pilot/lib/pilot/build_manager.rb in fastlane-2.117.0.beta.20190228200006 vs pilot/lib/pilot/build_manager.rb in fastlane-2.117.0
- old
+ new
@@ -70,33 +70,18 @@
build ||= Spaceship::TestFlight::Build.latest(app_id: app.apple_id, platform: fetch_app_platform)
if build.nil?
UI.user_error!("No build to distribute!")
- if should_update_app_test_information?(options)
- app_test_info = Spaceship::TestFlight::AppTestInfo.find(app_id: build.app_id)
- app_test_info.test_info.feedback_email = options[:beta_app_feedback_email] if options[:beta_app_feedback_email]
- app_test_info.test_info.description = options[:beta_app_description] if options[:beta_app_description]
- begin
- app_test_info.save_for_app!(app_id: build.app_id)
- UI.success("Successfully set the beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description")
- rescue => ex
- UI.user_error!("Could not set beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description: #{ex}")
- end
- end
+ # Update beta app meta info
+ # 1. Demo account required
+ # 2. App info
+ # 3. Localized app info
+ # 4. Localized build info
+ # 5. Auto notify enabled with config[:notify_external_testers]
+ update_beta_app_meta(options, build)
- if should_update_build_information?(options)
- begin
- build.update_build_information!(whats_new: options[:changelog])
- UI.success("Successfully set the changelog for build")
- rescue => ex
- UI.user_error!("Could not set changelog: #{ex}")
- end
- end
- build.auto_notify_enabled = config[:notify_external_testers]
return if config[:skip_submission]
if options[:reject_build_waiting_for_review]
waiting_for_review_build = Spaceship::TestFlight::Build.all_waiting_for_review(app_id: build.app_id, platform: fetch_app_platform).first
unless waiting_for_review_build.nil?
UI.important("Another build is already in review. Going to expire that build and submit the new one.")
@@ -127,10 +112,48 @@
headings: ["Version #", "Build #", "Installs"],
rows: FastlaneCore::PrintTable.transform_output(rows)
+ def update_beta_app_meta(options, build)
+ # Setting account required wth AppStore Connect API
+ update_review_detail(build.app_id, { demo_account_required: options[:demo_account_required] })
+ if should_update_beta_app_review_info(options)
+ update_review_detail(build.app_id, options[:beta_app_review_info])
+ end
+ if should_update_localized_app_information?(options)
+ update_localized_app_review(build.app_id, options[:localized_app_info])
+ elsif should_update_app_test_information?(options)
+ default_info = {}
+ default_info[:feedback_email] = options[:beta_app_feedback_email] if options[:beta_app_feedback_email]
+ default_info[:description] = options[:beta_app_description] if options[:beta_app_description]
+ begin
+ update_localized_app_review(build.app_id, {}, default_info: default_info)
+ UI.success("Successfully set the beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description")
+ rescue => ex
+ UI.user_error!("Could not set beta_app_feedback_email and/or beta_app_description: #{ex}")
+ end
+ end
+ if should_update_localized_build_information?(options)
+ update_localized_build_review(build, options[:localized_build_info])
+ elsif should_update_build_information?(options)
+ begin
+ update_localized_build_review(build, {}, default_info: { whats_new: options[:changelog] })
+ UI.success("Successfully set the changelog for build")
+ rescue => ex
+ UI.user_error!("Could not set changelog: #{ex}")
+ end
+ end
+ update_build_beta_details(build, {
+ auto_notify_enabled: options[:notify_external_testers]
+ })
+ end
def self.truncate_changelog(changelog)
max_changelog_length = 4000
if changelog && changelog.length > max_changelog_length
original_length = changelog.length
bottom_message = "..."
@@ -161,26 +184,37 @@
return row
+ def should_update_beta_app_review_info(options)
+ !options[:beta_app_review_info].nil?
+ end
def should_update_build_information?(options)
options[:changelog].to_s.length > 0
def should_update_app_test_information?(options)
options[:beta_app_description].to_s.length > 0 || options[:beta_app_feedback_email].to_s.length > 0
+ def should_update_localized_app_information?(options)
+ !options[:localized_app_info].nil?
+ end
+ def should_update_localized_build_information?(options)
+ !options[:localized_build_info].nil?
+ end
def distribute_build(uploaded_build, options)
UI.message("Distributing new build to testers: #{uploaded_build.train_version} - #{uploaded_build.build_version}")
# This is where we could add a check to see if encryption is required and has been updated
uploaded_build.export_compliance.encryption_updated = false
if options[:groups] || options[:distribute_external]
- uploaded_build.beta_review_info.demo_account_required = options[:demo_account_required] # this needs to be set for iTC to continue
rescue => ex
# App Store Connect currently may 504 on this request even though it manages to get the build in
# the approved state, this is a temporary workaround.
@@ -213,8 +247,137 @@
+ end
+ def update_review_detail(app_id, info)
+ info = info.collect { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h
+ attributes = {}
+ attributes[:contactEmail] = info[:contact_email] if info.key?(:contact_email)
+ attributes[:contactFirstName] = info[:contact_first_name] if info.key?(:contact_first_name)
+ attributes[:contactLastName] = info[:contact_last_name] if info.key?(:contact_last_name)
+ attributes[:contactPhone] = info[:contact_phone] if info.key?(:contact_phone)
+ attributes[:demoAccountName] = info[:demo_account_name] if info.key?(:demo_account_name)
+ attributes[:demoAccountPassword] = info[:demo_account_password] if info.key?(:demo_account_password)
+ attributes[:demoAccountRequired] = info[:demo_account_required] if info.key?(:demo_account_required)
+ attributes[:notes] = info[:notes] if info.key?(:notes)
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ client.patch_beta_app_review_detail(app_id: app_id, attributes: attributes)
+ end
+ def update_localized_app_review(app_id, info_by_lang, default_info: nil)
+ info_by_lang = info_by_lang.collect { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h
+ if default_info
+ info_by_lang.delete(:default)
+ else
+ default_info = info_by_lang.delete(:default)
+ end
+ # Initialize hash of lang codes
+ langs_localization_ids = {}
+ # Validate locales exist
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ localizations = client.get_beta_app_localizations(filter: { app: app_id })
+ localizations.each do |localization|
+ localization_id = localization["id"]
+ attributes = localization["attributes"]
+ locale = attributes["locale"]
+ langs_localization_ids[locale.to_sym] = localization_id
+ end
+ # Create or update localized app review info
+ langs_localization_ids.each do |lang_code, localization_id|
+ info = info_by_lang[lang_code]
+ info = default_info unless info
+ update_localized_app_review_for_lang(app_id, localization_id, lang_code, info) if info
+ end
+ end
+ def update_localized_app_review_for_lang(app_id, localization_id, locale, info)
+ attributes = {}
+ attributes[:feedbackEmail] = info[:feedback_email] if info.key?(:feedback_email)
+ attributes[:marketingUrl] = info[:marketing_url] if info.key?(:marketing_url)
+ attributes[:privacyPolicyUrl] = info[:privacy_policy_url] if info.key?(:privacy_policy_url)
+ attributes[:tvOsPrivacyPolicy] = info[:tv_os_privacy_policy_url] if info.key?(:tv_os_privacy_policy_url)
+ attributes[:description] = info[:description] if info.key?(:description)
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ if localization_id
+ client.patch_beta_app_localizations(localization_id: localization_id, attributes: attributes)
+ else
+ attributes[:locale] = locale if locale
+ client.post_beta_app_localizations(app_id: app_id, attributes: attributes)
+ end
+ end
+ def update_localized_build_review(build, info_by_lang, default_info: nil)
+ resp = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client.get_builds(filter: { expired: false, processingState: "PROCESSING,VALID", version: build.build_version })
+ build_id = resp.first["id"]
+ info_by_lang = info_by_lang.collect { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }.to_h
+ if default_info
+ info_by_lang.delete(:default)
+ else
+ default_info = info_by_lang.delete(:default)
+ end
+ # Initialize hash of lang codes
+ langs_localization_ids = {}
+ # Validate locales exist
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ localizations = client.get_beta_build_localizations(filter: { build: build_id })
+ localizations.each do |localization|
+ localization_id = localization["id"]
+ attributes = localization["attributes"]
+ locale = attributes["locale"]
+ langs_localization_ids[locale.to_sym] = localization_id
+ end
+ # Create or update localized app review info
+ langs_localization_ids.each do |lang_code, localization_id|
+ info = info_by_lang[lang_code]
+ info = default_info unless info
+ update_localized_build_review_for_lang(build_id, localization_id, lang_code, info) if info
+ end
+ end
+ def update_localized_build_review_for_lang(build_id, localization_id, locale, info)
+ attributes = {}
+ attributes[:whatsNew] = info[:whats_new] if info.key?(:whats_new)
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ if localization_id
+ client.patch_beta_build_localizations(localization_id: localization_id, attributes: attributes)
+ else
+ attributes[:locale] = locale if locale
+ client.post_beta_build_localizations(build_id: build_id, attributes: attributes)
+ end
+ end
+ def update_build_beta_details(build, info)
+ client = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Base.client
+ resp = client.get_builds(filter: { expired: false, processingState: "PROCESSING,VALID", version: build.build_version })
+ build_id = resp.first["id"]
+ resp = client.get_build_beta_details(filter: { build: build_id })
+ build_beta_details_id = resp.first["id"]
+ attributes = {}
+ attributes[:autoNotifyEnabled] = info[:auto_notify_enabled] if info.key?(:auto_notify_enabled)
+ client.patch_build_beta_details(build_beta_details_id: build_beta_details_id, attributes: attributes)