match/lib/match/importer.rb in fastlane-2.143.0 vs match/lib/match/importer.rb in fastlane-2.144.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,27 +1,20 @@
require_relative 'spaceship_ensure'
require_relative 'encryption'
require_relative 'storage'
require_relative 'module'
+require 'fastlane_core/provisioning_profile'
require 'fileutils'
module Match
class Importer
- def import_cert(params, cert_path: nil, p12_path: nil)
- # Get and verify cert and p12 path
- cert_path ||= UI.input("Certificate (.cer) path:")
- p12_path ||= UI.input("Private key (.p12) path:")
+ def import_cert(params, cert_path: nil, p12_path: nil, profile_path: nil)
+ # Get and verify cert, p12 and profiles path
+ cert_path = ensure_valid_file_path(cert_path, "Certificate", ".cer")
+ p12_path = ensure_valid_file_path(p12_path, "Private key", ".p12")
+ profile_path = ensure_valid_file_path(profile_path, "Provisioning profile", ".mobileprovision or .provisionprofile", optional: true)
- cert_path = File.absolute_path(cert_path)
- p12_path = File.absolute_path(p12_path)
- UI.user_error!("Certificate does not exist at path: #{cert_path}") unless File.exist?(cert_path)
- UI.user_error!("Private key does not exist at path: #{p12_path}") unless File.exist?(p12_path)
- # Base64 encode contents to find match from API to find a cert ID
- cert_contents_base_64 = Base64.strict_encode64(
# Storage
storage = Storage.for_mode(params[:storage_mode], {
git_url: params[:git_url],
shallow_clone: params[:shallow_clone],
skip_docs: params[:skip_docs],
@@ -59,34 +52,56 @@
certificate_type = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::IOS_DISTRIBUTION + "," + Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate::CertificateType::DISTRIBUTION
UI.user_error!("Cert type '#{cert_type}' is not supported")
- output_dir = File.join(storage.prefixed_working_directory, "certs", cert_type.to_s)
+ output_dir_certs = File.join(storage.prefixed_working_directory, "certs", cert_type.to_s)
+ output_dir_profiles = File.join(storage.prefixed_working_directory, "profiles", cert_type.to_s)
# Need to get the cert id by comparing base64 encoded cert content with certificate content from the API responses
Spaceship::Portal.select_team(team_id: params[:team_id], team_name: params[:team_name])
certs = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Certificate.all(filter: { certificateType: certificate_type })
+ # Base64 encode contents to find match from API to find a cert ID
+ cert_contents_base_64 = Base64.strict_encode64(File.binread(cert_path))
matching_cert = certs.find do |cert|
cert.certificate_content == cert_contents_base_64
UI.user_error!("This certificate cannot be imported - the certificate contents did not match with any available on the Developer Portal") if matching_cert.nil?
# Make dir if doesn't exist
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir)
- dest_cert_path = File.join(output_dir, "#{}.cer")
- dest_p12_path = File.join(output_dir, "#{}.p12")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir_certs)
+ dest_cert_path = File.join(output_dir_certs, "#{}.cer")
+ dest_p12_path = File.join(output_dir_certs, "#{}.p12")
+ files_to_commit = [dest_cert_path, dest_p12_path]
# Copy files
IO.copy_stream(cert_path, dest_cert_path)
IO.copy_stream(p12_path, dest_p12_path)
- files_to_commit = [dest_cert_path, dest_p12_path]
+ unless profile_path.nil?
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(output_dir_profiles)
+ bundle_id = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.bundle_id(profile_path)
+ profile_extension = FastlaneCore::ProvisioningProfile.profile_extension(profile_path)
+ dest_profile_path = File.join(output_dir_profiles, "#{cert_type.to_s.capitalize}_#{bundle_id}#{profile_extension}")
+ files_to_commit.push(dest_profile_path)
+ IO.copy_stream(profile_path, dest_profile_path)
+ end
# Encrypt and commit
encryption.encrypt_files if encryption
storage.save_changes!(files_to_commit: files_to_commit)
+ end
+ def ensure_valid_file_path(file_path, file_description, file_extension, optional: false)
+ optional_file_message = optional ? " or leave empty to skip this file" : ""
+ file_path ||= UI.input("#{file_description} (#{file_extension}) path#{optional_file_message}:")
+ file_path = File.absolute_path(file_path) unless file_path == ""
+ file_path = File.exist?(file_path) ? file_path : nil
+ UI.user_error!("#{file_description} does not exist at path: #{file_path}") unless !file_path.nil? || optional
+ file_path