lib/faster_require.rb in faster_require-0.7.0 vs lib/faster_require.rb in faster_require-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,288 +1,295 @@
-require 'rbconfig'
-#require 'rubygems'
-#require 'ruby-debug'
-module FastRequire
- $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG ||= $DEBUG # can set via $DEBUG, or on its own.
- def self.setup
- @@dir = File.expand_path('~/.ruby_faster_require_cache')
- Dir.mkdir @@dir unless
- parts = [File.basename($0), RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_PLATFORM, File.basename(Dir.pwd), Dir.pwd, File.dirname($0), File.expand_path(File.dirname($0))].map{|part| sanitize(part)}
- loc_name = ({|part| part[0..5]} + parts).join('-')[0..75] # try to be unique, but short...
- @@loc = @@dir + '/' + loc_name
- end
- def self.sanitize filename
- filename.gsub(/[\/:]/, '_')
- end
- FastRequire.setup
- def self.load filename
- @@require_locs = Marshal.restore(, 'rb') {|f|}) rescue {}
- end
- if File.exist?(@@loc)
- FastRequire.load @@loc
- else
- @@require_locs = {}
- end
- @@already_loaded = {}
- # try to see where this file was loaded from, from $:
- # partial_name might be abc.rb, or might be abc
- # partial_name might be a full path, too
- def self.guess_discover partial_name, add_dot_rb = false
- # test for full path first
- # unfortunately it has to be a full separate test
- # for windoze sake, as drive letter could be different than slapping a '/' on the dir to test list...
- tests = [partial_name]
- if add_dot_rb
- tests << partial_name + '.rb'
- tests << partial_name + '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']
- end
- tests.each{|b|
- # assume that .rb.rb is...valid...?
- if File.file?(b) && ((b[-3..-1] == '.rb') || (b[-3..-1] == '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']))
- return File.expand_path(b)
- end
- }
- for dir in $:
- if File.file?(b = (dir + '/' + partial_name))
- # make sure we require a file that has the right suffix...
- if (b[-3..-1] == '.rb') || (b[-3..-1] == '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'])
- return File.expand_path(b)
- end
- end
- end
- if add_dot_rb && (partial_name[-3..-1] != '.rb') && (partial_name[-3..-1] != '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'])
- guess_discover(partial_name + '.rb') || guess_discover(partial_name + '.')
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- $LOADED_FEATURES.each{|already_loaded|
- # in 1.8 they might be partial paths
- # in 1.9, they might be non collapsed paths
- # so we have to sanitize them here...
- # XXXX File.exist? is a bit too loose, here...
- if File.exist?(already_loaded)
- key = File.expand_path(already_loaded)
- else
- key = FastRequire.guess_discover(already_loaded) || already_loaded
- end
- @@already_loaded[key] = true
- }
- @@already_loaded[File.expand_path(__FILE__)] = true # this file itself isn't in loaded features, yet, but very soon will be..
- # a special case--I hope...
- # also disallow re- $0
- @@require_locs[$0] = File.expand_path($0) # so when we run into it on a require, we will skip it...
- @@already_loaded[File.expand_path($0)] = true
- # XXXX within a very long depth to require fast_require,
- # require 'a' => 'b' => 'c' => 'd' & fast_require
- # then
- # => 'b.rb'
- # it works always
- def self.already_loaded
- @@already_loaded
- end
- def self.require_locs
- @@require_locs
- end
- def self.dir
- @@dir
- end
- at_exit {
- FastRequire.default_save
- }
- def self.default_save
- @@loc
- end
- def to_file
-, 'wb'){|f| f.write Marshal.dump(@@require_locs)}
- end
- def self.clear_all!
- require 'fileutils'
- FileUtils.rm_rf @@dir if File.exist? @@dir
- @@require_locs.clear
- setup
- end
- private
- def last_caller
- caller[-2]
- end
- @@count = 0
- public
- def require_cached lib
- lib = lib.to_s # might not be zactly 1.9 compat... to_path ??
- ALL_IN_PROCESS << [lib, @@count += 1]
- begin
- p 'doing require ' + lib + ' from ' + caller[-1] if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- if known_loc = @@require_locs[lib]
- if @@already_loaded[known_loc]
- p 'already loaded ' + known_loc + ' ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- return false
- end
- @@already_loaded[known_loc] = true
- if known_loc =~ /\.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}$/
- puts 'doing original_non_cached_require on .so full path ' + known_loc if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- original_non_cached_require known_loc # not much we can do there...too bad...well at least we pass it a full path though :P
- else
- unless $LOADED_FEATURES.include? known_loc
- if known_loc =~ /rubygems.rb$/
- puts 'requiring rubygems ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- original_non_cached_require(lib) # revert to normal require so rubygems doesn't freak out when it finds itself already in $LOADED_FEATURES with rubygems > 1.6 :P
- else
- IN_PROCESS << known_loc
- begin
- puts 'doing cached loc eval on ' + lib + '=>' + known_loc + " with stack:" + IN_PROCESS.join(' ')
- end
- $LOADED_FEATURES << known_loc
- # fakely add the load path, too, so that autoload for the same file/path in gems will work <sigh> [rspec2]
- no_suffix_full_path = known_loc.gsub(/\.[^.]+$/, '')
- no_suffix_lib = lib.gsub(/\.[^.]+$/, '')
- libs_path = no_suffix_full_path.gsub(no_suffix_lib, '')
- libs_path = File.expand_path(libs_path) # strip off trailing '/'
- $: << libs_path unless $:.index(libs_path)
- # try some more autoload that it won't attempt to autoload if it runs into it later...
- relative_full_path = known_loc.sub(libs_path, '')[1..-1]
- # $LOADED_FEATURES << relative_full_path.gsub('.rb', '') # don't think you need this one
- $LOADED_FEATURES << relative_full_path # add in with .rb, too.
- # load(known_loc, false) # too slow
- eval(, 'rb') {|f|}, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, known_loc) # note the 'rb' here--this means it's reading .rb files as binary, which *typically* works...maybe unnecessary though?
- ensure
- raise 'unexpected' unless IN_PROCESS.pop == known_loc
- end
- # --if it breaks re-save the offending file in binary mode, or file an issue on the tracker...
- return true
- end
- else
- puts 'ignoring already loaded [circular require?] ' + known_loc + ' ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- end
- end
- else
- # we don't know the location--let Ruby's original require do the heavy lifting for us here
- old = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup
- if(original_non_cached_require(lib))
- # debugger might land here the first time you run a script and it doesn't have a require
- # cached yet...
- new = $LOADED_FEATURES - old
- found = new.last
- # incredibly, in 1.8.x, this doesn't always get set to a full path.
- if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
- if !File.file?(found)
- # discover the full path.
- dir = $:.find{|path| File.file?(path + '/' + found)}
- return true unless dir # give up, case jruby socket.jar "mysterious"
- found = dir + '/' + found
- end
- found = File.expand_path(found);
- end
- puts 'found new loc:' + lib + '=>' + found if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- @@require_locs[lib] = found
- @@already_loaded[found] = true
- return true
- else
- # this is expected if it's for libraries required before faster_require was [like rbconfig]
- # raise 'actually expected' + lib if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
- puts 'already loaded, apparently [require returned false], trying to discover how it was redundant... ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- # this probably was something like
- # the first pass was require 'regdeferred'
- # now it's a different require 'regdeferred.rb'
- # which fails (or vice versa)
- # so figure out why
- # calc location, expand, map back
- where_found = FastRequire.guess_discover(lib, true)
- if where_found
- puts 'inferred lib loc:' + lib + '=>' + where_found if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- @@require_locs[lib] = where_found
- # unfortunately if it's our first pass
- # and we are in the middle of a "real" require
- # that is circular
- # then $LOADED_FEATURES or (AFAIK) nothing will have been set
- # for us to be able to assert that
- # so...I think we'll end up
- # just fudging for a bit
- # raise 'not found' unless @@already_loaded[where_found] # should have already been set...I think...
- else
- # happens for enumerator XXXX
- puts 'unable to infer ' + lib + ' location' if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
- @@already_loaded[found] = true # so hacky...
- end
- end
- return false # XXXX test all these return values
- end
- end
- ensure
- raise 'huh' unless ALL_IN_PROCESS.pop[0] == lib
- end
- end
-module Kernel
- if(defined?(@already_using_faster_require))
- raise 'loading twice not allowed...we should never get here!'
- end
- @already_using_faster_require = true
- # overwrite old require...
- include FastRequire
- if defined?(gem_original_require)
- class << self
- alias :original_remove_method :remove_method
- def remove_method method # I think this actually might be needed <sigh>
- if method.to_s == 'require'
- #p 'not removing old require, since that\'s ours now'
- else
- original_remove_method method
- end
- end
- end
- # unused?
- # def remove_method method
- # p 'in mine2'
- # end
- # similarly overwrite this one...I guess...1.9.x...rubygems uses this as its default...I think...
- alias :original_non_cached_require :gem_original_require
- alias :gem_original_require :require_cached
- else
- alias :original_non_cached_require :require
- alias :require :require_cached
+require 'rbconfig'
+module FastRequire
+ $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG ||= $DEBUG # can set via $DEBUG, or on its own.
+ def self.setup
+ begin
+ @@dir = File.expand_path('~/.ruby_faster_require_cache')
+ rescue ArgumentError => e # like couldn't find HOME environment or the like
+ whoami = `whoami`.strip
+ if = "/home/#{whoami}") # assume writable :P
+ @@dir = home + '/.ruby_faster_require_cache'
+ else
+ raise e
+ end
+ end
+ Dir.mkdir @@dir unless
+ parts = [File.basename($0), RUBY_VERSION, RUBY_PLATFORM, File.basename(Dir.pwd), Dir.pwd, File.dirname($0), File.expand_path(File.dirname($0))].map{|part| sanitize(part)}
+ loc_name = ({|part| part[0..5]} + parts).join('-')[0..75] # try to be unique, but short...
+ @@loc = @@dir + '/' + loc_name
\ No newline at end of file
+ def self.sanitize filename
+ filename.gsub(/[\/:]/, '_')
+ end
+ FastRequire.setup
+ def self.load filename
+ @@require_locs = Marshal.restore(, 'rb') {|f|}) rescue {}
+ end
+ if File.exist?(@@loc)
+ FastRequire.load @@loc
+ else
+ @@require_locs = {}
+ end
+ @@already_loaded = {}
+ # try to see where this file was loaded from, from $:
+ # partial_name might be abc.rb, or might be abc
+ # partial_name might be a full path, too
+ def self.guess_discover partial_name, add_dot_rb = false
+ # test for full path first
+ # unfortunately it has to be a full separate test
+ # for windoze sake, as drive letter could be different than slapping a '/' on the dir to test list...
+ tests = [partial_name]
+ if add_dot_rb
+ tests << partial_name + '.rb'
+ tests << partial_name + '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']
+ end
+ tests.each{|b|
+ # assume that .rb.rb is...valid...?
+ if File.file?(b) && ((b[-3..-1] == '.rb') || (b[-3..-1] == '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']))
+ return File.expand_path(b)
+ end
+ }
+ for dir in $:
+ if File.file?(b = (dir + '/' + partial_name))
+ # make sure we require a file that has the right suffix...
+ if (b[-3..-1] == '.rb') || (b[-3..-1] == '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'])
+ return File.expand_path(b)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if add_dot_rb && (partial_name[-3..-1] != '.rb') && (partial_name[-3..-1] != '.' + RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'])
+ guess_discover(partial_name + '.rb') || guess_discover(partial_name + '.')
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ $LOADED_FEATURES.each{|already_loaded|
+ # in 1.8 they might be partial paths
+ # in 1.9, they might be non collapsed paths
+ # so we have to sanitize them here...
+ # XXXX File.exist? is a bit too loose, here...
+ if File.exist?(already_loaded)
+ key = File.expand_path(already_loaded)
+ else
+ key = FastRequire.guess_discover(already_loaded) || already_loaded
+ end
+ @@already_loaded[key] = true
+ }
+ @@already_loaded[File.expand_path(__FILE__)] = true # this file itself isn't in loaded features, yet, but very soon will be..
+ # a special case--I hope...
+ # also disallow re- $0
+ @@require_locs[$0] = File.expand_path($0) # so when we run into it on a require, we will skip it...
+ @@already_loaded[File.expand_path($0)] = true
+ # XXXX within a very long depth to require fast_require,
+ # require 'a' => 'b' => 'c' => 'd' & fast_require
+ # then
+ # => 'b.rb'
+ # it works always
+ def self.already_loaded
+ @@already_loaded
+ end
+ def self.require_locs
+ @@require_locs
+ end
+ def self.dir
+ @@dir
+ end
+ at_exit {
+ FastRequire.default_save
+ }
+ def self.default_save
+ @@loc
+ end
+ def to_file
+, 'wb'){|f| f.write Marshal.dump(@@require_locs)}
+ end
+ def self.clear_all!
+ require 'fileutils'
+ FileUtils.rm_rf @@dir if File.exist? @@dir
+ @@require_locs.clear
+ setup
+ end
+ private
+ def last_caller
+ caller[-2]
+ end
+ @@count = 0
+ public
+ def require_cached lib
+ lib = lib.to_s # might not be zactly 1.9 compat... to_path ??
+ ALL_IN_PROCESS << [lib, @@count += 1]
+ begin
+ p 'doing require ' + lib + ' from ' + caller[-1] if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ if known_loc = @@require_locs[lib]
+ if @@already_loaded[known_loc]
+ p 'already loaded ' + known_loc + ' ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ return false
+ end
+ @@already_loaded[known_loc] = true
+ if known_loc =~ /\.#{RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT']}$/
+ puts 'doing original_non_cached_require on .so full path ' + known_loc if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ original_non_cached_require known_loc # not much we can do there...too bad...well at least we pass it a full path though :P
+ else
+ unless $LOADED_FEATURES.include? known_loc
+ if known_loc =~ /rubygems.rb$/
+ puts 'requiring rubygems ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ original_non_cached_require(lib) # revert to normal require so rubygems doesn't freak out when it finds itself already in $LOADED_FEATURES with rubygems > 1.6 :P
+ else
+ IN_PROCESS << known_loc
+ begin
+ puts 'doing cached loc eval on ' + lib + '=>' + known_loc + " with stack:" + IN_PROCESS.join(' ')
+ end
+ $LOADED_FEATURES << known_loc
+ # fakely add the load path, too, so that autoload for the same file/path in gems will work <sigh> [rspec2]
+ no_suffix_full_path = known_loc.gsub(/\.[^.]+$/, '')
+ no_suffix_lib = lib.gsub(/\.[^.]+$/, '')
+ libs_path = no_suffix_full_path.gsub(no_suffix_lib, '')
+ libs_path = File.expand_path(libs_path) # strip off trailing '/'
+ $: << libs_path unless $:.index(libs_path)
+ # try some more autoload that it won't attempt to autoload if it runs into it later...
+ relative_full_path = known_loc.sub(libs_path, '')[1..-1]
+ # $LOADED_FEATURES << relative_full_path.gsub('.rb', '') # don't think you need this one
+ $LOADED_FEATURES << relative_full_path # add in with .rb, too.
+ # load(known_loc, false) # too slow
+ eval(, 'rb') {|f|}, TOPLEVEL_BINDING, known_loc) # note the 'rb' here--this means it's reading .rb files as binary, which *typically* works...maybe unnecessary though?
+ ensure
+ raise 'unexpected' unless IN_PROCESS.pop == known_loc
+ end
+ # --if it breaks re-save the offending file in binary mode, or file an issue on the tracker...
+ return true
+ end
+ else
+ puts 'ignoring already loaded [circular require?] ' + known_loc + ' ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ # we don't know the location--let Ruby's original require do the heavy lifting for us here
+ old = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup
+ if(original_non_cached_require(lib))
+ # debugger might land here the first time you run a script and it doesn't have a require
+ # cached yet...
+ new = $LOADED_FEATURES - old
+ found = new.last
+ # incredibly, in 1.8.x, this doesn't always get set to a full path.
+ if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+ if !File.file?(found)
+ # discover the full path.
+ dir = $:.find{|path| File.file?(path + '/' + found)}
+ return true unless dir # give up, case jruby socket.jar "mysterious"
+ found = dir + '/' + found
+ end
+ found = File.expand_path(found);
+ end
+ puts 'found new loc:' + lib + '=>' + found if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ @@require_locs[lib] = found
+ @@already_loaded[found] = true
+ return true
+ else
+ # this is expected if it's for libraries required before faster_require was [like rbconfig]
+ # raise 'actually expected' + lib if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.0'
+ puts 'already loaded, apparently [require returned false], trying to discover how it was redundant... ' + lib if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ # this probably was something like
+ # the first pass was require 'regdeferred'
+ # now it's a different require 'regdeferred.rb'
+ # which fails (or vice versa)
+ # so figure out why
+ # calc location, expand, map back
+ where_found = FastRequire.guess_discover(lib, true)
+ if where_found
+ puts 'inferred lib loc:' + lib + '=>' + where_found if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ @@require_locs[lib] = where_found
+ # unfortunately if it's our first pass
+ # and we are in the middle of a "real" require
+ # that is circular
+ # then $LOADED_FEATURES or (AFAIK) nothing will have been set
+ # for us to be able to assert that
+ # so...I think we'll end up
+ # just fudging for a bit
+ # raise 'not found' unless @@already_loaded[where_found] # should have already been set...I think...
+ else
+ # happens for enumerator XXXX
+ puts 'unable to infer ' + lib + ' location' if $FAST_REQUIRE_DEBUG
+ @@already_loaded[found] = true # so hacky...
+ end
+ end
+ return false # XXXX test all these return values
+ end
+ end
+ ensure
+ raise 'huh' unless ALL_IN_PROCESS.pop[0] == lib
+ end
+ end
+module Kernel
+ if(defined?(@already_using_faster_require))
+ raise 'loading twice not allowed...we should never get here!'
+ end
+ @already_using_faster_require = true
+ # overwrite old require...
+ include FastRequire
+ if defined?(gem_original_require)
+ class << self
+ alias :original_remove_method :remove_method
+ def remove_method method # I think this actually might be needed <sigh>
+ if method.to_s == 'require'
+ #p 'not removing old require, since that\'s ours now'
+ else
+ original_remove_method method
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # unused?
+ # def remove_method method
+ # p 'in mine2'
+ # end
+ # similarly overwrite this one...I guess...1.9.x...rubygems uses this as its default...I think...
+ alias :original_non_cached_require :gem_original_require
+ alias :gem_original_require :require_cached
+ else
+ alias :original_non_cached_require :require
+ alias :require :require_cached
+ end