lib/fidgit/elements/combo_box.rb in fidgit-0.2.4 vs lib/fidgit/elements/combo_box.rb in fidgit-0.2.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-module Fidgit
-class ComboBox < Button
- extend Forwardable
- ARROW_IMAGE = "combo_arrow.png"
- def_delegators :@menu, :each
- event :changed
- def index; @menu.index(@value) end
- def value; @value; end
- def value=(value)
- if @value != value
- @value = value
- item = @menu.find(@value)
- self.text = item.text
- self.icon = item.icon
- publish :changed, @value
- end
- value
- end
- def index=(index)
- if index.between?(0, @menu.size - 1)
- self.value = @menu[index].value
- end
- index
- end
- # @param (see Button#initialize)
- # @option (see Button#initialize)
- # @option options [] :value
- def initialize(options = {}, &block)
- options = {
- background_color: default(:background_color),
- border_color: default(:border_color),
- }.merge! options
- @value = options[:value]
- @hover_index = 0
- @menu = false) do
- subscribe :selected do |widget, value|
- self.value = value
- end
- end
- @@arrow ||= Gosu::Image[ARROW_IMAGE]
- super('', options)
- rect.height = [height, font.height + padding_top + padding_bottom].max
- rect.width = [width, font.height * 4 + padding_left + padding_right].max
- end
- def item(text, value, options = {}, &block)
- item = @menu.item(text, value, options, &block)
- # Force text to be updated if the item added has the same value.
- if item.value == @value
- self.text = item.text
- self.icon = item.icon
- end
- recalc
- item
- end
- def draw
- super
- size = height / @@arrow.width.to_f
- @@arrow.draw x + width - height, y, z, size, size
- end
- def clicked_left_mouse_button(sender, x, y)
- @menu.x = self.x
- @menu.y = self.y + height + border_thickness
- $window.game_state_manager.current_game_state.show_menu @menu
- nil
- end
- def clear
- self.text = ""
- self.icon = nil
- @menu.clear
- end
- protected
- def layout
- super
- # Max width of all items + allow size for the arrow.
- rect.width = [@menu.width + height, min_width].max
- nil
- end
- protected
- # Any combo-box passed a block will allow you access to its methods.
- def post_init_block(&block)
- with(&block)
- end
+# encoding: utf-8
+module Fidgit
+class ComboBox < Button
+ extend Forwardable
+ ARROW_IMAGE = "combo_arrow.png"
+ def_delegators :@menu, :each
+ event :changed
+ def index; @menu.index(@value) end
+ def value; @value; end
+ def value=(value)
+ if @value != value
+ @value = value
+ item = @menu.find(@value)
+ self.text = item.text
+ self.icon = item.icon
+ publish :changed, @value
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ def index=(index)
+ if index.between?(0, @menu.size - 1)
+ self.value = @menu[index].value
+ end
+ index
+ end
+ # @param (see Button#initialize)
+ # @option (see Button#initialize)
+ # @option options [] :value
+ def initialize(options = {}, &block)
+ options = {
+ background_color: default(:background_color),
+ border_color: default(:border_color),
+ }.merge! options
+ @value = options[:value]
+ @hover_index = 0
+ @menu = false) do
+ subscribe :selected do |widget, value|
+ self.value = value
+ end
+ end
+ @@arrow ||= Gosu::Image[ARROW_IMAGE]
+ super('', options)
+ rect.height = [height, font.height + padding_top + padding_bottom].max
+ rect.width = [width, font.height * 4 + padding_left + padding_right].max
+ end
+ def item(text, value, options = {}, &block)
+ item = @menu.item(text, value, options, &block)
+ # Force text to be updated if the item added has the same value.
+ if item.value == @value
+ self.text = item.text
+ self.icon = item.icon
+ end
+ recalc
+ item
+ end
+ def draw
+ super
+ size = height / @@arrow.width.to_f
+ @@arrow.draw x + width - height, y, z, size, size
+ end
+ def clicked_left_mouse_button(sender, x, y)
+ @menu.x = self.x
+ @menu.y = self.y + height + border_thickness
+ $window.game_state_manager.current_game_state.show_menu @menu
+ nil
+ end
+ def clear
+ self.text = ""
+ self.icon = nil
+ @menu.clear
+ end
+ protected
+ def layout
+ super
+ # Max width of all items + allow size for the arrow.
+ rect.width = [@menu.width + height, min_width].max
+ nil
+ end
+ protected
+ # Any combo-box passed a block will allow you access to its methods.
+ def post_init_block(&block)
+ with(&block)
+ end
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