fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/s3.rb in fastlane-2.142.0 vs fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/s3.rb in fastlane-2.143.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
require 'fastlane/erb_template_helper'
+require 'fastlane/helper/s3_client_helper'
require 'ostruct'
require 'uri'
require 'cgi'
module Fastlane
@@ -13,302 +14,15 @@
- S3_ARGS_MAP = {
- ipa: '-f',
- dsym: '-d',
- access_key: '-a',
- secret_access_key: '-s',
- bucket: '-b',
- region: '-r',
- acl: '--acl',
- source: '--source-dir',
- path: '-P'
- }
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
class S3Action < Action
- # Calling fetch on config so that default values will be used
- params = {}
- params[:ipa] = config[:ipa]
- params[:dsym] = config[:dsym]
- params[:access_key] = config[:access_key]
- params[:secret_access_key] = config[:secret_access_key]
- params[:bucket] = config[:bucket]
- params[:region] = config[:region]
- params[:acl] = config[:acl]
- params[:source] = config[:source]
- params[:path] = config[:path]
- params[:upload_metadata] = config[:upload_metadata]
- params[:plist_template_path] = config[:plist_template_path]
- params[:plist_file_name] = config[:plist_file_name]
- params[:html_template_path] = config[:html_template_path]
- params[:html_file_name] = config[:html_file_name]
- params[:version_template_path] = config[:version_template_path]
- params[:version_file_name] = config[:version_file_name]
- # Pulling parameters for other uses
- s3_region = params[:region]
- s3_access_key = params[:access_key]
- s3_secret_access_key = params[:secret_access_key]
- s3_bucket = params[:bucket]
- ipa_file = params[:ipa]
- dsym_file = params[:dsym]
- s3_path = params[:path]
- acl = params[:acl].to_sym
- UI.user_error!("No S3 access key given, pass using `access_key: 'key'`") unless s3_access_key.to_s.length > 0
- UI.user_error!("No S3 secret access key given, pass using `secret_access_key: 'secret key'`") unless s3_secret_access_key.to_s.length > 0
- UI.user_error!("No S3 bucket given, pass using `bucket: 'bucket'`") unless s3_bucket.to_s.length > 0
- UI.user_error!("No IPA file path given, pass using `ipa: 'ipa path'`") unless ipa_file.to_s.length > 0
- plist_template_path = params[:plist_template_path]
- plist_file_name = params[:plist_file_name]
- html_template_path = params[:html_template_path]
- html_file_name = params[:html_file_name]
- version_template_path = params[:version_template_path]
- version_file_name = params[:version_file_name]
- s3_client = self.s3_client(s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_region)
- bucket = s3_client.buckets[s3_bucket]
- url_part = self.expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa_file, s3_path)
- ipa_file_basename = File.basename(ipa_file)
- ipa_file_name = "#{url_part}#{ipa_file_basename}"
- ipa_file_data =, 'rb')
- ipa_url = self.upload_file(bucket, ipa_file_name, ipa_file_data, acl)
- # Setting action and environment variables
- Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH] = ipa_url
- ENV[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = ipa_url
- if dsym_file
- dsym_file_basename = File.basename(dsym_file)
- dsym_file_name = "#{url_part}#{dsym_file_basename}"
- dsym_file_data =, 'rb')
- dsym_url = self.upload_file(bucket, dsym_file_name, dsym_file_data, acl)
- # Setting action and environment variables
- Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH] = dsym_url
- ENV[SharedValues::S3_DSYM_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = dsym_url
- end
- if params[:upload_metadata] == false
- return true
- end
- #####################################
- #
- # html and plist building
- #
- #####################################
- # Gets info used for the plist
- info = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_info_plist_file(ipa_file)
- build_num = info['CFBundleVersion']
- bundle_id = info['CFBundleIdentifier']
- bundle_version = info['CFBundleShortVersionString']
- title = CGI.escapeHTML(info['CFBundleName'])
- device_family = info['UIDeviceFamily']
- full_version = "#{bundle_version}.#{build_num}"
- # Creating plist and html names
- s3_domain = AWS::Core::Endpoints.hostname(s3_region, 's3') || ''
- plist_file_name ||= "#{url_part}#{URI.escape(title)}.plist"
- plist_url = s3_domain, path: "/#{s3_bucket}/#{plist_file_name}").to_s
- html_file_name ||= "index.html"
- version_file_name ||= "version.json"
- # grabs module
- eth = Fastlane::ErbTemplateHelper
- # Creates plist from template
- if plist_template_path && File.exist?(plist_template_path)
- plist_template = eth.load_from_path(plist_template_path)
- else
- plist_template = eth.load("s3_plist_template")
- end
- plist_render = eth.render(plist_template, {
- url: ipa_url,
- ipa_url: ipa_url,
- build_num: build_num,
- bundle_id: bundle_id,
- bundle_version: bundle_version,
- title: title
- })
- # Creates html from template
- if html_template_path && File.exist?(html_template_path)
- html_template = eth.load_from_path(html_template_path)
- else
- html_template = eth.load("s3_html_template")
- end
- html_render = eth.render(html_template, {
- url: plist_url,
- plist_url: plist_url,
- ipa_url: ipa_url,
- build_num: build_num,
- bundle_id: bundle_id,
- bundle_version: bundle_version,
- title: title,
- device_family: device_family
- })
- # Creates version from template
- if version_template_path && File.exist?(version_template_path)
- version_template = eth.load_from_path(version_template_path)
- else
- version_template = eth.load("s3_version_template")
- end
- version_render = eth.render(version_template, {
- url: plist_url,
- plist_url: plist_url,
- ipa_url: ipa_url,
- build_num: build_num,
- bundle_version: bundle_version,
- full_version: full_version
- })
- #####################################
- #
- # html and plist uploading
- #
- #####################################
- plist_url = self.upload_file(bucket, plist_file_name, plist_render, acl)
- html_url = self.upload_file(bucket, html_file_name, html_render, acl)
- version_url = self.upload_file(bucket, version_file_name, version_render, acl)
- # Setting action and environment variables
- Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH] = plist_url
- ENV[SharedValues::S3_PLIST_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = plist_url
- Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH] = html_url
- ENV[SharedValues::S3_HTML_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = html_url
- Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH] = version_url
- ENV[SharedValues::S3_VERSION_OUTPUT_PATH.to_s] = version_url
- UI.success("Successfully uploaded ipa file to '#{Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::S3_IPA_OUTPUT_PATH]}'")
- return true
+ UI.user_error!("Please use the `aws_s3` plugin instead. Install using `fastlane add_plugin aws_s3`.")
- # @return true if loading the AWS SDK from the 'aws-sdk' gem yields the expected v1 API, or false otherwise
- def self.load_from_original_gem_name
- begin
- # We don't use `Actions.verify_gem!` here, because we want to silently be OK with this gem not being
- # present, in case the user has already migrated to 'aws-sdk-v1' (see #load_from_v1_gem_name)
- Gem::Specification.find_by_name('aws-sdk')
- require 'aws-sdk'
- rescue Gem::LoadError
- UI.verbose("The 'aws-sdk' gem is not present")
- return false
- end
- UI.verbose("The 'aws-sdk' gem is present")
- true
- end
- def self.load_from_v1_gem_name
- Actions.verify_gem!('aws-sdk-v1')
- require 'aws-sdk-v1'
- end
- def self.v1_sdk_module_present?
- begin
- # Here we'll make sure that the `AWS` module is defined. If it is, the gem is the v1.x API.
- Object.const_get("AWS")
- rescue NameError
- UI.verbose("Couldn't find the needed `AWS` module in the 'aws-sdk' gem")
- return false
- end
- UI.verbose("Found the needed `AWS` module in the 'aws-sdk' gem")
- true
- end
- def self.s3_client(s3_access_key, s3_secret_access_key, s3_region)
- # The AWS SDK API changed completely in v2.x. The most stable way to keep using the V1 API is to
- # require the 'aws-sdk-v1' gem directly. However, for those customers who are using the 'aws-sdk'
- # gem at v1.x, we don't want to break their setup which currently works.
- #
- # Therefore, we will attempt to load the v1 API from the original gem name, but go on to load
- # from the aws-sdk-v1 gem name if necessary
- loaded_original_gem = load_from_original_gem_name
- if !loaded_original_gem || !v1_sdk_module_present?
- load_from_v1_gem_name
- UI.verbose("Loaded AWS SDK v1.x from the `aws-sdk-v1` gem")
- else
- UI.verbose("Loaded AWS SDK v1.x from the `aws-sdk` gem")
- end
- if s3_region
- s3_client =
- access_key_id: s3_access_key,
- secret_access_key: s3_secret_access_key,
- region: s3_region
- )
- else
- s3_client =
- access_key_id: s3_access_key,
- secret_access_key: s3_secret_access_key
- )
- end
- s3_client
- end
- def self.upload_file(bucket, file_name, file_data, acl)
- obj = bucket.objects.create(file_name, file_data, acl: acl)
- # When you enable versioning on a S3 bucket,
- # writing to an object will create an object version
- # instead of replacing the existing object.
- #
- if obj.kind_of?(AWS::S3::ObjectVersion)
- obj = obj.object
- end
- # Return public url
- obj.public_url.to_s
- end
- #
- # NOT a fan of this as this was taken straight from Shenzhen
- #
- #
- # Need to find a way to not use this copied method
- #
- # AGAIN, I am not happy about this right now.
- # Using this for prototype reasons.
- #
- def self.expand_path_with_substitutions_from_ipa_plist(ipa, path)
- substitutions = path.scan(/\{CFBundle[^}]+\}/)
- return path if substitutions.empty?
- info = FastlaneCore::IpaFileAnalyser.fetch_info_plist_file(ipa) or return path
- substitutions.uniq.each do |substitution|
- key = substitution[1...-1]
- value = info[key]
- path.gsub!(, value) if value
- end
- return path
- end
def self.description
"Generates a plist file and uploads all to AWS S3"
def self.details
@@ -421,10 +135,10 @@
def self.is_supported?(platform)
- platform == :ios
+ false
def self.example_code