esc}"
+ last_response.should be_ok
+ last_response.body.should == [{'name' => check,
+ 'state' => 'OK',
+ 'in_unscheduled_maintenance' => false,
+ 'in_scheduled_maintenance' => false,
+ 'last_update' => (now - 30),
+ 'last_problem_notification' => (now - 60),
+ 'last_recovery_notification' => (now - 30),
+ 'last_acknowledgement_notification' => (now - 45)
+ }].to_json
+ end
+ it "should not show the status for an entity that's not found" do
+ Flapjack::Data::Entity.should_receive(:find_by_name).
+ with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ get "/status/#{entity_name_esc}"
+ last_response.should be_not_found
+ end
+ it "returns the status for a check (with non-word characters) on an entity" do
+ nw_check = "HTTP Port 443"
+ Flapjack::Data::Entity.should_receive(:find_by_name).
+ with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ now = Time.now.to_i
+ entity_check.should_receive(:state).and_return('OK')
+ entity_check.should_receive(:in_unscheduled_maintenance?).and_return(false)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:in_scheduled_maintenance?).and_return(false)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_update).and_return(now - 30)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_problem_notification).and_return(now - 60)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_recovery_notification).and_return(now - 30)
+ entity_check.should_receive(:last_acknowledgement_notification).and_return(now - 45)
+ Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.should_receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, nw_check, :redis => redis).and_return(entity_check)
+ get "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{URI.escape(nw_check)}"
+ last_response.should be_ok
+ last_response.body.should == {'name' => nw_check,
+ 'state' => 'OK',
+ 'in_unscheduled_maintenance' => false,
+ 'in_scheduled_maintenance' => false,
+ 'last_update' => (now - 30),
+ 'last_problem_notification' => (now - 60),
+ 'last_recovery_notification' => (now - 30),
+ 'last_acknowledgement_notification' => (now - 45)
+ }.to_json
+ end
+ it "should not show the status for a check on an entity that's not found" do
+ Flapjack::Data::Entity.should_receive(:find_by_name).
+ with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ get "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
+ last_response.should be_not_found
+ end
+ it "should not show the status for a check that's not found on an entity" do
+ Flapjack::Data::Entity.should_receive(:find_by_name).
+ with(entity_name, :redis => redis).and_return(entity)
+ Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.should_receive(:for_entity).
+ with(entity, check, :redis => redis).and_return(nil)
+ get "/status/#{entity_name_esc}/#{check}"
+ last_response.should be_not_found
it "returns a list of scheduled maintenance periods for an entity" do
result = mock('result')
result_json = %q{"result"}