Rakefile in facter-1.6.11 vs Rakefile in facter-1.6.12.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,104 +1,62 @@
# Rakefile for facter
-$: << File.expand_path('lib')
+# We need access to the Puppet.version method
+require 'facter/version'
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tasks')
require 'rubygems'
require 'rspec'
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
+require 'rake'
+require 'yaml'
require 'rcov'
rescue LoadError
Dir['tasks/**/*.rake'].each { |t| load t }
+Dir['ext/packaging/tasks/**/*'].sort.each { |t| load t }
-require 'rake'
-require 'rake/packagetask'
-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
-FILES = FileList[
- '[A-Z]*',
- 'install.rb',
- 'bin/**/*',
- 'lib/**/*',
- 'conf/**/*',
- 'etc/**/*',
- 'spec/**/*'
-def get_version
- `git describe`.strip
+ @build_defaults ||= YAML.load_file('ext/build_defaults.yaml')
+ @packaging_url = @build_defaults['packaging_url']
+ @packaging_repo = @build_defaults['packaging_repo']
+ STDERR.puts "Unable to read the packaging repo info from ext/build_defaults.yaml"
-# :build_environment and :tar are mostly borrowed from puppet-dashboard Rakefile
-task :build_environment do
- unless ENV['FORCE'] == '1'
- modified = `git status --porcelain | sed -e '/^\?/d'`
- if modified.split(/\n/).length != 0
- puts <<-HERE
-!! ERROR: Your git working directory is not clean. You must
-!! remove or commit your changes before you can create a package:
-#{`git status | grep '^#'`.chomp}
-!! To override this check, set FORCE=1 -- e.g. `rake package:deb FORCE=1`
- raise
+namespace :package do
+ desc "Bootstrap packaging automation, e.g. clone into packaging repo"
+ task :bootstrap do
+ if File.exist?("ext/#{@packaging_repo}")
+ puts "It looks like you already have ext/#{@packaging_repo}. If you don't like it, blow it away with package:implode."
+ else
+ cd 'ext' do
+ %x{git clone #{@packaging_url}}
+ end
-desc "Create a release .tar.gz"
-task :tar => :build_environment do
- name = "facter"
- rm_rf 'pkg/tar'
- temp=`mktemp -d -t tmpXXXXXX`.strip!
- version = get_version
- base = "#{temp}/#{name}-#{version}/"
- mkdir_p base
- sh "git checkout-index -af --prefix=#{base}"
- mkdir_p "pkg/tar"
- sh "tar -C #{temp} -pczf #{temp}/#{name}-#{version}.tar.gz #{name}-#{version}"
- mv "#{temp}/#{name}-#{version}.tar.gz", "pkg/tar"
- rm_rf temp
- puts "Tarball is pkg/tar/#{name}-#{version}.tar.gz"
+ desc "Remove all cloned packaging automation"
+ task :implode do
+ rm_rf "ext/#{@packaging_repo}"
+ end
-spec = Gem::Specification.new do |spec|
- spec.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
- spec.name = 'facter'
- spec.files = FILES.to_a
- spec.executables = %w{facter}
- spec.version = get_version.split('-')[0]
- spec.summary = 'Facter, a system inventory tool'
- spec.description = 'You can prove anything with facts!'
- spec.author = 'Puppet Labs'
- spec.email = 'info@puppetlabs.com'
- spec.homepage = 'http://puppetlabs.com'
- spec.rubyforge_project = 'facter'
- spec.has_rdoc = true
- spec.rdoc_options <<
- '--title' << 'Facter - System Inventory Tool' <<
- '--main' << 'README' <<
- '--line-numbers'
-Rake::GemPackageTask.new(spec) do |pkg|
-task :package => :tar
task :default do
sh %{rake -T}
# Aliases for spec
-task :test => [:spec]
-task :tests => [:spec]
-task :specs => [:spec]
+task :tests => [:test]
+task :specs => [:test]
-RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new do |t|
+desc "Run all specs"
+RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:test) do |t|
t.pattern ='spec/{unit,integration}/**/*_spec.rb'
t.fail_on_error = true
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new('spec:rcov') do |t|