lib/findr/cli.rb in findr-0.0.7 vs lib/findr/cli.rb in findr-0.0.8.pre1
- old
+ new
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
require 'tempfile'
require 'optparse'
require 'yaml'
require 'pp'
module Findr
class CLI
CONFIGFILE = '.findr-config'
@@ -14,10 +15,11 @@
def colorize(text, color_code)
def red(text); colorize(text, 31); end
+ def light_red(text); colorize(text, 91); end
def green(text); colorize(text, 32); end
def yellow(text); colorize(text, 33); end
def blue(text); colorize(text, 34); end
def gray(text); colorize(text, 2); end
def bold(text); colorize(text, '1;30'); end
@@ -134,61 +136,76 @@
coder = options[:coding] )
verbose "Building file tree..."
files = Pathname.glob("#{options[:gglob]}")
verbose [' ', files.count, ' files found.']
+ stats[:exceptions] = 0
files.each do |current_file|
next unless current_file.file?
verbose ["Reading file ", current_file]
stats[:total_files] += 1
stats[:local_hits] = 0
firstmatch = true
linenumber = 0
tempfile = 'current_file.basename' ) and verbose([' Create tempfile ',tempfile.path]) if options[:replace] && options[:force]
clear_context(); print_post_context = 0
- current_file.each_line do |l|
- begin
- l, coding = coder.decode(l)
- rescue Encoder::Error
- stdout.puts "Skipping file #{current_file} because of error on line #{linenumber}: #{$!.original.class} #{$!.original.message}"
- if tempfile
- tempfile_path = tempfile.path
- tempfile.unlink and verbose([' Delete tempfile ', tempfile_path])
- end
- break
- end
- linenumber += 1
- if l=~ options[:find]
- stats[:local_hits] += 1
- if firstmatch
- stdout.puts red("#{current_file.cleanpath}:")
- end
- if @context_lines > 0
- do |linenumber, l|
- print_line( linenumber, l, coding, false )
+ begin
+ current_file.each_line do |l|
+ begin
+ l, coding = coder.decode(l)
+ rescue Encoder::Error
+ stdout.puts red "Skipping file #{current_file} because of error on line #{linenumber}: #{$!.original.class} #{$!.original.message}"
+ if tempfile
+ tempfile_path = tempfile.path
+ tempfile.unlink and verbose([' Delete tempfile ', tempfile_path])
- print_post_context = @context_lines
+ break
- print_line( linenumber, l.gsub( /(#{options[:find]})/, bold('\1') ), coding, :bold )
- firstmatch = false
- if options[:replace]
- l_repl = l.gsub( options[:find], options[:replace] )
- tempfile.puts coder.encode(l_repl, coding) if tempfile
- replacement_done = true
- print_line( linenumber, l_repl, coding, :blue )
- end
- else
- if tempfile
- tempfile.puts coder.encode(l, coding)
- end
- if print_post_context > 0
- print_post_context -= 1
- print_line( linenumber, l, coding )
+ linenumber += 1
+ if l=~ options[:find]
+ stats[:local_hits] += 1
+ if firstmatch
+ stdout.puts red("#{current_file.cleanpath}:")
+ end
+ if @context_lines > 0
+ do |linenumber, l|
+ print_line( linenumber, l, coding, false )
+ end
+ print_post_context = @context_lines
+ end
+ print_line( linenumber, l.gsub( /(#{options[:find]})/, bold('\1') ), coding, :bold )
+ firstmatch = false
+ if options[:replace]
+ l_repl = l.gsub( options[:find], options[:replace] )
+ tempfile.puts coder.encode(l_repl, coding) if tempfile
+ replacement_done = true
+ print_line( linenumber, l_repl, coding, :blue )
+ end
- push_context([linenumber, l])
+ if tempfile
+ tempfile.puts coder.encode(l, coding)
+ end
+ if print_post_context > 0
+ print_post_context -= 1
+ print_line( linenumber, l, coding )
+ else
+ push_context([linenumber, l])
+ end
+ rescue SystemCallError
+ puts light_red "EXCEPTION: #$!"
+ stats[:exceptions] += 1
+ next
+ rescue SignalException
+ puts light_red "\n#{$!.class} received."
+ return
+ ensure
+ if tempfile
+ tempfile.close
+ tempfile.unlink
+ end
if tempfile
if stats[:local_hits] > 0
FileUtils.cp( tempfile.path, current_file )
@@ -205,9 +222,12 @@
# some statistics
stdout.puts green( "#{stats[:total_hits]} occurences (lines) in #{stats[:hit_files]} of #{stats[:total_files]} files found." )
+ if stats[:exceptions] > 0
+ stdout.puts light_red( "#{stats[:exceptions]} exceptions occurenced." )
+ end
def print_line( linenumber, line, coding, color = nil )
case color
when :bold