spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/build_details.rb in fastlane-2.129.0.beta.20190731200035 vs spaceship/lib/spaceship/tunes/build_details.rb in fastlane-2.129.0.beta.20190802200057
- old
+ new
@@ -4,39 +4,181 @@
module Tunes
# Represents the details of a build
class BuildDetails < TunesBase
# @return (String) The App identifier of this app, provided by App Store Connect
# @example
- # "1013943394"
+ # '1013943394'
attr_accessor :apple_id
- # @return (String) Link to the dSYM file (not always available)
- # lol, it's unencrypted http
- attr_accessor :dsym_url
+ # @return (Integer) Upload date of build as UNIX timestamp
+ # @example 1563813377000
+ attr_accessor :upload_date
- # @return [Bool]
- attr_accessor :include_symbols
+ # @return (String) State of the build/binary
+ # @example 'ITC.apps.preReleaseBuildStatus.Validated'
+ attr_accessor :binary_state
- # @return [Integer]
- attr_accessor :number_of_asset_packs
+ # @return (String) Name of uploaded file
+ # @example 'MyApp.ipa'
+ attr_accessor :file_name
- # @return [Bool]
+ # @return (String) SDK used to build app
+ # @example '13A340'
+ attr_accessor :build_sdk
+ # @return (String) Platform
+ # @example '13A340'
+ attr_accessor :build_platform
+ # @return (String) Bundle ID of build
+ # @example ''
+ attr_accessor :bundle_id
+ # @return (String) Name of app
+ # @example 'Test App'
+ attr_accessor :app_name
+ # @return (String) Supported architectures of the build
+ # @example 'armv7, arm64'
+ attr_accessor :supported_architectures
+ # @return (String) Localizations of the build
+ # @example 'English'
+ attr_accessor :localizations
+ # @return (Boolean) Is this a Newsstand app?
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :newsstand_app
+ # @return (Boolean) Does the build contain an app icon?
+ # @example true
+ attr_accessor :prerendered_icon_flag
+ # @return [Hash] containing all entitlements for all targets
+ # @example ' {'': 'ABC123DEF456'}'
+ attr_accessor :entitlements
+ # @return (String) Platform of the app
+ # @example 'ios'
+ attr_accessor :app_plattform
+ # @return (String) Device Requirements / Device Protocols
+ attr_accessor :device_protocols
+ # @return (String) Version code of the build
+ # @example '4'
+ attr_accessor :cf_bundle_version
+ # @return (String) Version code of the build train
+ # @example '1.6'
+ attr_accessor :cf_bundle_short_version
+ # @return (String) Minimum iOS Version
+ # @example '9.3'
+ attr_accessor :min_os_version
+ # @return (String) Enabled Device Family
+ # @example 'iPhone / iPod touch, iPad''
+ attr_accessor :device_families
+ # @return (String) Required Capabilities
+ # @example 'armv7'
+ attr_accessor :capabilities
+ # @return (Int) Compressed File Size in bytes
+ # @example '9365224'
+ attr_accessor :size_in_bytes
+ # @return (Hash) Estimated App Store file sizes for all devices in bytes
+ attr_accessor :sizes_in_bytes
+ # @return (Hash) Estimated App Store file sizes for all devices in bytes
+ attr_accessor :sizes_in_bytes_with_device_loc
+ # @return (Boolean) Contains On Demand Resources
+ # @example false
attr_accessor :contains_odr
- # e.g. "13A340"
- attr_accessor :build_sdk
+ # @return (Integer) Number of Asset packs
+ # @example 0
+ attr_accessor :number_of_asset_packs
- # @return [String] e.g. "MyApp.ipa"
- attr_accessor :file_name
+ # @return (Boolean) Includes Symbols
+ # @example true
+ attr_accessor :include_symbols
+ # @return (Boolean) App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption (Optional)
+ # @example null
+ attr_accessor :use_encryption_in_plist
+ # @return (Boolean) App Encryption Export Compliance Code (Optional)
+ # @example null
+ attr_accessor :export_compliance_code_value_in_plist
+ # @return (Boolean) Includes Stickers
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :has_stickers
+ # @return (Boolean) Includes iMessage App
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :has_messages_extension
+ # @return (Boolean) // Not sure what this is for
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :launch_prohibited
+ # @return (Boolean) Uses SiriKit
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :uses_synapse
+ # @return (Boolean) App uses Location Services
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :uses_location_background_mode
+ # @return (String) Link to the dSYM file (not always available)
+ # @example build/***.****.*****.*****
+ attr_accessor :dsym_url
+ # @return (Boolean) Watch-Only App
+ # @example false
+ attr_accessor :watch_only
'apple_id' => :apple_id,
- 'dsymurl' => :dsym_url,
- 'includesSymbols' => :include_symbols,
- 'numberOfAssetPacks' => :number_of_asset_packs,
- 'containsODR' => :contains_odr,
+ 'uploadDate' => :upload_date,
+ 'binaryState' => :binary_state,
+ 'fileName' => :file_name,
'buildSdk' => :build_sdk,
- 'fileName' => :file_name
+ 'buildPlatform' => :build_platform,
+ 'bundleId' => :bundle_id,
+ 'appName' => :app_name,
+ 'supportedArchitectures' => :supported_architectures,
+ 'localizations' => :localizations,
+ 'newsstandApp' => :newsstand_app,
+ 'prerenderedIconFlag' => :prerendered_icon_flag,
+ 'entitlements' => :entitlements,
+ 'appPlatform' => :app_platform,
+ 'deviceProtocols' => :device_protocols,
+ 'cfBundleVersion' => :cf_bundle_version,
+ 'cfBundleShortVersion' => :cf_bundle_short_version,
+ 'minOsVersion' => :min_os_version,
+ 'deviceFamilies' => :device_families,
+ 'capabilities' => :capabilities,
+ 'sizeInBytes' => :size_in_bytes,
+ 'sizesInBytes' => :sizes_in_bytes,
+ 'sizesInBytesWithDeviceLoc' => :sizes_in_bytes_with_device_loc,
+ 'containsODR' => :contains_odr,
+ 'numberOfAssetPacks' => :number_of_asset_packs,
+ 'includesSymbols' => :include_symbols,
+ 'useEncryptionInPlist' => :use_encryption_in_plist,
+ 'exportComplianceCodeValueInPlist' => :export_compliance_code_value_in_plist,
+ 'hasStickers' => :has_stickers,
+ 'hasMessagesExtension' => :has_messages_extension,
+ 'launchProhibited' => :launch_prohibited,
+ 'usesSynapse' => :uses_synapse,
+ 'usesLocationBackgroundMode' => :uses_location_background_mode,
+ 'dsymurl' => :dsym_url,
+ 'watchOnly' => :watch_only