gym/ in fastlane-2.42.0 vs gym/ in fastlane-2.43.0.beta.20170629010015
- old
+ new
@@ -252,21 +252,9 @@
Using this method there are no workarounds for WatchKit or Swift required, as it uses the same technique Xcode uses when exporting your binary.
Note: the [ script]( wraps around xcodebuild to workaround some incompatibilities.
-### Xcode 6 and below
-/usr/bin/xcrun /path/to/PackageApplication4Gym -v \
-'/Users/felixkrause/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-08-11/ExampleProductName 2015-08-11 18.15.30.xcarchive/Products/Applications/' -o \
-'/Users/felixkrause/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-08-11/ExampleProductName.ipa' \
---sign "identity" --embed "provProfile"
-Note: the official PackageApplication script is replaced by a custom PackageApplication4Gym script. This script is obtained by applying a [set of patches]( on the fly to fix some known issues in the official Xcode PackageApplication script.
-Afterwards the `ipa` file is moved to the output folder. The `dSYM` file is compressed and moved to the output folder as well.
# Tips
## [`fastlane`]( Toolchain
- [`fastlane`]( The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps