spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/client.rb in fastlane-2.156.1 vs spaceship/lib/spaceship/connect_api/client.rb in fastlane-2.157.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,245 +1,171 @@
-require_relative '../client'
-require_relative './response'
+require_relative './token'
+require_relative './provisioning/provisioning'
+require_relative './testflight/testflight'
+require_relative './tunes/tunes'
+require_relative './users/users'
module Spaceship
class ConnectAPI
- class Client < Spaceship::Client
+ class Client
attr_accessor :token
+ attr_accessor :tunes_client
+ attr_accessor :portal_client
- #####################################################
- # @!group Client Init
- #####################################################
- # Instantiates a client with cookie session or a JWT token.
- def initialize(cookie: nil, current_team_id: nil, token: nil)
- if token.nil?
- super(cookie: cookie, current_team_id: current_team_id, timeout: 1200)
- else
- options = {
- request: {
- timeout: (ENV["SPACESHIP_TIMEOUT"] || 300).to_i,
- open_timeout: (ENV["SPACESHIP_TIMEOUT"] || 300).to_i
- }
- }
- @token = token
- @current_team_id = current_team_id
- hostname = ""
- @client =, options) do |c|
- c.response(:json, content_type: /\bjson$/)
- c.response(:plist, content_type: /\bplist$/)
- c.use(FaradayMiddleware::RelsMiddleware)
- c.adapter(Faraday.default_adapter)
- c.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer #{token.text}"
- # for debugging only
- # This enables tracking of networking requests using Charles Web Proxy
- c.proxy = ""
- c.ssl[:verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- c.proxy = ENV["SPACESHIP_PROXY"]
- end
- if ENV["DEBUG"]
- puts("To run spaceship through a local proxy, use SPACESHIP_DEBUG")
- end
- end
- end
+ # Initializes client with Apple's App Store Connect JWT auth key.
+ #
+ # This method will automatically use the key id, issuer id, and filepath from environment
+ # variables if not given.
+ #
+ # All three parameters are needed to authenticate.
+ #
+ # @param key_id (String) (optional): The key id
+ # @param issuer_id (String) (optional): The issuer id
+ # @param filepath (String) (optional): The filepath
+ #
+ # @raise InvalidUserCredentialsError: raised if authentication failed
+ #
+ # @return (Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Client) The client the login method was called for
+ def self.auth(key_id: nil, issuer_id: nil, filepath: nil)
+ token = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Token.create(key_id: key_id, issuer_id: issuer_id, filepath: filepath)
+ return token)
- def self.hostname
- return nil
- end
+ # Authenticates with Apple's web services. This method has to be called once
+ # to generate a valid session.
- # Helpers
+ # This method will automatically use the username from the Appfile (if available)
+ # and fetch the password from the Keychain (if available)
+ # @param user (String) (optional): The username (usually the email address)
+ # @param password (String) (optional): The password
+ # @param team_id (String) (optional): The team id
+ # @param team_name (String) (optional): The team name
+ #
+ # @raise InvalidUserCredentialsError: raised if authentication failed
+ #
+ # @return (Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Client) The client the login method was called for
+ def self.login(user = nil, password = nil, team_id: nil, team_name: nil)
+ tunes_client = TunesClient.login(user, password)
+ portal_client = PortalClient.login(user, password)
- def web_session?
- return @token.nil?
+ # The clients will automatically select the first team if none is given
+ if !team_id.nil? || !team_name.nil?
+ tunes_client.select_team(team_id: team_id, team_name: team_name)
+ portal_client.select_team(team_id: team_id, team_name: team_name)
+ end
+ return tunes_client, portal_client: portal_client)
- def build_params(filter: nil, includes: nil, limit: nil, sort: nil, cursor: nil)
- params = {}
+ def initialize(cookie: nil, current_team_id: nil, token: nil, tunes_client: nil, portal_client: nil)
+ @token = token
- filter = filter.delete_if { |k, v| v.nil? } if filter
+ # If using web session...
+ # Spaceship::Tunes is needed for TestFlight::API, Tunes::API, and Users::API
+ # Spaceship::Portal is needed for Provisioning::API
+ @tunes_client = tunes_client
+ @portal_client = portal_client
- params[:filter] = filter if filter && !filter.empty?
- params[:include] = includes if includes
- params[:limit] = limit if limit
- params[:sort] = sort if sort
- params[:cursor] = cursor if cursor
+ # Extending this instance to add API endpoints from these modules
+ # Each of these modules adds a new setter method for an instance
+ # of an ConnectAPI::APIClient
+ # These get set in set_indvidual_clients
+ self.extend(Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TestFlight::API)
+ self.extend(Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Tunes::API)
+ self.extend(Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Provisioning::API)
+ self.extend(Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Users::API)
- return params
+ set_indvidual_clients(
+ cookie: cookie,
+ current_team_id: current_team_id,
+ token: token,
+ tunes_client: @tunes_client,
+ portal_client: @portal_client
+ )
- def get(url_or_path, params = nil)
- response = with_asc_retry do
- request(:get) do |req|
- req.url(url_or_path)
- req.options.params_encoder = Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder
- req.params = params if params
- req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ def in_house?
+ if token
+ if token.in_house.nil?
+ message = [
+ "Cannot determine if team is App Store or Enterprise via the App Store Connect API (yet)",
+ "Set 'in_house' on your Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Token",
+ "Or set 'in_house' in your App Store Connect API key JSON file",
+ "Or set the 'SPACESHIP_CONNECT_API_IN_HOUSE' environment variable to 'true'",
+ "View more info in the docs at"
+ ]
+ raise message.join('\n')
+ return !!token.in_house
+ elsif @portal_client
+ return @portal_client.in_house?
+ else
+ raise "No App Store Connect API token or Portal Client set"
- handle_response(response)
- def post(url_or_path, body, tries: 5)
- response = with_asc_retry(tries) do
- request(:post) do |req|
- req.url(url_or_path)
- req.body = body.to_json
- req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- end
- end
- handle_response(response)
- end
+ def select_team(team_id: nil, team_name: nil)
+ @tunes_client.select_team(team_id: team_id, team_name: team_name)
+ @portal_client.select_team(team_id: team_id, team_name: team_name)
- def patch(url_or_path, body)
- response = with_asc_retry do
- request(:patch) do |req|
- req.url(url_or_path)
- req.body = body.to_json
- req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
- end
- end
- handle_response(response)
+ # Updating the tunes and portal clients requires resetting
+ # of the clients in the API modules
+ set_indvidual_clients(
+ cookie: nil,
+ current_team_id: nil,
+ token: nil,
+ tunes_client: tunes_client,
+ portal_client: portal_client
+ )
- def delete(url_or_path, params = nil, body = nil)
- response = with_asc_retry do
- request(:delete) do |req|
- req.url(url_or_path)
- req.options.params_encoder = Faraday::NestedParamsEncoder if params
- req.params = params if params
- req.body = body.to_json if body
- req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if body
- end
- end
- handle_response(response)
- end
+ private
- protected
- def with_asc_retry(tries = 5, &_block)
- tries = 1 if Object.const_defined?("SpecHelper")
- response = yield
- status = response.status if response
- if [500, 504].include?(status)
- msg = "Timeout received! Retrying after 3 seconds (remaining: #{tries})..."
- raise msg
+ def set_indvidual_clients(cookie: nil, current_team_id: nil, token: nil, tunes_client: nil, portal_client: nil)
+ # This was added by Spaceship::ConnectAPI::TestFlight::API and is required
+ # to be set for API methods to have a client to send request on
+ if cookie || token || tunes_client
+ self.test_flight_request_client =
+ cookie: cookie,
+ current_team_id: current_team_id,
+ token: token,
+ another_client: tunes_client
+ )
- return response
- rescue => error
- tries -= 1
- puts(error) if Spaceship::Globals.verbose?
- if
- return response
- else
- retry
+ # This was added by Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Tunes::API and is required
+ # to be set for API methods to have a client to send request on
+ if cookie || token || tunes_client
+ self.tunes_request_client =
+ cookie: cookie,
+ current_team_id: current_team_id,
+ token: token,
+ another_client: tunes_client
+ )
- end
- def handle_response(response)
- if (200...300).cover?(response.status) && (response.body.nil? || response.body.empty?)
- return
+ # This was added by Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Provisioning::API and is required
+ # to be set for API methods to have a client to send request on
+ if cookie || token || portal_client
+ self.provisioning_request_client =
+ cookie: cookie,
+ current_team_id: current_team_id,
+ token: token,
+ another_client: portal_client
+ )
- raise InternalServerError, "Server error got #{response.status}" if (500...600).cover?(response.status)
- unless response.body.kind_of?(Hash)
- raise UnexpectedResponse, response.body
+ # This was added by Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Users::API and is required
+ # to be set for API methods to have a client to send request on
+ if cookie || token || tunes_client
+ self.users_request_client =
+ cookie: cookie,
+ current_team_id: current_team_id,
+ token: token,
+ another_client: tunes_client
+ )
- raise UnexpectedResponse, response.body['error'] if response.body['error']
- raise UnexpectedResponse, handle_errors(response) if response.body['errors']
- raise UnexpectedResponse, "Temporary App Store Connect error: #{response.body}" if response.body['statusCode'] == 'ERROR'
- store_csrf_tokens(response)
- return response.body, status: response.status, client: self)
- def handle_errors(response)
- # Example error format
- # {
- # "errors":[
- # {
- # "id":"cbfd8674-4802-4857-bfe8-444e1ea36e32",
- # "status":"409",
- # "code":"STATE_ERROR",
- # "title":"The request cannot be fulfilled because of the state of another resource.",
- # "detail":"Submit for review errors found.",
- # "meta":{
- # "associatedErrors":{
- # "/v1/appScreenshots/":[
- # {
- # "id":"23d1734f-b81f-411a-98e4-6d3e763d54ed",
- # "status":"409",
- # "title":"App screenshot missing (APP_WATCH_SERIES_4)."
- # },
- # {
- # "id":"db993030-0a93-48e9-9fd7-7e5676633431",
- # "status":"409",
- # "title":"App screenshot missing (APP_WATCH_SERIES_4)."
- # }
- # ],
- # "/v1/builds/d710b6fa-5235-4fe4-b791-2b80d6818db0":[
- # {
- # "id":"e421fe6f-0e3b-464b-89dc-ba437e7bb77d",
- # "status":"409",
- # "title":"The provided entity is missing a required attribute",
- # "detail":"You must provide a value for the attribute 'usesNonExemptEncryption' with this request",
- # "source":{
- # "pointer":"/data/attributes/usesNonExemptEncryption"
- # }
- # }
- # ]
- # }
- # }
- # }
- # ]
- # }
- return response.body['errors'].map do |error|
- messages = [[error['title'], error['detail']].compact.join(" - ")]
- meta = error["meta"] || {}
- associated_errors = meta["associatedErrors"] || {}
- messages + do |associated_error|
- [[associated_error["title"], associated_error["detail"]].compact.join(" - ")]
- end
- end.flatten.join("\n")
- end
- private
- def local_variable_get(binding, name)
- if binding.respond_to?(:local_variable_get)
- binding.local_variable_get(name)
- else
- binding.eval(name.to_s)
- end
- end
- def provider_id
- return team_id if self.provider.nil?
- self.provider.provider_id
- end
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength