in flapjack-0.7.2 vs in flapjack-0.7.3

- old
+ new

@@ -1,6 +1,13 @@ ## Flapjack Changelog +# 0.7.3 - 2013-05-14 +- Bug: Web and api gateways have configuable http timeout gh-170 (@jessereynolds) +- Bug: Support POSTs to API larger than ~112 KB gh-169 (@jessereynolds) +- Bug: Validate notification rules before adding, updating gh-146 (@ali-graham) +- Bug: Web UI very slow with large number of keys gh-164 (@jessereynolds) +- Bug: crash in executive should exit flapjack gh-143 (@ali-graham) + # 0.7.2 - 2013-05-06 - Feature: executive instance keys now expire after 7 days, touched every event gh-111 (@jessereynolds) - Feature: slightly less sucky looking web UI, also now includes entity listing screens (@jessereynolds) - Feature: expose notification rules and intervals via the Web UI gh-150, gh-151 (@jessereynolds) - Feature: command line - support "--version", "help" etc gh-134 (@jessereynolds)