lib/ffi/accessors.rb in ffi-libfuse-0.4.0 vs lib/ffi/accessors.rb in ffi-libfuse-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,159 +1,471 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'ffi'
module FFI
- # Syntax sugar for FFI::Struct
+ # Syntax sugar for **FFI::Struct**
+ #
+ # Modules that include {Accessors} are automatically extended by {ClassMethods} which provides for defining reader and
+ # writer methods over struct field members.
+ #
+ # Although designed around needs of **FFI::Struct**, eg the ability to map natural ruby names to struct field names,
+ # this module can be used over anything that stores attributes in a Hash like structure.
+ # It provides equivalent method definitions to *Module#attr_(reader|writer|accessor)* except using the index methods
+ # *:[<member>]*, and *:[<member>]=* instead of managing instance variables.
+ #
+ # Additionally it supports boolean attributes with '?' aliases for reader methods, and keeps track of attribute
+ # definitions to support {#fill},{#to_h} etc.
+ #
+ # Standard instance variable based attributes defined through *#attr_(reader|writer|accessor)*
+ # also get these features.
+ # @example
+ # class MyStruct < FFI::Struct
+ # include FFI::Accessors
+ #
+ # layout(
+ # a: :int,
+ # b: :int,
+ # s_one: :string,
+ # enabled: :bool,
+ # t: TimeSpec,
+ # p: :pointer
+ # )
+ #
+ # ## Attribute reader, writer, accessor over struct fields
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [r] a
+ # # @return [Integer]
+ # ffi_attr_reader :a
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [w] b
+ # # @return [Integer]
+ # ffi_attr_writer :b
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [rw] one
+ # # @return [String]
+ # ffi_attr_accessor({ one: :s_one }) # => [:one, :one=] reads/writes field :s_one
+ #
+ # ## Boolean attributes!
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [rw] enabled?
+ # # @return [Boolean]
+ # ffi_attr_accessor(:enabled?) # => [:enabled, :enabled?, :enabled=]
+ #
+ # ## Simple block converters
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [rw] time
+ # # @return [Time]
+ # ffi_attr_reader(time: :t) do |timespec|
+ #, timespec.tv_nsec) # convert TimeSpec struct to ruby Time
+ # end
+ #
+ # ## Complex attribute methods
+ #
+ # # writer for :time needs additional attributes
+ # ffi_attr_writer_method(time: :t) do |sec, nsec=0|
+ # sec, nsec = [sec.sec, sec.nsec] if sec.is_a?(Time)
+ # self[:t][tv_sec] = sec
+ # self[:t][tv_nsec] = nsec
+ # time
+ # end
+ #
+ # # safe readers handling a NULL struct
+ # safe_attrs = %i[a b].to_h { |m| [:"#{m}_safe", m] } # =>{ a_safe: :a, b_safe: b }
+ # ffi_attr_reader_method(**safe_attrs) do |default: nil|
+ # next default if null?
+ #
+ # _attr, member = ffi_reader(__method__)
+ # self[member]
+ # end
+ #
+ # ## Standard accessors over for instance variables, still supports boolean, to_h, fill
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [rw] debug?
+ # # @return [Boolean]
+ # attr_accessor :debug?
+ #
+ # ## Private accessors
+ #
+ # private
+ #
+ # ffi_attr_accessor(pointer: :p)
+ # end
+ #
+ # # Fill from another MyStruct (or anything that quacks like a MyStruct with readers matching our writers)
+ # s =
+ #
+ # # Fill from hash...
+ # s =, one: 'str', time:, enabled: true, debug: false) # => s
+ # s.values #=> (FFI::Struct method) [ 0, 2, 'str', true, <TimeSpec>, FFI::Pointer::NULL ]
+ #
+ # # Struct instance to hash
+ # s.to_h # => { a: 0, one: 'str', time: <Time>, enabled: true, debug: false }
+ #
+ # # Attribute methods
+ # s.a # => 0
+ # s.b = 3 # => 3
+ # s.enabled # => true
+ # s.enabled? # => true
+ # s.time= 0,50 # => Time<50 nanoseconds after epoch>
+ # s.time= # => Time<now>
+ # s.debug? # => false
+ # s.pointer # => NoMethodError, private method 'pointer' called for MyStruct
+ # s.send(:pointer=, some_pointer) # => some_pointer
+ # s.send(:pointer) # => some_pointer
+ #
+ # null_s =
+ # null_s.b_safe(default: 10) # => 10
+ #
+ # @see ClassMethods
module Accessors
- # DSL methods for defining struct member accessors
+ # Class methods for defining struct member accessors
module ClassMethods
- # Define both a reader and a writer for members
- # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs the attribute names
- # @param [String] format
- # A format string containing a single %s to convert attr symbol to struct member
- # @return [void]
- def ffi_attr_accessor(*attrs, format: '%s')
- ffi_attr_reader(*attrs, format: format)
- ffi_attr_writer(*attrs, format: format)
+ # Keep track of default visibility since define_method doesn't do this itself
+ # @visibility private
+ %i[public private protected].each do |visibility|
+ define_method(visibility) do |*args|
+ @default_visibility = visibility if args.empty?
+ super(*args)
+ end
+ # @visibility private
+ def default_visibility
+ @default_visibility ||= :public
+ end
+ # Standard instance variable based reader with support for boolean and integration with *to_h*, *inspect* etc..
- # Define a struct attribute reader for members
- # @param [Array<Symbol>]
- # attrs the attribute names used as the reader method name
+ # The *member* registered for each attribute will be its instance variable symbol (ie with a leading '@')
+ # @return [Array<Symbol]
+ def attr_reader(*args)
+ super(* { |a| a[-1] == '?' ? a[0..-2] : a })
+ ffi_attr_reader_method(**args.to_h { |a| [a, :"@#{a[-1] == '?' ? a[0..-2] : a}"] })
+ end
+ # Standard instance variable based writer with support for booleans and integration with *fill* etc..
- # a trailing '?' will be stripped from attribute names for primary reader method name, and cause an
- # boolean alias method to be created.
- # @param [Proc|String] format
- # A Proc, or format string containing a single %s, to convert each attribute name to the corresponding
- # struct member name
- # @param [Boolean] simple
- # Controls how writer methods are defined using block
- # @param [Proc] block
- # An optional block to convert the struct field value into something more useful
- #
- # If simple is true then block takes the struct field value, otherwise method is defined directly from the block
- # and should use __method__ to get the attribute name. and self.class.ffi_attr_readers[__method__] to get the
- # member name if these are not available from enclosed variables.
- # @return [void]
- def ffi_attr_reader(*attrs, format: '%s', simple: true, &block)
- attrs.each do |attr|
- bool, attr = attr[-1] == '?' ? [true, attr[..-2]] : [false, attr]
+ # The *member* registered for each attribute will be its instance variable symbol (ie with a leading '@')
+ def attr_writer(*args)
+ super(* { |a| a[-1] == '?' ? a[0..-2] : a })
+ ffi_attr_writer_method(**args.to_h { |a| [a, :"@#{a[-1] == '?' ? a[0..-2] : a}"] })
+ end
- member = (format.respond_to?(:call) ? : format % attr).to_sym
- ffi_attr_readers[attr.to_sym] = member
- if !block
- define_method(attr) { self[member] }
- elsif simple
- define_method(attr) {[member]) }
- else
- define_method(attr, &block)
- end
+ # Override instance variable based accessor to build our enhanced readers and writers
+ def attr_accessor(*args)
+ attr_reader(*args) + attr_writer(*args)
+ end
- alias_method "#{attr}?", attr if bool
+ # @!group Accessor Definition
+ # Define both reader and writer
+ # @return [Array<Symbol] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_attr_accessor(*attrs, **attrs_map)
+ ffi_attr_reader(*attrs, **attrs_map) + ffi_attr_writer(*attrs, **attrs_map)
+ end
+ # Define reader methods for the given attributes
+ #
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs
+ # List of struct field members to treat as attributes
+ #
+ # a trailing '?' in an attribute name indicates a boolean reader.
+ # eg. :debug? will define the reader method :debug and an alias method :debug? => :debug,
+ #
+ # String values are converted to Symbol
+ #
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] attrs_map
+ # Map of attribute name to struct field name - where field names don't fit natural ruby methods etc...
+ #
+ # A Hash value in *attrs* is also treated as an *attrs_map*. String keys/values are transformed to Symbol.
+ #
+ # @param [Proc] block
+ # An optional block taking a single argument (the struct field value) to convert into something more useful.
+ #
+ # This block is evaluated within the method using :instance_exec
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_attr_reader(*attrs, **attrs_map, &block)
+ ffi_attr_reader_method(*attrs, **attrs_map) do
+ _attr, member = ffi_attr_reader_member(__method__)
+ val = self[member]
+ block ? instance_exec(val, &block) : val
- # Define a struct attribute writer
- # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs the attribute names
- # trailing '?' will be stripped from attribute names
- # @param [String|Proc] format
- # A format string containing a single %s to convert attr symbol to struct member
- # @param [Boolean] simple
- # Controls how writer methods are defined using block
+ # Define reader methods directly from a block
+ #
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs see {ffi_attr_reader}
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] attrs_map
# @param [Proc] block
- # An optional block to set the input value into the struct field.
+ # must allow zero arity, but can have additional optional arguments or keyword arguments.
- # If simple is true then the struct field is set to the result of calling block with the input value,
- # otherwise the method is defined directly from the block. Use __method__[0..-1] to get the attribute name
- # and self.class.ffi_attr_writers[__method__[0..-1]] to get the struct member name
- # @return [void]
- def ffi_attr_writer(*attrs, format: '%s', simple: true, &block)
- attrs.each do |attr|
- attr = attr[..-2] if attr[-1] == '?'
+ # the block is evaluated using :instance_exec
+ #
+ # within block the attribute name is always the method name (`__method__`) and the associated struct field
+ # member name is from any attribute maps supplied; ie *attrs_map* or Hash value in *attrs*.
+ # They can be retrieved using {ffi_attr_reader_member}
+ #
+ # `attr, member = ffi_attr_reader_member(__method__)`
+ #
+ # if not supplied a reader will still be registered for each attribute and a boolean alias created if required
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ # @example Related struct members
+ # # uid/gid are only meaningful if corresponding set_ field is true
+ # layout(set_uid: :bool, uid: :uint, set_gid: :bool, gid: :uint)
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [r] uid
+ # # @return [Integer] the user id
+ # # @return [nil] if uid has not been explicitly set
+ #
+ # # @!attribute [r] gid
+ # # @return [Integer] the group id
+ # # @return [nil] if gid has not been explicitly set
+ #
+ # ffi_attr_reader_method(:uid, :gid) do
+ # attr, member = ffi_attr_reader_member(__method__)
+ # setter = :"set_#{attr}"
+ # self[setter] ? self[:attr] : nil
+ # end # => [:uid :gid]
+ def ffi_attr_reader_method(*attrs, **attrs_map, &block)
+ attr_methods = map_attributes(attrs, attrs_map).flat_map do |attr, member, bool|
+ ffi_attr_readers_map[attr] = member
+ define_method(attr, &block) if block
+ next attr unless bool
- member = (format % attr).to_sym
- ffi_attr_writers[attr.to_sym] = member
- if !block
- define_method("#{attr}=") { |val| self[member] = val }
- elsif simple
- define_method("#{attr}=") { |val| self[member] = }
- else
- define_method("#{attr}=", &block)
- end
+ bool_alias = :"#{attr}?"
+ alias_method(bool_alias, attr)
+ [attr, bool_alias]
+ send(default_visibility, *attr_methods)
+ attr_methods
- # All defined readers
- # @return [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] map of attr names to member names for which readers exist
- def ffi_attr_readers
- @ffi_attr_readers ||= {}
+ # Define struct attribute writers for the given attributes
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs see {ffi_attr_reader}
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] attrs_map
+ # @param [Proc<Object>] block
+ # An optional block taking a single argument to convert input value into a value to be placed in the underlying
+ # struct field
+ #
+ # This block is evaluated within the method using :instance_exec
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_attr_writer(*attrs, **attrs_map, &block)
+ ffi_attr_writer_method(*attrs, **attrs_map) do |val|
+ _attr, member = ffi_attr_writer_member(__method__)
+ self[member] = block ? instance_exec(val, &block) : val
+ end
- # All defined writers
- # @return [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] map of attr names to member names for which writers exist
- def ffi_attr_writers
- @ffi_attr_writers ||= {}
+ # Define writer methods directly from a block
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] attrs see {ffi_attr_reader}
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol,Symbol>] attrs_map
+ # @param [Proc] block
+ # must allow arity = 1, but can have additional optional arguments or keyword arguments.
+ #
+ # the block is evaluated using :instance_exec
+ #
+ # within block the attribute name is always the method name stripped of its trailing '='
+ # (`:"#{__method__[0..-2]}"`) and the associated struct field member name is from any attribute maps
+ # supplied. ie *attrs_map* or Hash value in *attrs*. They can be retrieved using {ffi_attr_writer_member}
+ #
+ # `attr, member = ffi_attr_writer_member(__method__)`
+ #
+ # if not supplied a writer method is still registered for each attribute name
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_attr_writer_method(*attrs, **attrs_map, &block)
+ writer_methods = map_attributes(attrs, attrs_map) do |attr, member, _bool|
+ ffi_attr_writers_map[attr] = member
+ block ? define_method("#{attr}=", &block) : attr
+ end
+ send(default_visibility, *writer_methods)
+ writer_methods
# Define individual flag accessors over a bitmask field
- def ffi_bitflag_accessor(attr, *flags)
- ffi_bitflag_reader(attr, *flags)
- ffi_bitflag_writer(attr, *flags)
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_bitflag_accessor(member, *flags)
+ ffi_bitflag_reader(member, *flags)
+ ffi_bitflag_writer(member, *flags)
# Define individual flag readers over a bitmask field
- # @param [Symbol] attr the bitmask member
- # @param [Array<Symbol>] flags list of flags
- # @return [void]
- def ffi_bitflag_reader(attr, *flags)
- flags.each do |f|
- ffi_attr_reader(:"#{f}?", simple: false) { self[attr].include?(f) }
+ # @param [Symbol] member the bitmask member
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] flags list of flags to define methods for. Each flag also gets a :flag? boolean alias
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_bitflag_reader(member, *flags)
+ bool_attrs = flags.to_h { |f| [:"#{f}?", member] }
+ ffi_attr_reader_method(**bool_attrs) do
+ flag_attr, member = ffi_attr_reader_member(__method__)
+ self[member].include?(flag_attr)
# Define individual flag writers over a bitmask field
- # @param [Symbol] attr the bitmask member
- # @param [Array<Symbol>] flags list of flags
- # @return [void]
- def ffi_bitflag_writer(attr, *flags)
- flags.each do |f|
- ffi_attr_writer(f, simple: false) do |v|
- v ? self[attr] += [f] : self[attr] -= [f]
- v
+ # @param [Symbol] member the bitmask member
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] flags list of flag attributes
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>] list of methods defined
+ def ffi_bitflag_writer(member, *flags)
+ writers = flags.to_h { |f| [f, member] }
+ ffi_attr_writer_method(**writers) do |v|
+ flag_attr, member = ffi_attr_writer_member(__method__)
+ v ? self[member] += [flag_attr] : self[member] -= flag
+ v
+ end
+ end
+ # @!endgroup
+ # @!group Accessor Information
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+ # list of public attr accessor reader methods
+ def ffi_public_attr_readers
+ ffi_attr_readers & public_instance_methods
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+ # list of accessor reader methods defined. (excludes boolean aliases)
+ def ffi_attr_readers
+ ffi_attr_readers_map.keys
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+ # list of accessor writer methods (ie ending in '=')
+ def ffi_attr_writers
+ { |a| :"#{a}=" }
+ end
+ # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+ # list of public accessor writer methods (ie ending in '=')
+ def ffi_public_attr_writers
+ ffi_attr_writers & public_instance_methods
+ end
+ # @!endgroup
+ # @!visibility private
+ def ffi_attr_readers_map
+ @ffi_attr_readers_map ||= {}
+ end
+ # @!visibility private
+ def ffi_attr_writers_map
+ @ffi_attr_writers_map ||= {}
+ end
+ private
+ def map_attributes(attrs, attrs_map)
+ return enum_for(__method__, attrs, attrs_map) unless block_given?
+ attrs << attrs_map unless attrs_map.empty?
+ attrs.flat_map do |attr_entry|
+ case attr_entry
+ when Symbol, String
+ bool, attr = bool_attr(attr_entry)
+ yield attr, attr, bool
+ when Hash
+ attr_entry.flat_map do |attr, member|
+ bool, attr = bool_attr(attr)
+ yield attr, member.to_sym, bool
+ end
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError
+ def bool_attr(attr)
+ attr[-1] == '?' ? [true, attr[..-2].to_sym] : [false, attr.to_sym]
+ end
+ # @!parse extend ClassMethods
+ # @!visibility private
def self.included(mod)
- # Fill the native struct from another object or list of properties
+ # Fill struct from another object or list of properties
# @param [Object] from
- # for each attribute we call self.attr=(from.attr)
+ # if from is a Hash then its is merged with args, otherwise look for corresponding readers on from, for our
+ # public writer attributes
# @param [Hash<Symbol,Object>] args
# for each entry <attr,val> we call self.attr=(val)
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if args contains properties that do not have public writers
# @return [self]
def fill(from = nil, **args)
+ ffi_attr_fill(from, writers: self.class.ffi_public_attr_writers, **args)
+ end
+ # Inspect attributes
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] readers list of attribute names to include in inspect, defaults to all readers
+ # @return [String]
+ def inspect(readers: self.class.ffi_public_attr_readers)
+ "#{} {#{ { |r| "#{r}: #{send(r)} " }.join(',')}"
+ end
+ # Convert struct to hash
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] readers list of attribute names to include in hash, defaults to all public readers.
+ # @return [Hash<Symbol,Object>] map of attribute name to value
+ def to_h(readers: self.class.ffi_public_attr_readers)
+ readers.to_h { |r| [r, send(r)] }
+ end
+ private
+ # @!visibility public
+ # *(private)* Fill struct from another object or list of properties
+ # @param [Object] from
+ # @param [Hash<Symbol>] args
+ # @param [Array<Symbol>] writers list of allowed writer methods
+ # @raise [ArgumentError] if args contains properties not included in writers list
+ # @note This *private* method allows an including classes' instance method to
+ # fill attributes through any writer method (vs #{fill} which only sets attributes with public writers)
+ def ffi_attr_fill(from, writers: self.class.ffi_attr_writers, **args)
if from.is_a?(Hash)
- self.class.ffi_attr_writers.each_key { |v| send("#{v}=", from.send(v)) if from.respond_to?(v) }
+ writers.each do |w|
+ r = w[0..-2] # strip trailing =
+ send(w, from.public_send(r)) if from.respond_to?(r)
+ end
- args.each_pair { |k, v| send("#{k}=", v) }
+ args.transform_keys! { |k| :"#{k}=" }
+ args.each_pair { |k, v| send(k, v) }
- def inspect
- "#{} {#{ { |r| "#{r}: #{send(r)} " }.join(',')}"
+ def ffi_attr(method)
+ %w[? =].include?(method[-1]) ? :"#{method[0..-2]}" : method
- # Convert struct to hash
- # @return [Hash<Symbol,Object>] map of reader attribute name to value
- def to_h
- self.class.ffi_attr_readers.keys.each_with_object({}) { |r, h| h[r] = send(r) }
+ # @!group Private Accessor helpers
+ # @!visibility public
+ # *(private)* Takes `__method__` and returns the corresponding attr and struct member names
+ # @param [Symbol] attr_method typically `__method__` (or `__callee__`)
+ # @param [Symbol] default default if method is not a reader method
+ # @return [Array<Symbol,Symbol>] attr,member
+ # @raise [KeyError] if method has not been defined as a reader and no default is supplied
+ def ffi_attr_reader_member(attr_method, *default)
+ attr = ffi_attr(attr_method)
+ [attr, self.class.ffi_attr_readers_map.fetch(attr, *default)]
+ # @!visibility public
+ # *(private)* Takes `__method__` and returns the corresponding attr and struct member names
+ # @param [Symbol] attr_method typically `__method__` (or `__callee__`)
+ # @param [Symbol|nil] default default if method is not a writer method
+ # @return [Array<Symbol,Symbol>] attr,member
+ # @raise [KeyError] if method has not been defined as a writer and no default is supplied
+ def ffi_attr_writer_member(attr_method, *default)
+ attr = ffi_attr(attr_method)
+ [attr, self.class.ffi_attr_writers_map.fetch(attr, *default)]
+ end
+ # @!endgroup