lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_loop_config.rb in ffi-libfuse-0.4.0 vs lib/ffi/libfuse/fuse_loop_config.rb in ffi-libfuse-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,91 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative '../accessors'
+require_relative '../boolean_int'
module FFI
module Libfuse
- # struct fuse_loop_config {
- # int clone_fd;
- # unsigned int max_idle_threads;
- # };
+ # For native fuse_loop_mt only
class FuseLoopConfig < FFI::Struct
- layout(
- clone_fd: :int,
- max_idle: :int
- )
- # @!attribute [rw] clone_fd
+ # @!attribute [w] clone_fd?
# whether to use separate device fds for each thread (may increase performance)
# Unused by ffi-libfuse as we do not call fuse_loop_mt
# @return [Boolean]
- ffi_attr_reader(:clone_fd) do |v|
- v != 0
- end
- ffi_attr_writer(:clone_fd) do |v|
- v ? 1 : 0
- end
- # @!attribute [rw] max_idle_threads
+ # @!attribute [w] max_idle_threads
# The maximum number of available worker threads before they start to get deleted when they become idle. If not
# specified, the default is 10.
# Adjusting this has performance implications; a very small number of threads in the pool will cause a lot of
# thread creation and deletion overhead and performance may suffer. When set to 0, a new thread will be created
# to service every operation.
- #
+ # @deprecated at Fuse 3.12. Use max_threads instead
# @return [Integer] the maximum number of threads to leave idle
- ffi_attr_accessor(:max_idle)
+ # @!attribute [w] max_threads
+ # @return [Integer]
+ # @since Fuse 3.12
+ if FUSE_VERSION >= 312
+ layout(
+ version_id: :int,
+ clone_fd: :bool_int,
+ max_idle_threads: :uint,
+ max_threads: :uint
+ )
+ Libfuse.attach_function :fuse_loop_cfg_create, [], by_ref
+ Libfuse.attach_function :fuse_loop_cfg_destroy, [:pointer], :void
+ ffi_attr_reader(:clone_fd?)
+ Libfuse.attach_function :fuse_loop_cfg_set_clone_fd, %i[pointer uint], :void
+ def clone_fd=(bool_val)
+ Libfuse.fuse_loop_cfg_set_clone_fd(to_ptr, bool_val ? 1 : 0)
+ end
+ ffi_attr_reader(:max_idle_threads)
+ Libfuse.attach_function :fuse_loop_cfg_set_idle_threads, %i[pointer uint], :uint
+ def max_idle_threads=(val)
+ Libfuse.fuse_loop_cfg_set_idle_threads(to_ptr, val) if val
+ end
+ Libfuse.attach_function :fuse_loop_cfg_set_max_threads, %i[pointer uint], :uint
+ ffi_attr_reader(:max_threads)
+ def max_threads=(val)
+ Libfuse.fuse_loop_cfg_set_max_threads(to_ptr, val) if val
+ end
+ class << self
+ def create(max_idle_threads: nil, max_threads: 10, clone_fd: false, **_)
+ cfg = Libfuse.fuse_loop_cfg_create
+ ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(cfg, finalizer(cfg.to_ptr))
+ cfg.clone_fd = clone_fd
+ cfg.max_idle_threads = max_idle_threads if max_idle_threads
+ cfg.max_threads = max_threads if max_threads
+ cfg
+ end
+ def finalizer(ptr)
+ proc { |_| Libfuse.fuse_loop_cfg_destroy(ptr) }
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ layout(
+ clone_fd: :bool_int,
+ max_idle_threads: :uint
+ )
+ ffi_attr_accessor(:clone_fd?)
+ ffi_attr_accessor(:max_idle_threads)
+ class << self
+ def create(clone_fd: false, max_idle_threads: 10, **_)
+ new.fill(max_idle_threads: max_idle_threads, clone_fd: clone_fd)
+ end
+ end
+ end