Rakefile in fedux_org-stdlib-0.0.1 vs Rakefile in fedux_org-stdlib-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,93 +1,186 @@
-require "bundler/gem_tasks"
+#!/usr/bin/env rake
+unless ENV['TRAVIS_CI'] == 'true'
+ namespace :gem do
+ require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
+ end
+ require 'yard'
+ require 'rubygems/package_task'
+ require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip'
+YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new() do |y|
+# y.options << '--verbose'
+desc 'start tmux'
+task :terminal do
+ sh "script/terminal"
+task :term => :terminal
+task :t => :terminal
+namespace :version do
+ version_file = Dir.glob('lib/**/version.rb').first
+ desc 'bump version of library to new version'
+ task :bump do
+ new_version = ENV['VERSION'] || ENV['version']
+ raw_module_name = File.open(version_file, "r").readlines.grep(/module/).first
+ module_name = raw_module_name.chomp.match(/module\s+(\S+)/) {$1}
+ version_string = %Q{#main #{module_name}
+module #{module_name}
+VERSION = '#{new_version}'
+ File.open(version_file, "w") do |f|
+ f.write version_string.strip_heredoc
+ end
+ sh "git add #{version_file}"
+ sh "git commit -m 'version bump to #{new_version}'"
+ #project = 'the_array_comparator'
+ #sh "git tag #{project}-v#{new_version}"
+ end
+ desc 'show version of library'
+ task :show do
+ raw_version = File.open(version_file, "r").readlines.grep(/VERSION/).first
+ if raw_version
+ version = raw_version.chomp.match(/VERSION\s+=\s+["']([^'"]+)["']/) { $1 }
+ puts version
+ else
+ warn "Could not parse version file \"#{version_file}\""
+ end
+ end
+ desc 'Restore version file from git repository'
+ task :restore do
+ sh "git checkout #{version_file}"
+ end
+namespace :travis do
+ desc 'Runs travis-lint to check .travis.yml'
+ task :check do
+ sh 'travis-lint'
+ end
+namespace :test do
+ desc 'Run specs'
+ task :specs do
+ sh 'bundle exec rspec spec'
+ end
+ desc 'Run tests in "travis mode"'
+ task :travis_specs do
+ ENV['TRAVIS_CI'] = 'true'
+ sh 'rspec spec'
+ sh 'cucumber -p all'
+ end
+task :console do
+ sh 'script/console'