fastlane/lib/fastlane/lane_manager.rb in fastlane-2.90.0.beta.20180404050031 vs fastlane/lib/fastlane/lane_manager.rb in fastlane-2.90.0.beta.20180405050125
- old
+ new
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@
class LaneManager < LaneManagerBase
# @param platform The name of the platform to execute
# @param lane_name The name of the lane to execute
# @param parameters [Hash] The parameters passed from the command line to the lane
# @param env Dot Env Information
- def self.cruise_lane(platform, lane, parameters = nil, env = nil)
+ # @param A custom Fastfile path, this is used by
+ # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
+ def self.cruise_lane(platform, lane, parameters = nil, env = nil, fastfile_path = nil)
UI.user_error!("lane must be a string") unless lane.kind_of?(String) || lane.nil?
UI.user_error!("platform must be a string") unless platform.kind_of?(String) || platform.nil?
UI.user_error!("parameters must be a hash") unless parameters.kind_of?(Hash) || parameters.nil?
- ff =
+ ff = || FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.fastfile_path)
is_platform = false
is_platform = ff.is_platform_block?(lane)
rescue # rescue, because this raises an exception if it can't be found at all
@@ -71,9 +73,10 @@
duration = (( - started) / 60.0).round
finish_fastlane(ff, duration, e)
return ff
+ # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity
def self.skip_docs?
Helper.test? || FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_SKIP_DOCS")