pilot/lib/pilot/build_manager.rb in fastlane-2.28.0.beta.20170420010017 vs pilot/lib/pilot/build_manager.rb in fastlane-2.28.0
- old
+ new
@@ -33,44 +33,21 @@
UI.important("This means that no changelog will be set and no build will be distributed to testers")
UI.message("If you want to skip waiting for the processing to be finished, use the `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option")
- uploaded_build = wait_for_processing_build(options, platform) # this might take a while
+ latest_build = FastlaneCore::BuildWatcher.wait_for_build_processing_to_be_complete(app_id: app.apple_id, platform: platform)
- distribute(options, uploaded_build)
+ distribute(options, latest_build)
- def distribute(options, build = nil)
+ def distribute(options, build)
if config[:apple_id].to_s.length == 0 and config[:app_identifier].to_s.length == 0
config[:app_identifier] = UI.input("App Identifier: ")
- if build.nil?
- platform = fetch_app_platform(required: false)
- builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform) + app.builds(platform: platform)
- # sort by upload_date
- builds.sort! { |a, b| a.upload_date <=> b.upload_date }
- build = builds.last
- if build.nil?
- UI.user_error!("No builds found.")
- return
- end
- if build.processing
- UI.user_error!("Build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) is still processing.")
- return
- end
- if build.testing_status == "External"
- UI.user_error!("Build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) has already been distributed.")
- return
- end
- type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'External' : 'Internal'
- UI.message("Distributing build #{build.train_version}(#{build.build_version}) from #{build.testing_status} -> #{type}")
- end
unless config[:update_build_info_on_upload]
if should_update_build_information(options)
build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog], description: options[:beta_app_description], feedback_email: options[:beta_app_feedback_email])
UI.success "Successfully set the changelog and/or description for build"
@@ -126,90 +103,36 @@
def should_update_build_information(options)
options[:changelog].to_s.length > 0 or options[:beta_app_description].to_s.length > 0 or options[:beta_app_feedback_email].to_s.length > 0
- # This method will takes care of checking for the processing builds every few seconds
- # @return [Build] The build that we just uploaded
- def wait_for_processing_build(options, platform)
- # the upload date of the new buid
- # we use it to identify the build
- start = Time.now
- wait_processing_interval = config[:wait_processing_interval].to_i
- latest_build = nil
- UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to process the new build")
- must_update_build_info = config[:update_build_info_on_upload]
- loop do
- sleep(wait_processing_interval)
+ def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options)
+ UI.message("Distributing new build to testers: #{uploaded_build.train_version} - #{uploaded_build.build_version}")
- # before we look for processing builds, we need to ensure that there
- # is a build train for this application; new applications don't
- # build trains right away, and if we don't do this check, we will
- # get break out of this loop and then generate an error later when we
- # have a nil build
- if app.build_trains(platform: platform).count == 0
- UI.message("New application; waiting for build train to appear on iTunes Connect")
- else
- builds = app.all_processing_builds(platform: platform)
- latest_build = builds.last unless latest_build
- break unless builds.include?(latest_build)
+ # This is where we could add a check to see if encryption is required and has been updated
+ uploaded_build.export_compliance.encryption_updated = false
+ uploaded_build.beta_review_info.demo_account_required = false
+ uploaded_build.submit_for_testflight_review!
- if latest_build.valid and must_update_build_info
- # Set the changelog and/or description if necessary
- if should_update_build_information(options)
- latest_build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog], description: options[:beta_app_description], feedback_email: options[:beta_app_feedback_email])
- UI.success "Successfully set the changelog and/or description for build"
- end
- must_update_build_info = false
- end
+ if options[:distribute_external]
+ external_group = Spaceship::TestFlight::Group.default_external_group(app_id: uploaded_build.app_id)
+ uploaded_build.add_group!(external_group) unless external_group.nil?
- UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (#{latest_build.train_version} - #{latest_build.build_version})")
+ if external_group.nil? && options[:groups].nil?
+ UI.user_error!("You must specify at least one group using the `:groups` option to distribute externally")
- UI.user_error!("Error receiving the newly uploaded binary, please check iTunes Connect") if latest_build.nil?
- full_build = nil
- while full_build.nil? || full_build.processing
- # The build's processing state should go from true to false, and be done. But sometimes it goes true -> false ->
- # true -> false, where the second true is transient. This causes a spurious failure. Find build by build_version
- # and ensure it's not processing before proceeding - it had to have already been false before, to get out of the
- # previous loop.
- full_build = app.build_trains(platform: platform)[latest_build.train_version].builds.find do |b|
- b.build_version == latest_build.build_version
+ if options[:groups]
+ groups = Group.filter_groups(app_id: uploaded_build.app_id) do |group|
+ options[:groups].include?(group.name)
- UI.message("Waiting for iTunes Connect to finish processing the new build (#{latest_build.train_version} - #{latest_build.build_version})")
- sleep(wait_processing_interval)
+ groups.each do |group|
+ uploaded_build.add_group!(group)
+ end
- if full_build && !full_build.processing && full_build.valid
- minutes = ((Time.now - start) / 60).round
- UI.success("Successfully finished processing the build")
- UI.message("You can now tweet: ")
- UI.important("iTunes Connect #iosprocessingtime #{minutes} minutes")
- return full_build
- else
- UI.user_error!("Error: Seems like iTunes Connect didn't properly pre-process the binary")
- end
- end
- def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options)
- UI.message("Distributing new build to testers")
- # Submit for review before external testflight is available
- if options[:distribute_external]
- uploaded_build.client.submit_testflight_build_for_review!(
- app_id: uploaded_build.build_train.application.apple_id,
- train: uploaded_build.build_train.version_string,
- build_number: uploaded_build.build_version,
- platform: uploaded_build.platform
- )
- end
- # Submit for beta testing
- type = options[:distribute_external] ? 'external' : 'internal'
- uploaded_build.build_train.update_testing_status!(true, type, uploaded_build)
- return true
+ true