lib/core/facets/hash/op.rb in facets-2.4.4 vs lib/core/facets/hash/op.rb in facets-2.4.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,85 +1,7 @@
-class Hash
- # Hash intersection. Two hashes intersect
- # when their pairs are equal.
- #
- # {:a=>1,:b=>2} & {:a=>1,:c=>3} #=> {:a=>1}
- #
- # A hash can also be intersected with an array
- # to intersect keys only.
- #
- # {:a=>1,:b=>2} & [:a,:c] #=> {:a=>1}
- #
- # The later form is similar to #pairs_at. The differ only
- # in that #pairs_at will return a nil value for a key
- # not in the hash, but #& will not.
- #
- # CREDIT: Trans
- def &(other)
- case other
- when Array
- k = (keys & other)
- Hash[*(*k)).flatten)]
- else
- x = (to_a & other.to_a).inject([]) do |a, kv|
- a.concat kv; a
- end
- Hash[*x]
- end
- end
- # Operator for #reverse_merge.
- #
- # CREDIT: Trans
- def |(other)
- other.merge(self)
- end
- # Operator for #merge.
- #
- # CREDIT: Trans
- def +(other)
- merge(other)
- end
- # Operator for remove hash paris. If another hash is given
- # the pairs are only removed if both key and value are equal.
- # If an array is given then matching keys are removed.
- #
- # CREDIT: Trans
- def -(other)
- h = self.dup
- if other.respond_to?(:to_ary)
- other.to_ary.each do |k|
- h.delete(k)
- end
- else
- other.each do |k,v|
- if h.key?(k)
- h.delete(k) if v == h[k]
- end
- end
- end
- h
- end
- # Like merge operator '+' but merges in reverse order.
- #
- # h1 = { :a=>1 }
- # h2 = { :a=>2, :b=>3 }
- #
- # h1 + h2 #=> { :a=>2, :b=>3 }
- # h1 * h2 #=> { :a=>1, :b=>3 }
- #
- # CREDIT: Trans
- def *(other)
- other.merge(self)
- end
+require 'facets/hash/op_and'
+require 'facets/hash/op_or'
+require 'facets/hash/op_add'
+require 'facets/hash/op_sub'
+require 'facets/hash/op_mul'
+require 'facets/hash/op_push'