snapshot/lib/assets/SnapshotHelper.swift in fastlane-2.62.0.beta.20171011010003 vs snapshot/lib/assets/SnapshotHelper.swift in fastlane-2.62.0.beta.20171014010003
- old
+ new
@@ -17,29 +17,35 @@
import XCTest
var deviceLanguage = ""
var locale = ""
-@available(*, deprecated, message: "use setupSnapshot: instead")
-func setLanguage(_ app: XCUIApplication) {
- setupSnapshot(app)
func setupSnapshot(_ app: XCUIApplication) {
-func snapshot(_ name: String, waitForLoadingIndicator: Bool = true) {
- Snapshot.snapshot(name, waitForLoadingIndicator: waitForLoadingIndicator)
+func snapshot(_ name: String, waitForLoadingIndicator: Bool) {
+ if waitForLoadingIndicator {
+ Snapshot.snapshot(name)
+ } else {
+ Snapshot.snapshot(name, timeWaitingForIdle: 0)
+ }
+/// - Parameters:
+/// - name: The name of the snapshot
+/// - timeout: Amount of seconds to wait until the network loading indicator disappears. Pass `0` if you don't want to wait.
+func snapshot(_ name: String, timeWaitingForIdle timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
+ Snapshot.snapshot(name, timeWaitingForIdle: timeout)
enum SnapshotError: Error, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
case cannotDetectUser
case cannotFindHomeDirectory
case cannotFindSimulatorHomeDirectory
case cannotAccessSimulatorHomeDirectory(String)
var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .cannotDetectUser:
return "Couldn't find Snapshot configuration files - can't detect current user "
case .cannotFindHomeDirectory:
@@ -114,13 +120,13 @@
} catch {
print("Couldn't detect/set launch_arguments...")
- open class func snapshot(_ name: String, waitForLoadingIndicator: Bool = true) {
- if waitForLoadingIndicator {
- waitForLoadingIndicatorToDisappear()
+ open class func snapshot(_ name: String, timeWaitingForIdle timeout: TimeInterval = 20) {
+ if timeout > 0 {
+ waitForLoadingIndicatorToDisappear(within: timeout)
print("snapshot: \(name)") // more information about this, check out
sleep(1) // Waiting for the animation to be finished (kind of)
@@ -138,21 +144,18 @@
- class func waitForLoadingIndicatorToDisappear() {
+ class func waitForLoadingIndicatorToDisappear(within timeout: TimeInterval) {
#if os(tvOS)
- let query = XCUIApplication().statusBars.children(matching: .other).element(boundBy: 1).children(matching: .other)
- while (0..<query.count).map({ query.element(boundBy: $0) }).contains(where: { $0.isLoadingIndicator }) {
- sleep(1)
- print("Waiting for loading indicator to disappear...")
- }
+ let networkLoadingIndicator = XCUIApplication().otherElements.deviceStatusBars.networkLoadingIndicators.element
+ let networkLoadingIndicatorDisappeared = XCTNSPredicateExpectation(predicate: NSPredicate(format: "exists == false"), object: networkLoadingIndicator)
+ XCTWaiter.wait(for: [networkLoadingIndicatorDisappeared], timeout: timeout)
class func pathPrefix() throws -> URL? {
let homeDir: URL
// on OSX config is stored in /Users/<username>/Library
@@ -178,18 +181,65 @@
return homeDir.appendingPathComponent("Library/Caches/tools.fastlane")
-extension XCUIElement {
- var isLoadingIndicator: Bool {
- let whiteListedLoaders = ["GeofenceLocationTrackingOn", "StandardLocationTrackingOn"]
- if whiteListedLoaders.contains(self.identifier) {
- return false
+private extension XCUIElementAttributes {
+ var isNetworkLoadingIndicator: Bool {
+ if hasWhiteListedIdentifier { return false }
+ let hasOldLoadingIndicatorSize = frame.size == CGSize(width: 10, height: 20)
+ let hasNewLoadingIndicatorSize = frame.size.width.isBetween(46, and: 47) && frame.size.height.isBetween(2, and: 3)
+ return hasOldLoadingIndicatorSize || hasNewLoadingIndicatorSize
+ }
+ var hasWhiteListedIdentifier: Bool {
+ let whiteListedIdentifiers = ["GeofenceLocationTrackingOn", "StandardLocationTrackingOn"]
+ return whiteListedIdentifiers.contains(identifier)
+ }
+ func isStatusBar(_ deviceWidth: CGFloat) -> Bool {
+ if elementType == .statusBar { return true }
+ guard frame.origin == .zero else { return false }
+ let oldStatusBarSize = CGSize(width: deviceWidth, height: 20)
+ let newStatusBarSize = CGSize(width: deviceWidth, height: 44)
+ return [oldStatusBarSize, newStatusBarSize].contains(frame.size)
+ }
+private extension XCUIElementQuery {
+ var networkLoadingIndicators: XCUIElementQuery {
+ let isNetworkLoadingIndicator = NSPredicate { (evaluatedObject, _) in
+ guard let element = evaluatedObject as? XCUIElementAttributes else { return false }
+ return element.isNetworkLoadingIndicator
- return self.frame.size == CGSize(width: 10, height: 20)
+ return self.containing(isNetworkLoadingIndicator)
+ var deviceStatusBars: XCUIElementQuery {
+ let deviceWidth = XCUIApplication().frame.width
+ let isStatusBar = NSPredicate { (evaluatedObject, _) in
+ guard let element = evaluatedObject as? XCUIElementAttributes else { return false }
+ return element.isStatusBar(deviceWidth)
+ }
+ return self.containing(isStatusBar)
+ }
+private extension CGFloat {
+ func isBetween(_ numberA: CGFloat, and numberB: CGFloat) -> Bool {
+ return numberA...numberB ~= self
+ }
// Please don't remove the lines below
// They are used to detect outdated configuration files
-// SnapshotHelperVersion [1.5]
+// SnapshotHelperVersion [1.6]