spec/fbo/parser_spec.rb in fbo-0.0.3 vs spec/fbo/parser_spec.rb in fbo-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,54 +1,52 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe FBO::Parser do
- subject { FBO::Parser.new(file) }
- let(:file) { File.new(filename) }
- let!(:notices) { subject.notices }
+ context 'a single data String' do
+ let(:contents) { "<PRESOL>\n</PRESOL>\n<COMBINE>\n</COMBINE>\n<AMDCSS>\n</AMDCSS>\n" }
+ let(:file) { stub('FBO::File', contents: contents) }
+ subject { FBO::Parser.new(file) }
- tag_to_name_map = {
- amdcss: "Amendment", archive: "Archive", award: "Award",
- combine: "Combined Solicitation", fairopp: "Fair Opportunity",
- fstd: "Foreign Standard", itb: "Intent to Bundle",
- ja: "Justification Approval", mod: "Modification",
- presol: "Presolicitation", ssale: "Sale of Surplus",
- srcsgt: "Sources Sought", snote: "Special Notice",
- unarchive: "Unarchive" }
- tag_to_name_map.each do |tag, name|
- notice_class_name = name.split.map { |w| w.capitalize }.join
- notice_class = Kernel.const_get("FBO::Notices::#{ notice_class_name }")
- context "a file containing a #{ name } notice" do
- let(:filename) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "notices", tag.to_s) }
- it "should return an array with a single #{ notice_class_name }" do
- notices.count.should eq 1
- notices[0].should be_an_instance_of(notice_class)
- end
+ it 'parses the data all at once' do
+ subject.expects(:parse_string).with(file.contents)
+ subject.parse
- end
- context "a file containing any other type of notice" do
- let(:filename) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "notices", "notanotice") }
+ it 'returns a tree representing all notices' do
+ tree = subject.parse
+ tree.must_be_instance_of FBO::Dump::DumpNode
- it "should return an array with a single Unknown notice" do
- notices.count.should eq 1
- notices[0].should be_an_instance_of(FBO::Notices::Unknown)
+ notice_types = tree.elements.map { |e| e.class.name }.sort
+ notice_types.must_equal [ 'FBO::Dump::AmendmentNode',
+ 'FBO::Dump::CombinedSolicitationNode',
+ 'FBO::Dump::PresolicitationNode' ]
- context "a file containing a bunch of notices" do
- let(:filename) { File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "fixtures", "FBOFeed20130406") }
+ context 'a collection of data Strings' do
+ let(:contents) { [ '<PRESOL></PRESOL>', '<COMBINE></COMBINE>', '<AMDCSS></AMDCSS>' ] }
+ let(:file) { stub('FBO::ChunkedFile', contents: contents) }
+ subject { FBO::Parser.new(file) }
- it "should return an array containing notice objects" do
- notices.each { |notice| notice.should be_a_kind_of(FBO::Notice) }
+ it 'parses the collection' do
+ subject.expects(:parse_collection).with(contents)
+ subject.parse
- it "should return 679 Notices (which really is a lot)" do
- notices.count.should eq 679
+ it 'parses each data chunk individually' do
+ contents.each do |string|
+ subject.expects(:parse_string).with(string)
+ end
+ subject.parse
- end
+ it 'returns a unified tree representing all notices' do
+ tree = subject.parse
+ tree.must_be_instance_of FBO::Dump::DumpNode
+ notice_types = tree.elements.map { |e| e.class.name }.sort
+ notice_types.must_equal [ 'FBO::Dump::AmendmentNode',
+ 'FBO::Dump::CombinedSolicitationNode',
+ 'FBO::Dump::PresolicitationNode' ]
+ end
+ end