snapshot/lib/assets/SnapshotHelper.swift in fastlane-2.74.0.beta.20180107010004 vs snapshot/lib/assets/SnapshotHelper.swift in fastlane-2.74.0.beta.20180108010004
- old
+ new
@@ -126,10 +126,10 @@
open class func snapshot(_ name: String, timeWaitingForIdle timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
if timeout > 0 {
waitForLoadingIndicatorToDisappear(within: timeout)
- print("snapshot: \(name)") // more information about this, check out
+ print("snapshot: \(name)") // more information about this, check out
sleep(1) // Waiting for the animation to be finished (kind of)
#if os(OSX)
XCUIApplication().typeKey(XCUIKeyboardKeySecondaryFn, modifierFlags: [])