fastlane/lib/fastlane/runner.rb in fastlane-2.74.1 vs fastlane/lib/fastlane/runner.rb in fastlane-2.75.0.beta.20180109010003
- old
+ new
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@
ENV["FASTLANE_PLATFORM_NAME"] = (current_platform ? current_platform.to_s : nil)
Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::PLATFORM_NAME] = current_platform
Actions.lane_context[Actions::SharedValues::LANE_NAME] = full_lane_name
- UI.success "Driving the lane '#{full_lane_name}' 🚀"
+ UI.success("Driving the lane '#{full_lane_name}' 🚀")
return_val = nil
path_to_use = FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path || Dir.pwd
parameters ||= {}
@@ -184,18 +184,18 @@
block ||= lanes.fetch(nil, {}).fetch(new_lane, nil) # fallback to general lane for multiple platforms
if block
original_full = full_lane_name
original_lane = current_lane
- UI.user_error!("Parameters for a lane must always be a hash") unless (parameters.first || {}).kind_of? Hash
+ UI.user_error!("Parameters for a lane must always be a hash") unless (parameters.first || {}).kind_of?(Hash)
execute_flow_block(before_each_blocks, current_platform, new_lane, parameters)
pretty = [new_lane]
pretty = [current_platform, new_lane] if current_platform
Actions.execute_action("Switch to #{pretty.join(' ')} lane") {} # log the action
- UI.message "Cruising over to lane '#{pretty.join(' ')}' 🚖"
+ UI.message("Cruising over to lane '#{pretty.join(' ')}' 🚖")
# Actually switch lane now
self.current_lane = new_lane
result = || {}) # to always pass a hash
@@ -203,11 +203,11 @@
# after blocks are only called if no exception was raised before
# Call the platform specific after block and then the general one
execute_flow_block(after_each_blocks, current_platform, new_lane, parameters)
- UI.message "Cruising back to lane '#{original_full}' 🚘"
+ UI.message("Cruising back to lane '#{original_full}' 🚘")
return result
raise, "Lane not found"
@@ -231,23 +231,23 @@
Actions.execute_action(action_name) do
# arguments is an array by default, containing an hash with the actual parameters
# Since we usually just need the passed hash, we'll just use the first object if there is only one
if arguments.count == 0
arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, {}) # no parameters => empty hash
- elsif arguments.count == 1 and arguments.first.kind_of? Hash
+ elsif arguments.count == 1 and arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash)
arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, arguments.first) # Correct configuration passed
elsif !class_ref.available_options
# This action does not use the new action format
# Just passing the arguments to this method
UI.user_error!("You have to call the integration like `#{method_sym}(key: \"value\")`. Run `fastlane action #{method_sym}` for all available keys. Please check out the current documentation on GitHub.")
if Fastlane::Actions.is_deprecated?(class_ref)
- puts "==========================================".deprecated
- puts "This action (#{method_sym}) is deprecated".deprecated
- puts class_ref.deprecated_notes.to_s.deprecated if class_ref.deprecated_notes
- puts "==========================================\n".deprecated
+ puts("==========================================".deprecated)
+ puts("This action (#{method_sym}) is deprecated".deprecated)
+ puts(class_ref.deprecated_notes.to_s.deprecated) if class_ref.deprecated_notes
+ puts("==========================================\n".deprecated)
class_ref.runner = self # needed to call another action form an action
return_value =