lib/ffi/gdal/cpl_vsi.rb in ffi-gdal-0.0.3 vs lib/ffi/gdal/cpl_vsi.rb in ffi-gdal-0.0.4
- old
+ new
@@ -1,119 +1,112 @@
-require 'ffi'
module FFI
module GDAL
- module CPLVSI
- extend ::FFI::Library
- ffi_lib 'gdal'
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Defines
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Defines
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Typedefs
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Dupes from cpl_conv.rb. Can't figure out how to get these defined
- # from just including the module...
- typedef :long_long, :GIntBig
- typedef :ulong_long, :GUIntBig
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Typedefs
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Dupes from cpl_conv.rb. Can't figure out how to get these defined
+ # from just including the module...
+ typedef :long_long, :GIntBig
+ typedef :ulong_long, :GUIntBig
- typedef :GUIntBig, :vsi_l_offset
- callback :VSIWriteFunction, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :pointer
+ typedef :GUIntBig, :vsi_l_offset
+ callback :VSIWriteFunction, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :pointer
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Functions
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------
- attach_function :VSIFOpen, %i[string string], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIFClose, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFSeek, %i[pointer long int], :int
- attach_function :VSIFTell, %i[pointer], :long
- attach_function :VSIRewind, %i[pointer], :void
- attach_function :VSIFFlush, %i[pointer], :void
- attach_function :VSIFRead, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
- attach_function :VSIFWrite, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
- attach_function :VSIFGets, %i[pointer int pointer], :string
- attach_function :VSIFPuts, %i[string pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFPrintf, %i[pointer string varargs], :int
- attach_function :VSIFGetc, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFPutc, %i[int pointer], :int
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Functions
+ #------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ attach_function :VSIFOpen, %i[string string], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIFClose, %i[pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFSeek, %i[pointer long int], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFTell, %i[pointer], :long
+ attach_function :VSIRewind, %i[pointer], :void
+ attach_function :VSIFFlush, %i[pointer], :void
+ attach_function :VSIFRead, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
+ attach_function :VSIFWrite, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
+ attach_function :VSIFGets, %i[pointer int pointer], :string
+ attach_function :VSIFPuts, %i[string pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFPrintf, %i[pointer string varargs], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFGetc, %i[pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFPutc, %i[int pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIUngetc, %i[int pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFEof, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIStat, %i[string pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIUngetc, %i[int pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFEof, %i[pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIStat, %i[string pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFOpenL, %i[string string], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIFCloseL, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFSeekL, %i[pointer vsi_l_offset int], :int
- attach_function :VSIFTellL, %i[pointer], :vsi_l_offset
- attach_function :VSIRewindL, %i[pointer], :void
- attach_function :VSIFReadL, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
- attach_function :VSIFReadMultiRangeL,
- %i[int pointer pointer pointer pointer],
- :int
- attach_function :VSIFWriteL, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
- attach_function :VSIFEofL, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFTruncateL, %i[pointer vsi_l_offset], :int
- attach_function :VSIFFlushL, %i[pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIFPrintfL, %i[pointer string varargs], :int
- attach_function :VSIFPutcL, %i[int pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIIngestFile,
- %i[pointer string pointer pointer GIntBig],
- :int
- attach_function :VSIStatL, %i[string pointer], :int
- attach_function :VSIStatExL, %i[string pointer int], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFOpenL, %i[string string], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIFCloseL, %i[pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFSeekL, %i[pointer vsi_l_offset int], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFTellL, %i[pointer], :vsi_l_offset
+ attach_function :VSIRewindL, %i[pointer], :void
+ attach_function :VSIFReadL, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
+ #attach_function :VSIFReadMultiRangeL,
+ # %i[int pointer pointer pointer pointer],
+ # :int
+ attach_function :VSIFWriteL, %i[pointer size_t size_t pointer], :size_t
+ attach_function :VSIFEofL, %i[pointer], :int
+ #attach_function :VSIFTruncateL, %i[pointer vsi_l_offset], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFFlushL, %i[pointer], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFPrintfL, %i[pointer string varargs], :int
+ attach_function :VSIFPutcL, %i[int pointer], :int
+ #attach_function :VSIIngestFile,
+ # %i[pointer string pointer pointer GIntBig],
+ # :int
+ attach_function :VSIStatL, %i[string pointer], :int
+ #attach_function :VSIStatExL, %i[string pointer int], :int
- attach_function :VSIIsCaseSensitiveFS, %i[string], :int
- attach_function :VSIFGetNativeFileDescriptorL, %i[pointer], :pointer
+ #attach_function :VSIIsCaseSensitiveFS, %i[string], :int
+ #attach_function :VSIFGetNativeFileDescriptorL, %i[pointer], :pointer
- attach_function :VSICalloc, %i[size_t size_t], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIMalloc, %i[size_t], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIFree, %i[pointer], :void
- attach_function :VSIRealloc, %i[pointer size_t], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIStrdup, %i[string], :string
- attach_function :VSIMalloc2, %i[size_t size_t], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIMalloc3, %i[size_t size_t size_t], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSICalloc, %i[size_t size_t], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIMalloc, %i[size_t], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIFree, %i[pointer], :void
+ attach_function :VSIRealloc, %i[pointer size_t], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIStrdup, %i[string], :string
+ attach_function :VSIMalloc2, %i[size_t size_t], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIMalloc3, %i[size_t size_t size_t], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIReadDir, %i[string], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIReadDirRecursive, %i[string], :pointer
- attach_function :VSIMkdir, %i[string long], :int
- attach_function :VSIRmdir, %i[string], :int
- attach_function :VSIUnlink, %i[string], :int
- attach_function :VSIRename, %i[string string], :int
+ attach_function :VSIReadDir, %i[string], :pointer
+ #attach_function :VSIReadDirRecursive, %i[string], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIMkdir, %i[string long], :int
+ attach_function :VSIRmdir, %i[string], :int
+ attach_function :VSIUnlink, %i[string], :int
+ attach_function :VSIRename, %i[string string], :int
- attach_function :VSIStrerror, %i[int], :string
+ attach_function :VSIStrerror, %i[int], :string
- attach_function :VSIInstallMemFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallLargeFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallSubFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallCurlFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallCurlStreamingFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallGZipFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallZipFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallStdinHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallStdoutHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallSparseFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIInstallTarFileHandler, [], :void
- attach_function :VSICleanupFileManager, [], :void
+ attach_function :VSIInstallMemFileHandler, [], :void
+ attach_function :VSIInstallLargeFileHandler, [], :void
+ attach_function :VSIInstallSubFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallCurlFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallCurlStreamingFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallGZipFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallZipFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallStdinHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallStdoutHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallSparseFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSIInstallTarFileHandler, [], :void
+ #attach_function :VSICleanupFileManager, [], :void
- attach_function :VSIFileFromMemBuffer,
- %i[string pointer vsi_l_offset int],
- :pointer
- attach_function :VSIGetMemFileBuffer,
- %i[string pointer int],
- :pointer
- # attach_function :VSIStdoutSetRedirection,
- # %i[VSIWriteFunction pointer],
- # :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIFileFromMemBuffer,
+ %i[string pointer vsi_l_offset int],
+ :pointer
+ attach_function :VSIGetMemFileBuffer,
+ %i[string pointer int],
+ :pointer
+ # attach_function :VSIStdoutSetRedirection,
+ # %i[VSIWriteFunction pointer],
+ # :pointer
- attach_function :VSITime, %i[pointer], :ulong
- attach_function :VSICTime, %i[ulong], :string
- attach_function :VSIGMTime, %i[pointer pointer], :pointer
- attach_function :VSILocalTime, %i[pointer pointer], :pointer
- end
+ attach_function :VSITime, %i[pointer], :ulong
+ attach_function :VSICTime, %i[ulong], :string
+ attach_function :VSIGMTime, %i[pointer pointer], :pointer
+ attach_function :VSILocalTime, %i[pointer pointer], :pointer