lib/fastlane/environment_printer.rb in fastlane-1.107.0 vs lib/fastlane/environment_printer.rb in fastlane-1.108.0
- old
+ new
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
def self.get
UI.important("Generating fastlane environment output, this might take a few seconds...")
require "fastlane/markdown_table_formatter"
env_output = ""
env_output << print_system_environment
+ env_output << print_system_locale
env_output << print_fastlane_files
env_output << print_loaded_fastlane_gems
env_output << print_loaded_plugins
env_output << print_loaded_gems
env_output << print_date
@@ -126,10 +127,39 @@
env_output << rendered_table.to_md
env_output << "</details>\n\n"
return env_output
+ def self.print_system_locale
+ env_output = "### System Locale\n\n"
+ found_one = false
+ env_table = ""
+ ["LANG", "LC_ALL", "LANGUAGE"].each do |e|
+ env_icon = "🚫"
+ if ENV[e] && ENV[e].end_with?("UTF-8")
+ env_icon = "✅"
+ found_one = true
+ end
+ if ENV[e].nil?
+ env_icon = ""
+ end
+ env_table << "| #{e} | #{ENV[e]} | #{env_icon} |\n"
+ end
+ if !found_one
+ table = "| Error |\n"
+ table << "|-----|\n"
+ table << "| No Locale with UTF8 found 🚫|\n"
+ else
+ table = "| Variable | Value | |\n"
+ table << "|-----|---------|----|\n"
+ table << env_table
+ end
+ rendered_table = table
+ env_output << rendered_table.to_md
+ env_output << "\n\n"
+ end
def self.print_system_environment
require "openssl"
env_output = "### Stack\n\n"
product, version, build = `sw_vers`.strip.split("\n").map { |line| line.split(':').last.strip }
@@ -199,13 +229,10 @@
# Copy a given string into the clipboard
# Make sure to ask the user first, as some people don't
# use a clipboard manager, so they might lose something important
def self.copy_to_clipboard(string)
- require 'tempfile'
- Tempfile.create('environment_printer') do |tmp_file|
- File.write(tmp_file, string)
- `cat '#{tmp_file.path}' | pbcopy`
- end
+ require 'open3'
+ Open3.popen3('pbcopy') { |input, _, _| input << string }