spec/fanswatch_spec.rb in fanswatch-0.0.0 vs spec/fanswatch_spec.rb in fanswatch-0.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,88 +1,77 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
require_relative 'spec_helper.rb'
describe 'FansWatch specifications' do
- VCR.configure do |c|
- c.cassette_library_dir = CASSETTES_FOLDER
- c.hook_into :webmock
- c.filter_sensitive_data('<ACCESS_TOKEN>'){CREDENTIALS[:access_token]}
- c.filter_sensitive_data('<ACCESS_TOKEN_ESCAPED') do
- URI.escape(CREDENTIALS[:access_token])
- end
- c.filter_sensitive_data('<CLIENT_ID>'){CREDENTIALS[:client_id]}
- c.filter_sensitive_data('<CLIENT_SECRET>'){CREDENTIALS[:client_secret]}
- end
before do
VCR.insert_cassette CASSETTE_FILE, record: :new_episodes
- @fb_api = FansWatch::FbApi.new(
- client_id: CREDENTIALS[:client_id],
- client_secret: CREDENTIALS[:client_secret]
- )
- # @posting_with_msg_id = FB_RESULT['posting']['id']
after do
- it 'should be able to get a new access token' do
- fb_api = FansWatch::FbApi.new(
- client_id: CREDENTIALS[:client_id],
- client_secret: CREDENTIALS[:client_secret]
- )
+ describe 'FbApi Credientials' do
+ it '(HAPPY) should get new access token with ENV credientials' do
+ FansWatch::FbApi.access_token.length.must_be :>, 0
+ end
- fb_api.access_token.length.must_be :>, 0
+ it '(HAPPY) should get new access_token with file credientials' do
+ FansWatch::FbApi.config = { client_id: ENV['FB_CLIENT_ID'],
+ client_secret: ENV['FB_CLIENT_SECRET'] }
+ FansWatch::FbApi.access_token.length.must_be :>, 0
+ end
+ describe 'Finding Page information' do
+ describe 'Find a page' do
+ it '(HAPPY) should be able to fine a Facebook Page with proper page ID' do
+ page = FansWatch::Page.find(id: ENV['FB_PAGE_ID'])
- it 'should be able to open a Facebook Page' do
- page = FansWatch::Page.find(
- @fb_api,
- id: CREDENTIALS[:page_id]
- )
+ page.name.length.must_be :>, 0
+ end
- page.name.length.must_be :>, 0
- end
+ it '(SAD) should return nil Page ID is invalid' do
+ page = FansWatch::Page.find(id: INVALID_PAGE_ID)
+ page.must_be_nil
+ end
+ end
- it 'should get the lastest feed from an page' do
- page = FansWatch::Page.find(
- @fb_api,
- id: CREDENTIALS[:page_id]
- )
+ describe 'Retrieving Page Feed' do
+ it '(HAPPY) should get the lastest feed from page with proper ID' do
+ page = FansWatch::Page.find(id: ENV['FB_PAGE_ID'])
+ feed = page.feed
+ feed.count.must_be :>, 1
+ end
- feed = page.feed
- feed.count.must_be :>, 1
- end
+ it '(HAPPY) should get the postings on the feed with proper ID' do
+ page = FansWatch::Page.find(id: ENV['FB_PAGE_ID'])
+ page.feed.postings.each do |posting|
+ posting.id.wont_be_nil
+ posting.created_time.wont_be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- it 'should get the information about postings on the feed' do
- page = FansWatch::Page.find(
- @fb_api,
- id: CREDENTIALS[:page_id]
- )
+ describe 'Finding Posting Information' do
+ it '(HAPPY) should find all parts of a full posting' do
+ posting = FB_RESULT[:feed].first
+ attachment = FB_RESULT[:posting][:attached]
+ attachment_description = attachment[:description]
+ attachment_url = attachment[:url]
+ retrieved = FansWatch::Posting.find(id: posting['id'])
+ retrieved.id.must_equal posting['id']
+ retrieved.created_time.must_equal posting['created_time']
+ retrieved.message.must_equal posting['message']
+ retrieved.attachment.wont_be_nil
+ retrieved.attachment.description.must_equal attachment_description
- posting = page.feed.first
- posting.message.length.must_be :>, 0
- end
- it 'should find all parts of a full posting' do
- posting = FB_RESULT[:feed]
- post = posting.first
- post_id = post['id']
- attachment = FB_RESULT[:attachement].first
- retrieved = FansWatch::Posting.find(@fb_api, id: post_id.to_s)
- retrieved.id.must_equal post_id
- retrieved.created_time.must_equal post['created_time']
- retrieved.message.must_equal post['message']
- retrieved.attachment.wont_be_nil
- retrieved.attachment.description.must_equal attachment[1][0]['description']
- end
+ # FB will change the url
+ # retrieved.attachment.url.must_equal attachment_url
+ end
+ end