lib/flapjack/gateways/email/rollup.text.erb in flapjack-1.6.0 vs lib/flapjack/gateways/email/rollup.text.erb in flapjack-2.0.0b1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
-Hi <%= @alert.contact_first_name %>
+Hi <%= @alert.contact_name %>
-You have <%= @alert.rollup_alerts.length %> alerting check<%= @alert.rollup_alerts.length == 1 ? '' : 's' %> as follows:
+<% rollup_alerts_count = @alert.rollup_alerts.length %>
-<% @alert.rollup_alerts.sort_by {|entity_check, details| details['duration'] }.each do |rollup_alert| -%>
-<% r_entity, r_check = rollup_alert[0].split(':', 2) -%>
-<% state = rollup_alert[1]['state'] -%>
-<% duration = (ChronicDuration.output(rollup_alert[1]['duration'], :keep_zero => true) || '0 secs') -%>
- * <%= r_check %> on <%= r_entity %> is <%= ['ok'].include?(state) ? state.upcase : state.titleize %> (<%= duration %>)
+You have <%= rollup_alerts_count %> alerting check<%= rollup_alerts_count == 1 ? '' : 's' %> as follows:
+<% @alert.rollup_alerts.all.sort_by(&:duration).each do |rollup_alert|
+ check = rollup_alert.check
+ state = rollup_alert.state
+ duration = (ChronicDuration.output(rollup_alert.duration, :keep_zero => true) || '0 secs') -%>
+ * <%= %> is <%= ['ok'].include?(state) ? state.upcase : state.titleize %> (<%= duration %>)
<% end -%>
-<% if @alert.rollup == 'recovery' -%>
-As your email summary threshold is <%= @alert.rollup_threshold %>, we're taking your email alerts out of summary mode now. You'll now be emailed individually for each alerting check.
+<% rollup_threshold = @alert.medium.rollup_threshold -%>
+<% if 'recovery'.eql?(@alert.rollup) -%>
+As your email summary threshold is <%= rollup_threshold %>, we're taking your email alerts out of summary mode now. You'll now be emailed individually for each alerting check.
<% else -%>
-Your email alerts are being summarised as your email summary threshold is set to <%= @alert.rollup_threshold %>. You'll receive summary emails like this one until your number of alerting checks falls below <%= @alert.rollup_threshold %>.
+Your email alerts are being summarised as your email summary threshold is set to <%= rollup_threshold %>. You'll receive summary emails like this one until your number of alerting checks falls below <%= rollup_threshold %>.
<% end -%>