snapshot/lib/snapshot/dependency_checker.rb in fastlane-2.62.0 vs snapshot/lib/snapshot/dependency_checker.rb in fastlane-2.62.1
- old
+ new
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
def self.check_simulators
UI.verbose("Found #{FastlaneCore::Simulator.all.count} simulators.")
if FastlaneCore::Simulator.all.count == 0
UI.error '#############################################################'
UI.error "# You have to add new simulators using Xcode"
- UI.error "# You can let snapshot create new simulators: 'snapshot reset_simulators'"
+ UI.error "# You can let snapshot create new simulators: 'fastlane snapshot reset_simulators'"
UI.error "# Manually: Xcode => Window => Devices"
UI.error "# Please run `instruments -s` to verify your xcode path"
UI.error '#############################################################'
UI.user_error!("Create the new simulators and run this script again")