spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/tunes_client.rb in fastlane-2.98.0 vs spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/tunes_client.rb in fastlane-2.99.0
- old
+ new
@@ -60,11 +60,11 @@
def select_team(team_id: nil, team_name: nil)
t_id = (team_id || ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID'] || '').strip
t_name = (team_name || ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME'] || '').strip
if t_name.length > 0 && # we prefer IDs over names, they are unique
- puts("Looking for iTunes Connect Team with name #{t_name}") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose?
+ puts("Looking for App Store Connect Team with name #{t_name}") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose?
teams.each do |t|
t_id = t['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'].to_s if t['contentProvider']['name'].casecmp(t_name).zero?
@@ -72,22 +72,22 @@
t_id = teams.first['contentProvider']['contentProviderId'].to_s if teams.count == 1
if t_id.length > 0
- puts("Looking for iTunes Connect Team with ID #{t_id}") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose?
+ puts("Looking for App Store Connect Team with ID #{t_id}") if Spaceship::Globals.verbose?
# actually set the team id here
self.team_id = t_id
return self.team_id
# user didn't specify a team... #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings
loop do
- puts("Multiple #{'iTunes Connect teams'.yellow} found, please enter the number of the team you want to use: ")
+ puts("Multiple #{'App Store Connect teams'.yellow} found, please enter the number of the team you want to use: ")
- puts("Note: to automatically choose the team, provide either the iTunes Connect Team ID, or the Team Name in your fastlane/Appfile:")
+ puts("Note: to automatically choose the team, provide either the App Store Connect Team ID, or the Team Name in your fastlane/Appfile:")
puts("Alternatively you can pass the team name or team ID using the `FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID` or `FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME` environment variable")
first_team = teams.first["contentProvider"]
puts(" itc_team_id \"#{first_team['contentProviderId']}\"")
@@ -101,13 +101,13 @@
teams.each_with_index do |team, i|
puts("#{i + 1}) \"#{team['contentProvider']['name']}\" (#{team['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']})")
unless Spaceship::Client::UserInterface.interactive?
- puts("Multiple teams found on iTunes Connect, Your Terminal is running in non-interactive mode! Cannot continue from here.")
+ puts("Multiple teams found on App Store Connect, Your Terminal is running in non-interactive mode! Cannot continue from here.")
puts("Please check that you set FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID or FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME to the right value.")
- raise "Multiple iTunes Connect Teams found; unable to choose, terminal not interactive!"
+ raise "Multiple App Store Connect Teams found; unable to choose, terminal not interactive!"
selected = ($stdin.gets || '').strip.to_i - 1
team_to_use = teams[selected] if selected >= 0
@@ -268,11 +268,11 @@
- # Creates a new application on iTunes Connect
+ # Creates a new application on App Store Connect
# @param name (String): The name of your app as it will appear on the App Store.
# This can't be longer than 255 characters.
# @param primary_language (String): If localized app information isn't available in an
# App Store territory, the information from your primary language will be used instead.
# @param version *DEPRECATED: Use `Spaceship::Tunes::Application.ensure_version!` method instead*
@@ -509,10 +509,35 @@
+ # @!group AppAnalytics
+ #####################################################
+ def time_series_analytics(app_ids, measures, start_time, end_time, frequency)
+ data = {
+ adamId: app_ids,
+ dimensionFilters: [],
+ endTime: end_time,
+ frequency: frequency,
+ group: nil,
+ measures: measures,
+ startTime: start_time
+ }
+ r = request(:post) do |req|
+ req.url("")
+ req.body = data.to_json
+ req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ req.headers['X-Requested-By'] = ''
+ end
+ data = parse_response(r)
+ end
+ #####################################################
# @!group Pricing
def update_price_tier!(app_id, price_tier)
r = request(:get, "ra/apps/#{app_id}/pricing/intervals")
@@ -822,17 +847,17 @@
if retry_error_messages.any? { |message| ex.to_s.include?(message) }
tries -= 1
if tries > 0
- logger.warn("Received temporary server error from iTunes Connect. Retrying the request...")
+ logger.warn("Received temporary server error from App Store Connect. Retrying the request...")
sleep(3) unless Object.const_defined?("SpecHelper")
- raise Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse, "Temporary iTunes Connect error: #{ex}"
+ raise Spaceship::Client::UnexpectedResponse, "Temporary App Store Connect error: #{ex}"
# rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockNesting
def update_build_trains!(app_id, testing_type, data)
raise "app_id is required" unless app_id
@@ -1016,16 +1041,19 @@
req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- # iTunes Connect still returns a success status code even the submission
- # was failed because of Ad ID info. This checks for any section error
- # keys in returned adIdInfo and prints them out.
+ # App Store Connect still returns a success status code even the submission
+ # was failed because of Ad ID Info / Export Complicance. This checks for any section error
+ # keys in returned adIdInfo / exportCompliance and prints them out.
ad_id_error_keys = r.body.fetch('data').fetch('adIdInfo').fetch('sectionErrorKeys')
+ export_error_keys = r.body.fetch('data').fetch('exportCompliance').fetch('sectionErrorKeys')
if ad_id_error_keys.any?
raise "Something wrong with your Ad ID information: #{ad_id_error_keys}."
+ elsif export_error_keys.any?
+ raise "Something wrong with your Export Complicance: #{export_error_keys}"
elsif r.body.fetch('messages').fetch('info').last == "Successful POST"
# success
raise "Something went wrong when submitting the app for review. Make sure to pass valid options to submit your app for review"
@@ -1339,10 +1367,10 @@
def with_tunes_retry(tries = 5, potential_server_error_tries = 3, &_block)
return yield
rescue Spaceship::TunesClient::ITunesConnectTemporaryError => ex
unless (tries -= 1).zero?
- msg = "iTunes Connect temporary error received: '#{ex.message}'. Retrying after 60 seconds (remaining: #{tries})..."
+ msg = "App Store Connect temporary error received: '#{ex.message}'. Retrying after 60 seconds (remaining: #{tries})..."
sleep(60) unless Object.const_defined?("SpecHelper")