lib/facet/binaryreader.rb in facets-0.7.2 vs lib/facet/binaryreader.rb in facets-0.9.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,194 +2 @@
-#:title: BinaryReader
-# BinaryReader
-# v 0.9.1
-# Copyright (c) 2003 Michael Neumann
-# Ruby License
-# This module is free software. You may use, modify, and/or redistribute this
-# software under the same terms as Ruby.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# $Id: binaryreader.rb,v 0.9.1 2005/04/28 03:10:10 transami Exp $
-# ==========================================================================
-# Revision History ::
-# YYYY.MM.DD Ver. Dev. Description
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# 2005.04.28 0.9.1 TO Minor modifications to documentation.
-# ==========================================================================
-# = Description
-# This mixin solely depends on method read(n), which must be
-# defined in the class/module where you mix in this module.
-# == Synopsis
-# # [To be done]
-# == Author(s)
-# * Michael Neumann
-require 'facet/byteorder'
-module BinaryReader
- VERSION = '0.9.1'
- # default is native byte-order
- def byte_order
- @byte_order || ByteOrder::Native
- end
- def byte_order=(new_byteorder)
- @byte_order = new_byteorder
- end
- alias byteorder byte_order
- alias byteorder= byte_order=
- # == 8 bit
- # no byteorder for 8 bit!
- def read_word8
- ru(1, 'C')
- end
- def read_int8
- ru(1, 'c')
- end
- # == 16 bit
- # === Unsigned
- def read_word16_native
- ru(2, 'S')
- end
- def read_word16_little
- ru(2, 'v')
- end
- def read_word16_big
- ru(2, 'n')
- end
- # === Signed
- def read_int16_native
- ru(2, 's')
- end
- def read_int16_little
- # swap bytes if native=big (but we want little)
- ru_swap(2, 's', ByteOrder::Big)
- end
- def read_int16_big
- # swap bytes if native=little (but we want big)
- ru_swap(2, 's', ByteOrder::Little)
- end
- # == 32 bit
- # === Unsigned
- def read_word32_native
- ru(4, 'L')
- end
- def read_word32_little
- ru(4, 'V')
- end
- def read_word32_big
- ru(4, 'N')
- end
- # === Signed
- def read_int32_native
- ru(4, 'l')
- end
- def read_int32_little
- # swap bytes if native=big (but we want little)
- ru_swap(4, 'l', ByteOrder::Big)
- end
- def read_int32_big
- # swap bytes if native=little (but we want big)
- ru_swap(4, 'l', ByteOrder::Little)
- end
- # == Aliases
- alias read_uint8 read_word8
- # add some short-cut functions
- %w(word16 int16 word32 int32).each do |typ|
- eval %{
- alias read_#{typ}_network read_#{typ}_big
- def read_#{typ}(byte_order = nil)
- case byte_order || @byte_order
- when ByteOrder::Native then read_#{typ}_native
- when ByteOrder::Little then read_#{typ}_little
- when ByteOrder::Network then read_#{typ}_network
- else raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- }
- end
- {:word16 => :uint16, :word32 => :uint32}.each do |old, new|
- ['', '_native', '_little', '_big', '_network'].each do |bo|
- eval %{
- alias read_#{new}#{bo} read_#{old}#{bo}
- }
- end
- end
- def read_cstring
- str = ""
- while (c=readn(1)) != "\0"
- str << c
- end
- str
- end
- # read exactly n characters, otherwise raise an exception.
- def readn(n)
- str = read(n)
- raise "couldn't read #{n} characters" if str.nil? or str.size != n
- str
- end
- private
- # shortcut method for readn+unpack
- def ru(size, template)
- readn(size).unpack(template).first
- end
- # same as method +ru+, but swap bytes if native byteorder == _byteorder_
- def ru_swap(size, template, byteorder)
- str = readn(size)
- str.reverse! if ByteOrder.byteorder == byteorder
- str.unpack(template).first
- end
+require 'mega/binaryreader.rb'
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