lib/fastly/api/mutual_authentication_api.rb in fastly-4.0.1.pre.alpha.0 vs lib/fastly/api/mutual_authentication_api.rb in fastly-4.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -142,19 +142,21 @@
# Get a Mutual Authentication
# Show a Mutual Authentication.
# @option opts [String] :mutual_authentication_id Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. (required)
+ # @option opts [String] :include Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
# @return [MutualAuthenticationResponse]
def get_mutual_authentication(opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = get_mutual_authentication_with_http_info(opts)
# Get a Mutual Authentication
# Show a Mutual Authentication.
# @option opts [String] :mutual_authentication_id Alphanumeric string identifying a mutual authentication. (required)
+ # @option opts [String] :include Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
# @return [Array<(MutualAuthenticationResponse, Integer, Hash)>] MutualAuthenticationResponse data, response status code and response headers
def get_mutual_authentication_with_http_info(opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@api_client.config.logger.debug 'Calling API: MutualAuthenticationApi.get_mutual_authentication ...'
@@ -167,10 +169,11 @@
# resource path
local_var_path = '/tls/mutual_authentications/{mutual_authentication_id}'.sub('{' + 'mutual_authentication_id' + '}', CGI.escape(mutual_authentication_id.to_s))
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
+ query_params[:'include'] = opts[:'include'] if !opts[:'include'].nil?
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}
# HTTP header 'Accept' (if needed)
header_params['Accept'] = @api_client.select_header_accept(['application/vnd.api+json'])
@@ -204,20 +207,22 @@
return data, status_code, headers
# List Mutual Authentications
# List all mutual authentications.
+ # @option opts [String] :include Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Current page.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Number of records per page. (default to 20)
# @return [MutualAuthenticationsResponse]
def list_mutual_authentications(opts = {})
data, _status_code, _headers = list_mutual_authentications_with_http_info(opts)
# List Mutual Authentications
# List all mutual authentications.
+ # @option opts [String] :include Comma-separated list of related objects to include (optional). Permitted values: `tls_activations`. Including TLS activations will provide you with the TLS domain names that are related to your Mutual TLS authentication.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_number Current page.
# @option opts [Integer] :page_size Number of records per page. (default to 20)
# @return [Array<(MutualAuthenticationsResponse, Integer, Hash)>] MutualAuthenticationsResponse data, response status code and response headers
def list_mutual_authentications_with_http_info(opts = {})
if @api_client.config.debugging
@@ -235,9 +240,10 @@
# resource path
local_var_path = '/tls/mutual_authentications'
# query parameters
query_params = opts[:query_params] || {}
+ query_params[:'include'] = opts[:'include'] if !opts[:'include'].nil?
query_params[:'page[number]'] = opts[:'page_number'] if !opts[:'page_number'].nil?
query_params[:'page[size]'] = opts[:'page_size'] if !opts[:'page_size'].nil?
# header parameters
header_params = opts[:header_params] || {}