spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/device.rb in fastlane-2.211.0 vs spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/models/device.rb in fastlane-2.212.0
- old
+ new
@@ -59,23 +59,22 @@
# @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
# @param platform [String] The platform of the device.
# @param include_disabled [Bool] Whether to include disable devices. false by default.
# @return (Device) Find a device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
- def self.find_by_udid(device_udid, client: nil, platform: nil, include_disabled: false)
+ def self.find_by_udid(device_udid, client: nil, include_disabled: false)
self.all(client: client).find do |device|
device.udid.casecmp(device_udid) == 0 && (include_disabled ? true : device.enabled?)
# @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
# @param name [String] The name to be assigned to the device, if it needs to be created.
# @param platform [String] The platform of the device.
- # @param include_disabled [Bool] Whether to include disable devices. false by default.
# @return (Device) Find a device based on the UDID of the device. If no device was found, nil if no device was found.
- def self.find_or_create(device_udid, client: nil, name: nil, platform: nil, include_disabled: false)
- existing = self.find_by_udid(device_udid, client: client, platform: platform)
+ def self.find_or_create(device_udid, client: nil, name: nil, platform: nil)
+ existing = self.find_by_udid(device_udid, client: client)
return existing if existing
return self.create(client: client, name: name, platform: platform, udid: device_udid)
# @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
@@ -85,9 +84,50 @@
# @return (Device) Find a device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
def self.create(client: nil, name: nil, platform: nil, udid: nil)
client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI
resp = client.post_device(name: name, platform: platform, udid: udid)
return resp.to_models.first
+ end
+ # @param device_udid [String] Device Provisioning UDID that needs to be modified.
+ # @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
+ # @param enabled [Boolean] New enabled value. true - if device must be enabled, `false` - to disable device. nil if no status change needed.
+ # @param new_name [String] A new name for the device. nil if no name change needed.
+ # @return (Device) Modified device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
+ def self.modify(device_udid, client: nil, enabled: nil, new_name: nil)
+ client ||= Spaceship::ConnectAPI
+ existing = self.find_by_udid(device_udid, client: client, include_disabled: true)
+ return nil if existing.nil?
+ enabled = existing.enabled? if enabled.nil?
+ new_name ||=
+ return existing if == new_name && existing.enabled? == enabled
+ new_status = enabled ? Status::ENABLED : Status::DISABLED
+ resp = client.patch_device(id:, new_name: new_name, status: new_status)
+ return resp.to_models.first
+ end
+ # @param device_udid [String] Device Provisioning UDID that needs to be enabled.
+ # @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
+ # @return (Device) Modified device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
+ def self.enable(device_udid, client: nil)
+ self.modify(device_udid, client: client, enabled: true)
+ end
+ # @param device_udid [String] Device Provisioning UDID that needs to be disabled.
+ # @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
+ # @return (Device) Modified device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
+ def self.disable(device_udid, client: nil)
+ self.modify(device_udid, client: client, enabled: false)
+ end
+ # @param device_udid [String] Device Provisioning UDID that needs to be renamed.
+ # @param new_name [String] A new name for the device.
+ # @param client [ConnectAPI] ConnectAPI client.
+ # @return (Device) Modified device based on the UDID of the device. nil if no device was found.
+ def self.rename(device_udid, new_name, client: nil)
+ self.modify(device_udid, client: client, new_name: new_name)