test/poolparty/modules/cloud_dsl_test.rb in fairchild-poolparty-1.1.4 vs test/poolparty/modules/cloud_dsl_test.rb in fairchild-poolparty-1.1.5
- old
+ new
@@ -27,7 +27,32 @@
should "be able to check that they are disabled" do
@cloud.disable :hyper_drive
@cloud.enabled?(:hyper_drive).should == false
+ context "calling add_optional_enabled_services" do
+ setup do
+ reset!
+ @cloud = cloud :test_cloud_dsl_2
+ @cloud.instance_eval "self.class.send :attr_reader, :brains"
+ @cloud.instance_eval "def box;@brains = 'pepper';end"
+ end
+ should "send @cloud the method box after it's been enabled" do
+ @cloud.enable :box
+ @cloud.add_optional_enabled_services
+ @cloud.brains.should == "pepper"
+ end
+ should "not call box if the method has not been enabled" do
+ @cloud.add_optional_enabled_services
+ @cloud.brains.should == nil
+ end
+ should "call haproxy when adding enabled serivces" do
+ @cloud.enable :haproxy
+ @cloud.add_optional_enabled_services
+ klasses = @cloud.plugin_store.map {|a| a.class.to_s.split("::")[-1] }
+ klasses.include?("HaproxyClass").should == true
+ end
+ end
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