in fdoc-0.2.7 vs in fdoc-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -68,11 +68,11 @@
fdoc is built to work around your Sinatra app specs in rspec, and provides `Fdoc::SpecWatcher` as a mixin. Make sure to include it *inside* your top level describe.
require 'fdoc/spec_watcher'
-describe Sinatra::Appllication do
+describe Sinatra::Application do
include Rack::Test::Methods
include Fdoc::SpecWatcher
def app
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@
### Outside a Rails App
-fdoc provides the `fdoc_to_html` script to transform a directory of `.fdoc` files into more human-readable HTML.
+fdoc provides the `fdoc convert` script to transform a directory of `.fdoc` files into more human-readable HTML.
In this repo, try running:
- bin/fdoc_to_html ./spec/fixtures ./html
+ bin/fdoc convert ./spec/fixtures --output=./html
## Example
`.fdoc` files are YAML files based on [JSON schema][json_schema] to describe API endpoints. They derive their endpoint path and verb from their filename.
@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@
require 'fdoc/spec_watcher'
describe MembersController do
- content "#show", :fdoc => "members/list" do
+ context "#show", :fdoc => "members/list" do
it "can take an offset" do
get :show, {
:offset => 5