spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/tunes_client.rb in fastlane-2.34.0 vs spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/tunes_client.rb in fastlane-2.35.0
- old
+ new
@@ -41,63 +41,10 @@
def self.hostname
- # @return (Array) A list of all available teams
- def teams
- user_details_data['associatedAccounts'].sort_by do |team|
- [
- team['contentProvider']['name'],
- team['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']
- ]
- end
- end
- # @return (String) The currently selected Team ID
- def team_id
- return @current_team_id if @current_team_id
- if teams.count > 1
- puts "The current user is in #{teams.count} teams. Pass a team ID or call `select_team` to choose a team. Using the first one for now."
- end
- @current_team_id ||= teams[0]['contentProvider']['contentProviderId']
- end
- # Set a new team ID which will be used from now on
- def team_id=(team_id)
- # First, we verify the team actually exists, because otherwise iTC would return the
- # following confusing error message
- #
- # invalid content provider id
- #
- available_teams = teams.collect do |team|
- (team["contentProvider"] || {})["contentProviderId"]
- end
- result = available_teams.find do |available_team_id|
- team_id.to_s == available_team_id.to_s
- end
- unless result
- raise, "Could not set team ID to '#{team_id}', only found the following available teams: #{available_teams.join(', ')}"
- end
- response = request(:post) do |req|
- req.url "ra/v1/session/webSession"
- req.body = {
- contentProviderId: team_id,
- dsId: user_detail_data.ds_id #
- }.to_json
- req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- end
- handle_itc_response(response.body)
- @current_team_id = team_id
- end
# Shows a team selection for the user in the terminal. This should not be
# called on CI systems
def select_team
t_id = (ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_ID'] || '').strip
t_name = (ENV['FASTLANE_ITC_TEAM_NAME'] || '').strip
@@ -147,17 +94,10 @@
- # @return (Hash) Fetches all information of the currently used team
- def team_information
- teams.find do |t|
- t['teamId'] == team_id
- end
- end
def send_login_request(user, password)
send_shared_login_request(user, password)
@@ -675,59 +615,9 @@
# @return [AppVersionRef] the response
def ref_data
r = request(:get, '/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/apps/version/ref')
data = parse_response(r, 'data')
- end
- # Fetch the general information of the user, is used by various methods across spaceship
- # Sample return value
- # => {"associatedAccounts"=>
- # [{"contentProvider"=>{"contentProviderId"=>11142800, "name"=>"Felix Krause", "contentProviderTypes"=>["Purple Software"]}, "roles"=>["Developer"], "lastLogin"=>1468784113000}],
- # "sessionToken"=>{"dsId"=>"8501011116", "contentProviderId"=>18111111, "expirationDate"=>nil, "ipAddress"=>nil},
- # "permittedActivities"=>
- # {"EDIT"=>
- # ["UserManagementSelf",
- # "GameCenterTestData",
- # "AppAddonCreation"],
- # "REPORT"=>
- # ["UserManagementSelf",
- # "AppAddonCreation"],
- # "VIEW"=>
- # ["TestFlightAppExternalTesterManagement",
- # ...
- # "HelpGeneral",
- # "HelpApplicationLoader"]},
- # "preferredCurrencyCode"=>"EUR",
- # "preferredCountryCode"=>nil,
- # "countryOfOrigin"=>"AT",
- # "isLocaleNameReversed"=>false,
- # "feldsparToken"=>nil,
- # "feldsparChannelName"=>nil,
- # "hasPendingFeldsparBindingRequest"=>false,
- # "isLegalUser"=>false,
- # "userId"=>"1771111155",
- # "firstname"=>"Detlef",
- # "lastname"=>"Mueller",
- # "isEmailInvalid"=>false,
- # "hasContractInfo"=>false,
- # "canEditITCUsersAndRoles"=>false,
- # "canViewITCUsersAndRoles"=>true,
- # "canEditIAPUsersAndRoles"=>false,
- # "transporterEnabled"=>false,
- # "contentProviderFeatures"=>["APP_SILOING", "PROMO_CODE_REDESIGN", ...],
- # "contentProviderType"=>"Purple Software",
- # "displayName"=>"Detlef",
- # "contentProviderId"=>"18742800",
- # "userFeatures"=>[],
- # "visibility"=>true,
- # "DYCVisibility"=>false,
- # "contentProvider"=>"Felix Krause",
- # "userName"=>""}
- def user_details_data
- return @_cached_user_details if @_cached_user_details
- r = request(:get, '/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/ra/user/detail')
- @_cached_user_details = parse_response(r, 'data')
# Fetches the User Detail information from ITC. This gets called often and almost never changes
# so we cache it
# @return [UserDetail] the response