tests/object.fy in fancy-0.3.2 vs tests/object.fy in fancy-0.3.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
FancySpec describe: Object with: {
it: "should dynamically evaluate a message-send with no arguments" when: {
obj = 42
- obj send: "to_s" . should == "42"
+ obj send_message: 'to_s . should == "42"
it: "should dynamically evaluate a message-send with a list of arguments" when: {
obj = "hello, world"
- obj send: "from:to:" params: [0,4] . should == "hello"
+ obj send_message: 'from:to: with_params: [0,4] . should == "hello"
it: "should dynamically define slotvalues" when: {
obj = Object new
obj get_slot: 'foo . should == nil
@@ -20,15 +20,11 @@
def self a_singleton_method {
"a singleton method!"
self a_singleton_method should == "a singleton method!"
self undefine_singleton_method: 'a_singleton_method
- try {
- self a_singleton_method should == nil # should not get here
- } catch NoMethodError => e {
- e method_name should == "a_singleton_method"
- }
+ { self a_singleton_method } should raise: NoMethodError
it: "should return its class" when: {
nil class should == NilClass
true class should == TrueClass
@@ -77,57 +73,80 @@
# boolean messages
it: "should be true for calling and: with non-nil values" for: 'and: when: {
- 'foo and: 'bar . should == true
+ 'foo and: 'bar . should == 'bar
it: "should be false for calling and: with a nil value" for: 'and: when: {
- 'foo and: nil . should == false
+ 'foo and: nil . should == nil
it: "should be true for calling && with non-nil values" for: '&& when: {
- ('foo && 'bar) should == true
+ ('foo && 'bar) should == 'bar
it: "should be false for calling && with a nil value" for: '&& when: {
- ('foo && nil) should == false
+ ('foo && nil) should == nil
it: "should be true for calling or: with any value" for: 'or: when: {
- 'foo or: 'bar . should == true
- 'foo or: nil . should == true
+ 'foo or: 'bar . should == 'foo
+ 'foo or: nil . should == 'foo
it: "should be true for calling || with any value" for: '|| when: {
('foo || 'bar) should == 'foo
('foo || nil) should == 'foo
# end boolean messages
it: "should NOT be nil for non-nil values" for: 'nil? when: {
- 'foo nil? should == nil
- 1 nil? should == nil
- "hello" nil? should == nil
+ 'foo nil? should == false
+ 1 nil? should == false
+ "hello" nil? should == false
it: "should NOT be false for non-nil values" for: 'false? when: {
- 'foo false? should == nil
- "hello, world" false? should == nil
+ 'foo false? should == false
+ "hello, world" false? should == false
it: "should not be true" for: 'true? when: {
- 'foo true? should == nil
- "hello, world" true? should == nil
+ 'foo true? should == false
+ "hello, world" true? should == false
it: "should return the correct value" for: 'returning:do: when: {
returning: [] do: |arr| {
arr << 1
arr << 2
arr << 3
} . should == [1,2,3]
+ }
+ it: "should only call a method if the receiver responds to it using a RespondsToProxy" for: 'if_responds? when: {
+ class SomeClass {
+ def some_method {
+ 'it_works!
+ }
+ }
+ s = SomeClass new
+ s if_responds? some_method should == 'it_works!
+ s if_responds? some_undefined_method should == nil
+ }
+ it: "should call the backtick: method when using the '`' syntax" for: 'backtick: when: {
+ `cat #{__FILE__}` should == (File read: __FILE__)
+ # override backticks
+ def backtick: str {
+ str + " - NOT!"
+ }
+ `ls -al` should == "ls -al - NOT!"