frameit/lib/frameit/device.rb in fastlane-2.210.1 vs frameit/lib/frameit/device.rb in fastlane-2.211.0
- old
+ new
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
UI.user_error!("Could not find or parse file at path '#{path}'") if size.nil? || size.count == 0
found_device = nil
filename_device = nil
filename =
- Devices.constants.each do |c|
+ Devices.constants.sort_by(&:length).reverse_each do |c|
device = Devices.const_get(c)
next unless device.resolutions.include?(size)
# assign to filename_device if the filename contains the formatted name / id and its priority is higher than the current filename_device
filename_device = device if (filename.include?(device.formatted_name_without_apple) || filename.include?( && (filename_device.nil? || filename_device.priority < device.priority)
next unless device.is_chosen_platform?(platform) && (found_device.nil? || device.priority > found_device.priority)