in faye-authentication-0.4.0 vs in faye-authentication-1.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -38,98 +38,119 @@
## Usage
### Channels requiring authentication
-All channels require authentication, except channels beginning by ``/public/``
+All channels require authentication by default, however, it is possible to provide
+a lambda to the faye extensions to let them know which channels are public.
-However, globbing, even on ``/public/`` channels will require authentication.
-Example :
-- ``/public/foo`` does not require authentication
-- ``/public/bar/*`` requires authentication
### Authentication endpoint requirements
The endpoint will receive a POST request, and shall return a JSON hash with a ``signature`` key.
The parameters sent to the endpoint are the following :
- 'message' =>
- {
- 'channel' => '/foo/bar',
- 'clientId' => '123abc'
+ "message" : {
+ "channel": "/foo/bar",
+ "clientId": "123abc"
If the endpoint returns an error, the message won't be signed and the server will reject it.
You can use ``Faye::Authentication.sign`` to generate the signature from the message and a private key.
Example (For a Rails application)
def auth
if current_user.can?(:read, params[:message][:channel])
render json: {signature: Faye::Authentication.sign(params[:message].slice(:channel,:clientId), 'your shared secret key')}
render json: {error: 'Not authorized'}, status: 403
A Ruby HTTP Client is also available for publishing messages to your faye server
without the hassle of using EventMachine :
Faye::Authentication::HTTPClient.publish('http://localhost:9290/faye', '/channel', 'data', 'your private key')
### Javascript client extension
Add the extension to your faye client :
var client = new Faye.Client('http://my.server/faye');
client.addExtension(new FayeAuthentication(client));
By default, when sending a subscribe request or publishing a message, the extension
will issue an AJAX request to ``/faye/auth``
If you wish to change the endpoint, you can supply it as the second argument of the extension constructor, the first one being the client :
+client.addExtension(new FayeAuthentication(client, '/my_custom_auth_endpoint'));
- client.addExtension(new FayeAuthentication(client, '/my_custom_auth_endpoint'));
+If you want to specify some channels for which you don't want the extension to
+call your endpoint, you can pass an options object with a ``whitelist`` key mapping
+to a function :
+function channelWhitelist(channel) {
+ // Allow channels beginning with /public but disallow globbing
+ return (channel.lastIndexOf('/public/', 0) === 0 && channel.indexOf('*') == -1);
+client.addExtension(new FayeAuthentication(client, '/faye/auth', {whitelist: channelWhitelist}));
### Ruby Faye server extension
Instanciate the extension with your secret key and add it to the server :
server = => '/faye', :timeout => 15)
server.add_extension'your shared secret key')
Faye::Authentication::ServerExtension expect that :
- a ``signature`` is present in the message for publish/subscribe request
- this signature is a valid JWT token
- the JWT payload contains "channel", "clientId" and a expiration timestamp "exp" that is not in the past.
Otherwise Faye Server will refuse the message.
+If you want to specify some channels for which you don't want the extension require
+authentication, you can pass an options hash with a ``whitelist`` key mapping
+to a lambda :
+channel_whitelist = lambda do |channel|
+ # Allow channels beginning with /public but disallow globbing
+ channel.start_with?('/public/') and not channel.include?('*')
+server = => '/faye', :timeout => 15)
+server.add_extension'your shared secret key', {whitelist: channel_whitelist})
### Ruby Faye client extension
This extension allows the ruby ``Faye::Client`` to auto-sign its messages before sending them to the server.
client ='http://localhost:9292/faye')
client.add_extension'your shared secret key')
## Contributing
1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)