fastlane/lib/fastlane/runner.rb in fastlane-2.139.0 vs fastlane/lib/fastlane/runner.rb in fastlane-2.140.0
- old
+ new
@@ -223,38 +223,43 @@
verify_supported_os(method_sym, class_ref)
Dir.chdir(custom_dir) do # go up from the fastlane folder, to the project folder
- # If another action is calling this action, we shouldn't show it in the summary
+ # Removing step_name before its parsed into configurations
+ args = arguments.kind_of?(Array) && arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash) ? arguments.first : {}
+ step_name = args.delete(:step_name)
+ # arguments is an array by default, containing an hash with the actual parameters
+ # Since we usually just need the passed hash, we'll just use the first object if there is only one
+ if arguments.count == 0
+ configurations = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, {}) # no parameters => empty hash
+ elsif arguments.count == 1 && arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash)
+ configurations = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, arguments.first) # Correct configuration passed
+ elsif !class_ref.available_options
+ # This action does not use the new action format
+ # Just passing the arguments to this method
+ configurations = arguments
+ else
+ UI.user_error!("You have to call the integration like `#{method_sym}(key: \"value\")`. Run `fastlane action #{method_sym}` for all available keys. Please check out the current documentation on GitHub.")
+ end
+ # If another action is calling this action, we shouldn't show it in the summary
+ # A nil value for action_name will hide it from the summary
unless from_action
- args = arguments.kind_of?(Array) && arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash) ? arguments.first : {}
- action_name = args[:step_name] || class_ref.step_text
- args.delete(:step_name)
+ action_name = step_name
+ action_name ||= class_ref.method(:step_text).arity == 1 ? class_ref.step_text(configurations) : class_ref.step_text
- Actions.execute_action(action_name) do
- # arguments is an array by default, containing an hash with the actual parameters
- # Since we usually just need the passed hash, we'll just use the first object if there is only one
- if arguments.count == 0
- arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, {}) # no parameters => empty hash
- elsif arguments.count == 1 && arguments.first.kind_of?(Hash)
- arguments = ConfigurationHelper.parse(class_ref, arguments.first) # Correct configuration passed
- elsif !class_ref.available_options
- # This action does not use the new action format
- # Just passing the arguments to this method
- else
- UI.user_error!("You have to call the integration like `#{method_sym}(key: \"value\")`. Run `fastlane action #{method_sym}` for all available keys. Please check out the current documentation on GitHub.")
- end
+ Actions.execute_action(action_name) do
if Fastlane::Actions.is_deprecated?(class_ref)
puts("This action (#{method_sym}) is deprecated".deprecated)
puts(class_ref.deprecated_notes.to_s.remove_markdown.deprecated) if class_ref.deprecated_notes
class_ref.runner = self # needed to call another action from an action
- return
+ return
rescue Interrupt => e
raise e # reraise the interruption to avoid logging this as a crash
rescue FastlaneCore::Interface::FastlaneCommonException => e # these are exceptions that we don't count as crashes