lib/flapjack/data/contact.rb in flapjack-1.6.0 vs lib/flapjack/data/contact.rb in flapjack-2.0.0b1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,532 +1,302 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# NB: use of redis.keys probably indicates we should maintain a data
-# structure to avoid the need for this type of query
require 'securerandom'
require 'set'
require 'ice_cube'
+require 'swagger/blocks'
-require 'flapjack/data/entity'
-require 'flapjack/data/entity_check'
-require 'flapjack/data/notification_rule'
+require 'zermelo/records/redis'
+require 'flapjack/data/extensions/short_name'
+require 'flapjack/data/validators/id_validator'
+require 'flapjack/data/extensions/associations'
+require 'flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/data/join_descriptor'
+require 'flapjack/gateways/jsonapi/data/method_descriptor'
module Flapjack
module Data
class Contact
- attr_accessor :id, :first_name, :last_name, :email, :media,
- :media_intervals, :media_rollup_thresholds, :pagerduty_credentials
+ include Zermelo::Records::RedisSet
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
+ self.include_root_in_json = false
+ include Swagger::Blocks
- 'email',
- 'sms',
- 'slack',
- 'sms_twilio',
- 'sms_nexmo',
- 'jabber',
- 'pagerduty',
- 'sns'
- ]
+ include Flapjack::Data::Extensions::Associations
+ include Flapjack::Data::Extensions::ShortName
- def self.all(options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
+ define_attributes :name => :string,
+ :timezone => :string
- redis.keys('contact:*').inject([]) {|ret, k|
- k =~ /^contact:(.*)$/
- id = $1
- contact = self.find_by_id(id, :redis => redis)
- ret << contact unless contact.nil?
- ret
- }.sort_by {|c| [c.last_name, c.first_name]}
- end
+ index_by :name
- def self.find_by_id(contact_id, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- raise "No id value passed" unless contact_id
- logger = options[:logger]
+ has_many :rules, :class_name => 'Flapjack::Data::Rule',
+ :inverse_of => :contact
- # sanity check
- return unless redis.hexists("contact:#{contact_id}", 'first_name')
+ has_many :media, :class_name => 'Flapjack::Data::Medium',
+ :inverse_of => :contact
- contact = => contact_id, :redis => redis, :logger => logger)
- contact.refresh
- contact
- end
+ has_and_belongs_to_many :tags, :class_name => 'Flapjack::Data::Tag',
+ :inverse_of => :contacts
- def self.find_by_ids(contact_ids, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- logger = options[:logger]
+ validates_with Flapjack::Data::Validators::IdValidator
- do |id|
- self.find_by_id(id, options)
- end
+ validates_each :timezone, :allow_nil => true do |record, att, value|
+ record.errors.add(att, 'must be a valid time zone string') if ActiveSupport::TimeZone[value].nil?
- def self.exists_with_id?(contact_id, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- raise "No id value passed" unless contact_id
+ before_destroy :remove_child_records
+ def remove_child_records
+ {|medium| medium.destroy }
+ self.rules.each {|rule| rule.destroy }
+ end
- redis.exists("contact:#{contact_id}")
+ def time_zone
+ return nil if self.timezone.nil?
+ ActiveSupport::TimeZone[self.timezone]
- def self.add(contact_data, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- contact_id = contact_data['id']
- raise "Contact id value not provided" if contact_id.nil?
+ def checks
+ time =
- if contact = self.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => redis)
- contact.delete!
- end
+ global_acceptors = self.rules.intersect(:enabled => true,
+ :blackhole => false, :strategy => 'global')
- self.add_or_update(contact_id, contact_data, :redis => redis)
- contact = self.find_by_id(contact_id, :redis => redis)
+ global_rejector_ids = self.rules.intersect(:enabled => true,
+ :blackhole => true, :strategy => 'global').select {|rejector|
- unless contact.nil?
- contact.notification_rules # invoke to create general rule
- end
+ rejector.is_occurring_at?(time, timezone)
+ }.map(&:id)
- contact
- end
+ # global blackhole
+ return Flapjack::Data::Check.empty unless global_rejector_ids.empty?
- def self.delete_all(options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
+ tag_rejector_ids = self.rules.intersect(:enabled => true,
+ :blackhole => true, :strategy => ['any_tag', 'all_tags', 'no_tag']).select {|rejector|
- self.all(:redis => redis).each do |contact|
- contact.delete!
- end
- end
+ rejector.is_occurring_at?(time, timezone)
+ }.map(&:id)
- # ensure that instance variables match redis state
- # TODO may want to make this protected/private, it's only
- # used in this class
- def refresh
- fn, ln, em = @redis.hmget("contact:#{@id}", 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email')
- self.first_name = Flapjack.sanitize(fn)
- self.last_name = Flapjack.sanitize(ln)
- = Flapjack.sanitize(em)
- = @redis.hgetall("contact_media:#{@id}")
- self.media_intervals = @redis.hgetall("contact_media_intervals:#{}")
- self.media_rollup_thresholds = @redis.hgetall("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}")
+ tag_acceptors = self.rules.intersect(:enabled => true, :blackhole => false,
+ :strategy => ['any_tag', 'all_tags', 'no_tag']).select {|acceptor|
- # similar to code in instance method pagerduty_credentials
- if service_key = @redis.hget("contact_media:#{@id}", 'pagerduty')
- self.pagerduty_credentials =
- @redis.hgetall("contact_pagerduty:#{@id}").merge('service_key' => service_key)
- end
- end
+ acceptor.is_occurring_at?(time, timezone)
+ }
- def update(contact_data)
- self.class.add_or_update(@id, contact_data, :redis => @redis)
- self.refresh
- end
+ # no positives
+ return Flapjack::Data::Check.empty if tag_acceptors.empty?
- def delete!
- # remove entity & check registrations -- ugh, this will be slow.
- # rather than check if the key is present we'll just request its
- # deletion anyway, fewer round-trips
- @redis.keys('contacts_for:*').each do |cfk|
- @redis.srem(cfk,
- end
- @redis.del("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}")
- dafc = @redis.keys("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}:*")
- @redis.del(*dafc) unless dafc.empty?
+ # initial scope is all enabled
+ linked_checks = Flapjack::Data::Check.intersect(:enabled => true)
- # TODO if implemented, alerts_by_contact & alerts_by_check:
- # list all alerts from all matched keys, remove them from
- # the main alerts sorted set, remove all alerts_by sorted sets
- # for the contact
- # remove all associated notification rules
- self.notification_rules.each do |nr|
- self.delete_notification_rule(nr)
+ if global_acceptors.empty?
+ # if no global acceptor, scope by matching tags
+ tag_acceptor_checks = Flapjack::Data::Rule.matching_checks(
+ linked_checks = linked_checks.intersect(:id => tag_acceptor_checks)
- @redis.del("contact:#{}", "contact_media:#{}",
- "contact_media_intervals:#{}",
- "contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}",
- "contact_tz:#{}", "contact_pagerduty:#{}")
- end
- def pagerduty_credentials
- return unless service_key = @redis.hget("contact_media:#{}", 'pagerduty')
- @redis.hgetall("contact_pagerduty:#{}").
- merge('service_key' => service_key)
- end
- def set_pagerduty_credentials(details)
- @redis.hset("contact_media:#{}", 'pagerduty', details['service_key'])
- @redis.hmset("contact_pagerduty:#{}",
- *['subdomain', 'token', 'username', 'password'].collect {|f| [f, details[f]]})
- end
- def delete_pagerduty_credentials
- @redis.hdel("contact_media:#{}", 'pagerduty')
- @redis.del("contact_pagerduty:#{}")
- end
- # returns false if this contact was already in the set for the entity
- def add_entity(entity)
- key = "contacts_for:#{}"
- @redis.sadd(key,
- end
- # returns false if this contact wasn't in the set for the entity
- def remove_entity(entity)
- key = "contacts_for:#{}"
- @redis.srem(key,
- end
- # NB ideally contacts_for:* keys would scope the entity and check by an
- # input source, for namespacing purposes
- def entities(options = {})
- @redis.keys('contacts_for:*').inject({}) {|ret, k|
- if @redis.sismember(k,
- if k =~ /^contacts_for:([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?::(\w+))?$/
- entity_id = $1
- check = $2
- entity = nil
- if ret.has_key?(entity_id)
- entity = ret[entity_id][:entity]
- else
- entity = Flapjack::Data::Entity.find_by_id(entity_id, :redis => @redis)
- ret[entity_id] = {
- :entity => entity
- }
- # using a set to ensure unique check values
- ret[entity_id][:checks] = if options[:checks]
- ret[entity_id][:tags] = entity.tags if entity && options[:tags]
- end
- if options[:checks]
- # if not registered for the check, then was registered for
- # the entity, so add all checks
- ret[entity_id][:checks] |= (check || (entity ? entity.check_list : []))
- end
- end
- end
- ret
- }.values
- end
- def self.entity_ids_for(contact_ids, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- entity_ids = {}
- temp_set = SecureRandom.uuid
- redis.sadd(temp_set, contact_ids)
- redis.keys('contacts_for:*').each do |k|
- contact_ids = redis.sinter(k, temp_set)
- next if contact_ids.empty?
- next unless k =~ /^contacts_for:([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\.\-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?::(\w+))?$/
- entity_id = $1
- # check = $2
- contact_ids.each do |contact_id|
- entity_ids[contact_id] ||= []
- entity_ids[contact_id] << entity_id
- end
+ # then exclude by checks with tags matching rejector, if any
+ tag_rejector_checks = Flapjack::Data::Rule.matching_checks(tag_rejector_ids)
+ unless tag_rejector_checks.empty?
+ linked_checks = linked_checks.diff(:id => tag_rejector_checks)
- redis.del(temp_set)
- entity_ids
+ linked_checks
- def name
- [(self.first_name || ''), (self.last_name || '')].join(" ").strip
- end
- def notification_rule_ids
- @redis.smembers("contact_notification_rules:#{}")
- end
- # return an array of the notification rules of this contact
- def notification_rules(opts = {})
- rules = self.notification_rule_ids.inject([]) do |ret, rule_id|
- unless (rule_id.nil? || rule_id == '')
- ret << Flapjack::Data::NotificationRule.find_by_id(rule_id, :redis => @redis)
- end
- ret
+ swagger_schema :Contact do
+ key :required, [:id, :type, :name]
+ property :id do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :uuid
- if rules.all? {|r| r.is_specific? } # also true if empty
- rule = self.add_notification_rule({
- :entities => [],
- :regex_entities => [],
- :tags =>[]),
- :regex_tags =>[]),
- :time_restrictions => [],
- :warning_media => ALL_MEDIA,
- :critical_media => ALL_MEDIA,
- :warning_blackhole => false,
- :critical_blackhole => false,
- }, :logger => opts[:logger])
- rules.unshift(rule)
+ property :type do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :enum, [Flapjack::Data::Contact.short_model_name.singular]
- rules
- end
- def add_notification_rule(rule_data, opts = {})
- if logger = opts[:logger]
- logger.debug("add_notification_rule: contact_id: #{} (#{})")
+ property :name do
+ key :type, :string
- Flapjack::Data::NotificationRule.add(rule_data.merge(:contact_id =>,
- :redis => @redis, :logger => opts[:logger])
- end
- # move an existing notification rule from another contact to this one
- def grab_notification_rule(rule)
- @redis.srem("contact_notification_rules:#{}",
- rule.contact_id =
- rule.update({})
- @redis.sadd("contact_notification_rules:#{}",
- end
- def delete_notification_rule(rule)
- @redis.srem("contact_notification_rules:#{}",
- @redis.del("notification_rule:#{}")
- end
- # how often to notify this contact on the given media
- # return 15 mins if no value is set
- def interval_for_media(media)
- interval = @redis.hget("contact_media_intervals:#{}", media)
- (interval.nil? || (interval.to_i <= 0)) ? (15 * 60) : interval.to_i
- end
- def set_interval_for_media(media, interval)
- return if 'pagerduty'.eql?(media)
- if interval.nil?
- @redis.hdel("contact_media_intervals:#{}", media)
- return
+ property :timezone do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :tzinfo
- @redis.hset("contact_media_intervals:#{}", media, interval)
- self.media_intervals = @redis.hgetall("contact_media_intervals:#{}")
- end
- def rollup_threshold_for_media(media)
- threshold = @redis.hget("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}", media)
- (threshold.nil? || (threshold.to_i <= 0 )) ? nil : threshold.to_i
- end
- def set_rollup_threshold_for_media(media, threshold)
- return if 'pagerduty'.eql?(media)
- if threshold.nil?
- @redis.hdel("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}", media)
- return
+ property :relationships do
+ key :"$ref", :ContactLinks
- @redis.hset("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}", media, threshold)
- self.media_rollup_thresholds = @redis.hgetall("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}")
- def set_address_for_media(media, address)
- return if 'pagerduty'.eql?(media)
- @redis.hset("contact_media:#{}", media, address)
- = @redis.hgetall("contact_media:#{@id}")
- end
- def remove_media(media)
- @redis.hdel("contact_media:#{}", media)
- @redis.hdel("contact_media_intervals:#{}", media)
- @redis.hdel("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{}", media)
- if media == 'pagerduty'
- @redis.del("contact_pagerduty:#{}")
+ swagger_schema :ContactLinks do
+ key :required, [:checks, :media, :rules]
+ property :checks do
+ key :"$ref", :ChecksLinkage
+ property :media do
+ key :"$ref", :MediaLinkage
+ end
+ property :rules do
+ key :"$ref", :RulesLinkage
+ end
+ property :tags do
+ key :"$ref", :TagsLinkage
+ end
- # drop notifications for
- def drop_notifications?(opts = {})
- media = opts[:media]
- check = opts[:check]
- state = opts[:state]
- # build it and they will come
- @redis.exists("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}") ||
- (media && @redis.exists("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}")) ||
- (media && check &&
- @redis.exists("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}:#{check}")) ||
- (media && check && state &&
- @redis.exists("drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}:#{check}:#{state}"))
- end
- def update_sent_alert_keys(opts = {})
- media = opts[:media]
- check = opts[:check]
- state = opts[:state]
- delete = !! opts[:delete]
- key = "drop_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}:#{check}:#{state}"
- if delete
- @redis.del(key)
- else
- @redis.set(key, 'd')
- @redis.expire(key, self.interval_for_media(media))
- # TODO: #182 - update the alert history keys
+ swagger_schema :ContactCreate do
+ key :required, [:type, :name]
+ property :id do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :uuid
+ property :type do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :enum, [Flapjack::Data::Contact.short_model_name.singular]
+ end
+ property :name do
+ key :type, :string
+ end
+ property :timezone do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :tzinfo
+ end
+ property :relationships do
+ key :"$ref", :ContactCreateLinks
+ end
- def drop_rollup_notifications_for_media?(media)
- @redis.exists("drop_rollup_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}")
- end
- def update_sent_rollup_alert_keys_for_media(media, opts = {})
- delete = !! opts[:delete]
- key = "drop_rollup_alerts_for_contact:#{}:#{media}"
- if delete
- @redis.del(key)
- else
- @redis.set(key, 'd')
- @redis.expire(key, self.interval_for_media(media))
+ swagger_schema :ContactCreateLinks do
+ property :tags do
+ key :"$ref", :data_TagsReference
- def add_alerting_check_for_media(media, event_id)
- @redis.zadd("contact_alerting_checks:#{}:media:#{media}",, event_id)
- end
- def remove_alerting_check_for_media(media, event_id)
- @redis.zrem("contact_alerting_checks:#{}:media:#{media}", event_id)
- end
- # removes any checks that are in ok, scheduled or unscheduled maintenance,
- # or are disabled from the alerting checks set for the given media;
- # returns whether this cleaning moved the medium from rollup to recovery
- def clean_alerting_checks_for_media(media)
- cleaned = 0
- alerting_checks = alerting_checks_for_media(media)
- rollup_threshold = rollup_threshold_for_media(media)
- alerting_checks.each do |check|
- entity_check = Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.for_event_id(check, :redis => @redis)
- next unless Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.state_for_event_id?(check, :redis => @redis) == 'ok' ||
- Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.in_unscheduled_maintenance_for_event_id?(check, :redis => @redis) ||
- Flapjack::Data::EntityCheck.in_scheduled_maintenance_for_event_id?(check, :redis => @redis) ||
- !entity_check.enabled? ||
- ! {|c|}.include?(
- # FIXME: why can't i get this logging when called from notifier (notification.rb)?
- @logger.debug("removing from alerting checks for #{}/#{media}: #{check}") if @logger
- remove_alerting_check_for_media(media, check)
- cleaned += 1
+ swagger_schema :ContactUpdate do
+ key :required, [:id, :type]
+ property :id do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :uuid
- return false if rollup_threshold.nil? || (rollup_threshold <= 0) ||
- (alerting_checks.size < rollup_threshold)
- return(cleaned > (alerting_checks.size - rollup_threshold))
+ property :type do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :enum, [Flapjack::Data::Contact.short_model_name.singular]
+ end
+ property :name do
+ key :type, :string
+ end
+ property :timezone do
+ key :type, :string
+ key :format, :tzinfo
+ end
+ property :relationships do
+ key :"$ref", :ContactUpdateLinks
+ end
- def alerting_checks_for_media(media)
- @redis.zrange("contact_alerting_checks:#{}:media:#{media}", 0, -1)
- end
- def count_alerting_checks_for_media(media)
- @redis.zcard("contact_alerting_checks:#{}:media:#{media}")
- end
- # return a list of media enabled for this contact
- # eg [ 'email', 'sms' ]
- def media_list
- @redis.hkeys("contact_media:#{}") - ['pagerduty']
- end
- def media_ids
- self.media_list.collect {|medium| "#{}_#{medium}" }
- end
- def timezone
- @redis.get("contact_tz:#{}")
- end
- def timezone=(tz_string)
- if tz_string.nil?
- @redis.del("contact_tz:#{}")
- elsif tz_string.is_a?(String) && !ActiveSupport::TimeZone[tz_string].nil?
- @redis.set("contact_tz:#{}", tz_string)
+ swagger_schema :ContactUpdateLinks do
+ property :media do
+ key :"$ref", :data_MediaReference
+ property :rules do
+ key :"$ref", :data_RulesReference
+ end
+ property :tags do
+ key :"$ref", :data_TagsReference
+ end
- def time_zone
- return nil if self.timezone.nil?
- ActiveSupport::TimeZone[self.timezone]
+ def self.swagger_included_classes
+ # hack -- hardcoding for now
+ [
+ Flapjack::Data::Check,
+ Flapjack::Data::Contact,
+ Flapjack::Data::Medium,
+ Flapjack::Data::Rule,
+ Flapjack::Data::ScheduledMaintenance,
+ Flapjack::Data::State,
+ Flapjack::Data::Tag,
+ Flapjack::Data::UnscheduledMaintenance
+ ]
- def to_jsonapi(opts = {})
- json_data = {
- "id" =>,
- "first_name" => self.first_name,
- "last_name" => self.last_name,
- "email" =>,
- "timezone" => self.timezone,
- "links" => {
- :entities => opts[:entity_ids] || [],
- :media => self.media_ids || [],
- :notification_rules => self.notification_rule_ids || [],
- }
+ def self.jsonapi_methods
+ @jsonapi_methods ||= {
+ :post =>
+ :attributes => [:name, :timezone],
+ :descriptions => {
+ :singular => "Create a contact.",
+ :multiple => "Create contacts."
+ }
+ ),
+ :get =>
+ :attributes => [:name, :timezone],
+ :descriptions => {
+ :singular => "Get data for a contact.",
+ :multiple => "Get data for multiple contacts."
+ }
+ ),
+ :patch =>
+ :attributes => [:name, :timezone],
+ :descriptions => {
+ :singular => "Update a contact record.",
+ :multiple => "Update contact records."
+ }
+ ),
+ :delete =>
+ :descriptions => {
+ :singular => "Delete a contact.",
+ :multiple => "Delete contacts."
+ }
+ ),
- Flapjack.dump_json(json_data)
- private
- def initialize(options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless @redis = options[:redis]
- @id = options[:id]
- @logger = options[:logger]
- end
- # NB: should probably be called in the context of a Redis multi block; not doing so
- # here as calling classes may well be adding/updating multiple records in the one
- # operation
- def self.add_or_update(contact_id, contact_data, options = {})
- raise "Redis connection not set" unless redis = options[:redis]
- attrs = (['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] & contact_data.keys).collect do |key|
- [key, contact_data[key]]
- end.flatten(1)
- redis.hmset("contact:#{contact_id}", *attrs) unless attrs.empty?
- unless contact_data['media'].nil?
- redis.del("contact_media:#{contact_id}")
- redis.del("contact_media_intervals:#{contact_id}")
- redis.del("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{contact_id}")
- redis.del("contact_pagerduty:#{contact_id}")
- contact_data['media'].each_pair {|medium, details|
- case medium
- when 'pagerduty'
- redis.hset("contact_media:#{contact_id}", medium, details['service_key'])
- redis.hmset("contact_pagerduty:#{contact_id}",
- *['subdomain', 'token', 'username', 'password'].collect {|f| [f, details[f]]})
- else
- redis.hset("contact_media:#{contact_id}", medium, details['address'])
- redis.hset("contact_media_intervals:#{contact_id}", medium, details['interval']) if details['interval']
- redis.hset("contact_media_rollup_thresholds:#{contact_id}", medium, details['rollup_threshold']) if details['rollup_threshold']
- end
+ def self.jsonapi_associations
+ unless instance_variable_defined?('@jsonapi_associations')
+ @jsonapi_associations = {
+ :checks =>
+ :get => true,
+ :number => :multiple, :link => true, :includable => true,
+ :type => 'check',
+ :klass => Flapjack::Data::Check,
+ :descriptions => {
+ :get => "Returns checks which this contact's notification " \
+ "rules allow it to receive notifications."
+ }
+ ),
+ :media =>
+ :get => true,
+ :number => :multiple, :link => true, :includable => true,
+ :descriptions => {
+ :get => "Returns media belonging to the contact."
+ }
+ ),
+ :rules =>
+ :get => true,
+ :number => :multiple, :link => true, :includable => true,
+ :descriptions => {
+ :get => "Returns rules belonging to the contact."
+ }
+ ),
+ :tags =>
+ :post => true, :get => true, :patch => true, :delete => true,
+ :number => :multiple, :link => true, :includable => true,
+ :descriptions => {
+ :post => "Associate tags with this contact.",
+ :get => "Returns all tags linked to this contact.",
+ :patch => "Update the tags associated with this contact.",
+ :delete => "Delete associations between tags and this contact."
+ }
+ )
+ populate_association_data(@jsonapi_associations)
- if contact_data.key?('timezone')
- tz = contact_data['timezone']
- if tz.nil?
- redis.del("contact_tz:#{contact_id}")
- elsif tz.is_a?(String) && !ActiveSupport::TimeZone[tz].nil?
- redis.set("contact_tz:#{contact_id}", tz )
- end
- end
+ @jsonapi_associations