lib/html/source/javascripts/ in flammarion-0.2.1 vs lib/html/source/javascripts/ in flammarion-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,113 +1,117 @@
-#= require vendor/jquery.js
-#= require
-#= require fontawesome.js
-#= require vendor/emojione.min.js
-emojione.imagePathPNG = 'images/emoji/'
-class WSClient
- constructor: ->
- host = $qs.get("host") || "localhost"
- console.log "Path: #{$qs.get("path")}, Port: #{$qs.get("port")}, Host: #{host}"
- @ws = new WebSocket "ws://#{host}:#{$qs.get("port")}/#{$qs.get("path")}"
- @actions["__parent"] = this
- document.title = decodeURIComponent($qs.get("title")) || "Flammarion"
- @ws.onopen = (msg) ->
- $('body').addClass("connected")
- @ws.onclose = (msg) ->
- $('body').removeClass("connected")
- @ws.onmessage = (msg) =>
- # Just keeping this around for debug purposes
- @lastMessage = msg
- try
- data = $.parseJSON(
- if @actions[data.action]
- @actions[data.action](data)
- else
- console.log msg
- console.error("No such action: #{data.action}")
- catch error
- console.log msg
- console.error error
- console.error error.stack
- @status = new StatusDisplay(this, $('#status > .right'))
- send: (data) ->
- @ws.send JSON.stringify(data)
- check_target: (data) ->
- return data.target_element if data.target_element
- = "default" unless
- @actions.addpane {} if $("#console-#{}").size() is 0
- @resize_panes
- return $("#console-#{}")
- resize_panes: (data) ->
- if
- target = @check_target(data)
- else
- target = $('#panes')
- allPanes = target.find('> .pane')
- if target.hasClass('horizontal')
- orientation = 'horizontal'
- else
- orientation = 'vertical'
- total_weight = ((parseFloat($(i).attr('pane-weight') || 1.0)) for i in allPanes).reduce (t,s) -> t + s
- # total_weight = ( -> parseFloat(i[].attr('pane-weight')))).reduce (t, s) -> t + s
- p_height = (pane) -> (parseFloat($(pane).attr('pane-weight') || 1.0) / total_weight * 100).toFixed(0) + "%"
- console.log target, allPanes.size(), 100.0 / allPanes.size(), total_weight, orientation
- for pane in allPanes
- if orientation is 'horizontal'
- $(pane).css "width", p_height(pane)
- $(pane).css "height", '100%'
- else
- $(pane).css "height", p_height(pane)
- $(pane).css "width", '100%'
- relink: (text) ->
- text.replace(/\<a href=['"](https?:\/\/[^\s]+)["']>/gm, (str, l) ->
- "<a href=\"#{l}\" target='_blank'>"
- )
- escape: (text, input_options) ->
- options =
- raw: false
- colorize: true
- escape_html: true
- escape_icons: false
- $.extend(options, input_options)
- return text if options.raw
- text = "#{text}"
- text = ansi_up.escape_for_html(text) if options.escape_html
- text = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(text, {use_classes:true}) if options.colorize
- if options.escape_icons
- text = text.replace /:[\w-]+:/g, (match) ->
- if font_awesome_list.includes(match[1..-2]) then "<i class='fa fa-#{match[1..-2]}'></i>" else match
- text = emojione.toImage(text) if options.escape_icons
- text = $("<div>#{text}</div>")
- text.find("a[href^='http']").attr('target','_blank')
- return text.html()
- add: (object, target, data) ->
- object.find("a[href^='http']").attr('target','_blank')
- if
- object.css(key, val) for own key, val of
- if data.replace
- target.html(object)
- else
- target.append(object)
- actions:
- __parent: null
-$(document).ready ->
- window.$ws = new WSClient
-window.WSClient = WSClient
+#= require vendor/jquery.js
+#= require
+#= require fontawesome.js
+#= require vendor/twemoji.min.js
+#= require vendor/emojione.min.js
+# emojione.imagePathPNG = 'images/emoji/'
+class WSClient
+ constructor: ->
+ host = $qs.get("host") || "localhost"
+ console.log "Path: #{$qs.get("path")}, Port: #{$qs.get("port")}, Host: #{host}"
+ @ws = new WebSocket "ws://#{host}:#{$qs.get("port")}/#{$qs.get("path")}"
+ @actions["__parent"] = this
+ document.title = decodeURIComponent($qs.get("title")) || "Flammarion"
+ @ws.onopen = (msg) ->
+ $('body').addClass("connected")
+ @ws.onclose = (msg) ->
+ $('body').removeClass("connected")
+ @ws.onmessage = (msg) =>
+ # Just keeping this around for debug purposes
+ @lastMessage = msg
+ try
+ data = $.parseJSON(
+ if @actions[data.action]
+ @actions[data.action](data)
+ else
+ console.log msg
+ console.error("No such action: #{data.action}")
+ catch error
+ console.log msg
+ console.error error
+ console.error error.stack
+ @status = new StatusDisplay(this, $('#status > .right'))
+ send: (data) ->
+ @ws.send JSON.stringify(data)
+ check_target: (data) ->
+ return data.target_element if data.target_element
+ = "default" unless
+ @actions.addpane {} if $("#console-#{}").size() is 0
+ @resize_panes
+ return $("#console-#{}")
+ resize_panes: (data) ->
+ if
+ target = @check_target(data)
+ else
+ target = $('#panes')
+ allPanes = target.find('> .pane')
+ if target.hasClass('horizontal')
+ orientation = 'horizontal'
+ else
+ orientation = 'vertical'
+ total_weight = ((parseFloat($(i).attr('pane-weight') || 1.0)) for i in allPanes).reduce (t,s) -> t + s
+ # total_weight = ( -> parseFloat(i[].attr('pane-weight')))).reduce (t, s) -> t + s
+ p_height = (pane) -> (parseFloat($(pane).attr('pane-weight') || 1.0) / total_weight * 100).toFixed(0) + "%"
+ console.log target, allPanes.size(), 100.0 / allPanes.size(), total_weight, orientation
+ for pane in allPanes
+ if orientation is 'horizontal'
+ $(pane).css "width", p_height(pane)
+ $(pane).css "height", '100%'
+ else
+ $(pane).css "height", p_height(pane)
+ $(pane).css "width", '100%'
+ relink: (text) ->
+ text.replace(/\<a href=['"](https?:\/\/[^\s]+)["']>/gm, (str, l) ->
+ "<a href=\"#{l}\" target='_blank'>"
+ )
+ parse_emoji: (text) ->
+ twemoji.parse(emojione.shortnameToUnicode(text), (i) -> "images/emoji/#{i}.png")
+ escape: (text, input_options) ->
+ options =
+ raw: false
+ colorize: true
+ escape_html: true
+ escape_icons: false
+ $.extend(options, input_options)
+ return text if options.raw
+ text = "#{text}"
+ text = ansi_up.escape_for_html(text) if options.escape_html
+ text = ansi_up.ansi_to_html(text, {use_classes:true}) if options.colorize
+ if options.escape_icons
+ text = text.replace /:[\w-]+:/g, (match) ->
+ if font_awesome_list.includes(match[1..-2]) then "<i class='fa fa-#{match[1..-2]}'></i>" else match
+ text = @parse_emoji text if options.escape_icons or options.escape_emoji
+ text = $("<div>#{text}</div>")
+ text.find("a[href^='http']").attr('target','_blank')
+ return text.html()
+ add: (object, target, data) ->
+ object.find("a[href^='http']").attr('target','_blank')
+ if
+ object.css(key, val) for own key, val of
+ if data.replace
+ target.html(object)
+ else
+ target.append(object)
+ actions:
+ __parent: null
+$(document).ready ->
+ window.$ws = new WSClient
+window.WSClient = WSClient