spec/fandango.spec.rb in fandango-0.2.1 vs spec/fandango.spec.rb in fandango-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,41 +3,39 @@
describe Fandango do
describe '.movies_near' do
it 'returns hash of theaters and movies playing at each' do
- stub_feed 'movies_near_me_73142.rss'
- array = Fandango.movies_near(73142)
- array.size.must_equal 11
- hash = array.first
- # Check theater attributes.
- theater_atts = hash[:theater]
- theater_atts[:name].must_equal 'Northpark 7'
- theater_atts[:id].must_equal 'aaicu'
- theater_atts[:address].must_equal '12100 N. May Ave Oklahoma City, OK 73120'
- theater_atts[:postal_code].must_equal '73120'
- # Check movie attributes.
- movies_atts = hash[:movies]
- movies_atts.size.must_equal 8
- movies_atts.first[:title].must_equal 'Happy Feet Two'
+ VCR.use_cassette 'movies_near_me_73142' do
+ array = Fandango.movies_near(73142)
+ fixture_yaml = fixture_file_content('movies_near_me_73142.yaml')
+ array.to_yaml.must_equal fixture_yaml
+ end
- it 'raises error if postal code nil' do
- proc { Fandango.movies_near(nil) }.must_raise(ArgumentError)
+ it 'raises error if postal code blank' do
+ proc { Fandango.movies_near('') }.must_raise(ArgumentError)
- it 'raises BadResponse unless feedzirra feed responds to entries' do
- Feedzirra::Feed.expects(:fetch_and_parse).returns(0)
- proc { Fandango.movies_near(123) }.must_raise(Fandango::BadResponse)
+ it 'raises error if status code is not 200' do
+ response = MiniTest::Mock.new
+ response.expect(:status, ['500', 'not ok'])
+ Fandango.stub(:request, response) do
+ proc { Fandango.movies_near('does not matter') }.must_raise(Fandango::BadResponse)
+ end
- it 'removes spaces from postal code' do
- feed = Object.new
- feed.stubs(:entries).returns([])
- url = 'http://www.fandango.com/rss/moviesnearme_ABC123.rss'
- Feedzirra::Feed.expects(:fetch_and_parse).with(url).returns(feed)
- Fandango.send(:fetch_and_parse, 'ABC 123')
+ end
+ specify '.request makes http request and returns response' do
+ VCR.use_cassette 'movies_near_me_73142' do
+ source = Fandango.request(73142).read
+ fixture_source = fixture_file_content('movies_near_me_73142.rss').chomp
+ source.must_equal fixture_source
+ end
+ specify '.clean_postal_code removes spaces from postal code' do
+ Fandango.send(:clean_postal_code, 'ABC 123').must_equal 'ABC123'