in feedjira-2.1.0 vs in feedjira-2.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,217 @@
-# Feedjira [![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis] [![Code Climate][code-climate-badge]][code-climate]
+# Feedjira
+[![Build Status][travis-badge]][travis] [![Code Climate][code-climate-badge]][code-climate] [![Gitter][gitter-badge]][gitter]
Feedjira (formerly Feedzirra) is a Ruby library designed to fetch and parse
-feeds as quickly as possible. Version 1.0 was recently released and with it an
-[awesome new website][f].
+feeds as quickly as possible.
+## Getting Started
-There you'll find documentation, examples, announcements and more.
+Feedjira is tested with Ruby version 1.9.3 and 2.x so like any Ruby gem, the
+first step is to install the gem:
+$ gem install feedjira
+Or add it to your Gemfile:
+gem "feedjira"
+## Fetching and Parsing
+For many users, the `fetch_and_parse` method is what they use Feedjira for. This
+method takes a url and returns a Parser object:
+url = ""
+feed = Feedjira::Feed.fetch_and_parse(url)
+# => #<Feedjira::Parser::Atom...>
+These feed objects have both the meta data for a feed and an `entries`
+collection that contains all the entries that were found:
+# => "Feedjira Blog"
+# => ""
+feed.entries # returns an array of Entry objects
+# => [<Feedjira::Feed::Entry ...>, <Feedjira::Feed::Entry ...>, ...]
+These entry objects contain the data parsed from the feed XML:
+entry = feed.entries.first
+# => "Announcing verison 1.0"
+# => ""
+## Just Parsing
+The parsing functionality of Feedjira has been exposed so that it can be used in
+xml = Faraday.get(url).body
+feed = Feedjira::Feed.parse xml
+# => "Announcing verison 1.0"
+## Adding a feed parsing class
+When determining which parser to use for a given XML document, the following
+list of parser classes is used:
+* `Feedjira::Parser::RSSFeedBurner`
+* `Feedjira::Parser::GoogleDocsAtom`
+* `Feedjira::Parser::AtomFeedBurner`
+* `Feedjira::Parser::Atom`
+* `Feedjira::Parser::ITunesRSS`
+* `Feedjira::Parser::RSS`
+You can insert your own parser at the front of this stack by calling
+`add_feed_class`, like this:
+Now when you `fetch_and_parse`, `MyAwesomeParser` will be the first one to get a
+chance to parse the feed.
+If you have the XML and just want to provide a parser class for one parse, you
+can specify that using `parse_with`:
+Feedjira::Feed.parse_with(MyAwesomeParser, xml)
+## Adding attributes to all feeds types / all entries types
+# Add the generator attribute to all feed types
+# => "TypePad"
+## Adding attributes to only one class
+If you want to add attributes for only one class you simply have to declare them
+in the class
+# Add some GeoRss information
+class Feedjira::Parser::RSSEntry
+ element "georss:elevation", as: :elevation
+# Fetch a feed containing GeoRss info and print them
+url = ""
+Feedjira::Feed.fetch_and_parse(url).entries.each do |entry|
+ puts "Elevation: #{entry.elevation}"
+## Configuration
+#### Stripping whitespace from XML
+Feedjira can be configured to strip all whitespace but defaults to lstrip only:
+Feedjira.configure do |config|
+ config.strip_whitespace = true
+#### Follow redirect limit
+For fetching feeds, the follow redirect limit defaults to 3 but can be set:
+Feedjira.configure do |config|
+ config.follow_redirect_limit = 5
+#### Request timeout
+The request timeout defaults to 30 but can be set:
+Feedjira.configure do |config|
+ config.request_timeout = 45
+#### User agent
+The default user agent is "Feedjira #{Version}" but can be set:
+Feedjira.configure do |config|
+ config.user_agent = "Awesome Feed Reader"
+## Testing
+Feedjira uses [faraday][] to perform requests, so testing Feedjira is really
+about [stubbing out faraday requests][stub].
+## Projects that use Feedjira
+Feedjira is used in some awesome projects around the web - from RSS readers to
+add-ons and everything in between. Here are some of them:
+* [Feedbin][]: Feedbin bills itself as a fast, simple RSS reader that delivers a
+ great reading experience. It's a paid RSS reader that integrates with mobile
+ apps and it even has a fully featured API!
+* [Stringer][]: Stringer is a self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. It's an
+ open-source project that's easy to deploy to any host, there's even a
+ one-click button to deploy on Heroku.
+* [BlogFeeder][]: BlogFeeder is a paid Shopify App that makes it easy for you to
+ import any external blog into your Shopify store. It helps improve your
+ store's SEO and keeps your blogs in sync, plus a lot more.
+* [Feedbunch][]: Feedbunch is an open source feed reader built to fill the hole
+ left by Google Reader. It aims to support all features of Google Reader and
+ actually improve on others.
+* [The Old Reader][old]: The Old Reader advertises as the ultimate social RSS
+ reader. It's free to start and also has a paid premium version. There's an API
+ and it integrates with many different mobile apps.
+* [Solve for All][solve]: Solve for All combines search engine and feed parsing
+ while protecting your privacy. It's even extendable by the community!
+Note: to get your project on this list, simply [send an email](
+with your project's details.