Rakefile in fjson-0.0.7 vs Rakefile in fjson-0.0.8
- old
+ new
@@ -1,111 +1,53 @@
dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
require File.expand_path("#{dir}/rake_helper")
-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-require 'rake/contrib/rubyforgepublisher'
-require 'rake/clean'
-require 'rake/testtask'
-require 'rake/rdoctask'
-task :default => [ :compile ] do
-task :compile => [
- :json_ext,
- :state_ext,
- :object_ext,
- :integer_ext,
- :float_ext,
- :string_ext,
- :true_class_ext,
- :false_class_ext,
- :nil_class_ext,
- :array_ext,
- :hash_ext
-] do
-task :spec => [:compile, :install] do
- require File.expand_path("#{dir}/spec/spec_suite")
-task :lib do
- directory "lib"
-fjson_extensions = [
- "json_ext",
- "state_ext",
- "extensions/object_ext",
- "extensions/integer_ext",
- "extensions/float_ext",
- "extensions/string_ext",
- "extensions/true_class_ext",
- "extensions/false_class_ext",
- "extensions/nil_class_ext",
- "extensions/array_ext",
- "extensions/hash_ext"
-fjson_extensions.each do |ext|
- setup_mkmf_extension ext
-task :install do
- fjson_extensions.each do |extension_path|
- library_path = library_path(extension_path)
- raise "Extension binary for #{extension_path} does not exist. Did you run rake compile?" unless library_path
- cp build_path(extension_path), library_path(extension_path)
- end
-task :cleanup do
- fjson_extensions.each do |extension_path|
- library_path = library_path(extension_path)
- rm library_path if library_path && File.exists?(library_path)
- rake_file_path = "#{build_path(extension_path)}/Rakefile"
- rm rake_file_path if rake_file_path && File.exists?(rake_file_path)
- end
-def build_path(relative_extension_path)
- basename = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/ext/#{relative_extension_path}/#{File.basename(relative_extension_path)}"
- if File.exists?("#{basename}.so")
- return "#{basename}.so"
- elsif File.exists?("#{basename}.bundle")
- return "#{basename}.bundle"
- end
- return nil
-def library_path(relative_extension_path)
- build_path = build_path(relative_extension_path)
- return nil unless build_path
- extname = File.extname(build_path)
- library_directory_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/" + File.dirname(relative_extension_path)
- binary_name = "#{File.basename(relative_extension_path)}#{extname}"
- "#{library_directory_path}/#{binary_name}"
def win32?
ENV["target_platform"] == "win32"
-if win32?
- #Rake::Task[].invoke
+rake_builder = MkmfRakeBuilder.new
+rake_builder.project_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
+rake_builder.rake_application = Rake.application
+rake_builder.rake_tasks = Rake::Task
+rake_builder.rake_file_tasks = Rake::FileTask
+rake_builder.dir_class = Dir
+rake_builder.file_class = File
+rake_builder.file_extension = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/) ? "bundle" : "so"
+fjson_extensions = rake_builder.extensions_to_build = [
+ [:json_ext, "json_ext"],
+ [:state_ext, "state_ext"],
+ [:object_ext, "extensions/object_ext"],
+ [:integer_ext, "extensions/integer_ext"],
+ [:float_ext, "extensions/float_ext"],
+ [:string_ext, "extensions/string_ext"],
+ [:true_class_ext, "extensions/true_class_ext"],
+ [:false_class_ext, "extensions/false_class_ext"],
+ [:nil_class_ext, "extensions/nil_class_ext"],
+ [:array_ext, "extensions/array_ext"],
+ [:hash_ext, "extensions/hash_ext"]
+rake_builder.extconf_arguments = "-I /usr/local/lib/ruby-mingw32/lib/ruby/1.8/i386-mingw32" if win32?
PKG_NAME = "fjson"
-PKG_VERSION = "0.0.7"
+PKG_VERSION = "0.0.8"
PKG_FILES = FileList[
- 'ext/**/*.{h,c,rb}',
+executable_extensions = (win32?) ? 'lib/**/*.so' : 'ext/**/*.{h,c,rb}'
spec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.name = PKG_NAME
s.version = PKG_VERSION
s.summary = <<-EOF
@@ -113,10 +55,11 @@
This library is a fork of Florian Frank's JSON library with key parts implemented
in C for performance improvements.
s.test_files = Dir.glob('spec/*_spec.rb')
s.description = s.summary
+ s.platform = (win32?) ? Gem::Platform::WIN32 : Gem::Platform::RUBY
s.files = PKG_FILES.to_a
s.require_path = 'lib'
s.has_rdoc = true
@@ -128,16 +71,13 @@
s.author = "Brian Takita"
s.email = "brian.takita@gmail.com"
s.homepage = "http://fjson.rubyforge.org"
s.rubyforge_project = "fjson"
- s.extensions = ["Rakefile"]
+ s.extensions = ["Rakefile"] unless win32?
+ s.add_dependency "rspec", ">=0.6.4"
#s.add_dependency "mkrf", ">=0.1.2"
- if win32?
- end
Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
pkg.need_zip = true
pkg.need_tar = true