lib/fdoc.fy in fancy-0.8.0 vs lib/fdoc.fy in fancy-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@
str = ["{"]
keys = obj keys
keys each: |i| {
str << $ to_json: i
str << ":"
- str << $ to_json: (obj at: i)
+ str << $ to_json: (obj[i])
} in_between: { str << ", " }
str << "}"
str join
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@
mdoc = Fancy Documentation for: exec
{ next } unless: mdoc # skip methods with no documentation
if: mdoc then: {
mattr['doc]: $ mdoc format: 'fdoc
if: (mdoc meta) then: {
- mattr['arg]: $ mdoc meta at: 'argnames
+ mattr['arg]: $ mdoc meta['argnames]
if: (exec class() == Rubinius CompiledMethod) then: {
relative_file = exec file()
# HACK: We simply delete everything before lib/
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@
mattr['file]: $ relative_file
# TODO calculate line numbers from compiled method
# right now we only use the first line of code in the body.
mattr['lines]: $ [exec definition_line, exec last_line]
- attr[(type ++ "s") intern()] [n]: mattr
+ attr["#{type}s" intern()] [n to_s]: mattr
def generate_map {
map = <['title => "Fancy Documentation", 'date => Time now() to_s(),
@@ -191,26 +191,26 @@
doc = Fancy Documentation for: cls
attr = <[
'doc => doc format: 'fdoc,
'instance_methods => <[]>,
'methods => <[]>,
- 'ancestors => cls ancestors() map: |c| { c name() gsub("::", " ") }
+ 'ancestors => cls ancestors() map: |c| { (c name || "") gsub("::", " ") }
popuplate_methods: cls on: attr type: 'instance_method known: methods
popuplate_methods: cls on: attr type: 'method known: methods
map['classes][name]: attr
methods each: |cm| {
cls = cm scope() module()
- cls_name = cls name() gsub("::", " ")
- cls_attr = map['classes] at: cls_name
+ cls_name = cls name gsub("::", " ")
+ cls_attr = map['classes][cls_name]
- full_name = cls_name ++ "#" ++ (cm name())
+ full_name = "#{cls_name}##{cm name}"
doc = Fancy Documentation for: cm
attr = <[
- 'args => doc meta at: 'argnames,
+ 'args => doc meta['argnames],
'doc => doc format: 'fdoc
map['methods][full_name]: attr